samedi 1 octobre 2016

Free offer from Post-Scientology Spiritual Rescue Technology to Members of ESMB

Free offer from Post-Scientology Spiritual Rescue Technology to Members and Former Members of ESMB.

BACKGROUND: Spiritual Rescue Technology (SRT) is a post-Scientology spiritual counseling practice where instead of eradicating spiritual entities (referred to as Body Thetans or BTs in Scientology) one learns to communicate and enter into a mutually beneficial relationship with them. SRT is also a practice where, as has recently been discussed here, one can purportedly communicate with the dead.

Possibly Helpful Advice: Unhappy With Your Results From Scientology?

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Unhappy With Your Results From Scientology?

If you are a Scientologist or former Scientologist who is tired of waiting for results from your OT levels, you might want to chat with me about Spiritual Rescue Technology (SRT). After 25 years of delivering Scientology processes, I decided to find a way to produce better results and with the help of many friends, I did that.

We are producing all of the results that can be obtained from the OT levels, NOTs, and the Ls and we deliver them safely to people right off the street.

We treat you and your spiritual beings as friends who may be in need of help and the results we get are uniformly spectacular.
You can contact me at and on Skype at davidstlawrence-oldauditor. Let me know what you are interested in handling and I will set up a time for us to chat on Skype.

If you want to get up to speed quickly before chatting with me, download and read my book, “Introducing Spiritual Rescue Technology”

If you read my book and it indicates to you as being on the mark, I will give you a free introductory SRT session. If you are a member or former member of the Ex Scientologist Message Board, I will give you TWO free sessions as you are one of the rare people who think for yourself and I want to encourage you to continue doing that.

David St Lawrence
Former Mission Holder
Former Grad V auditor and OT VII
Spiritual Rescue Technology Teacher and Counselor

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Free offer from Post-Scientology Spiritual Rescue Technology to Members of ESMB

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