dimanche 31 juillet 2016

Wog tech vs space opera

If lrh actually had full whole track recall of quadrillions of years containing huge ancient advanced space age civilizations he could have predicted the internet and would have been an inventor producing countless advances in science politics medical manufacturing etc etc etc

He didn't bring anything, the only thing he claimed was recalled from advanced space civilizations I believe was a missing division for his org board

All he used that was technical was the emeter which he didn't make mathison made it

I just listened to rj67 and he's complaining about "wog tech" engines on his boat... Had that wognition...
Wog tech vs space opera

Experience with a Scientologist

Hello, I am not a Scientologist nor an ex one. I am very interested in Scientology, I have tried to read some Scientology material such as Dianetics but I find it just goes on and on with unsubstantiated claims. So I read other books on it such as 'Road to Xenu', 'Lonesome squirrel' etc and found them intersting.

Anyway when I was child living near Sydney Australia, one weekend I caught a train into the city with a school friend, we had just enough money for train and movie tickets, I can't remember the movie we were going to see. On the way to the movie theatre after getting off the train, a Scientologist jumped in front of us and asked a bunch of questions which you have to answer yes to such as, 'Do you want to be happy in life', 'do you want to be rich' etc so he says follow him and we reluctantly followed and he kept on turning around every 2 seconds making hand gestures this way, follow me, just here etc. We enter his office, someone else is in the tiny office being sold materials and he just sits next to the other Scientologist and we sit at the same table with the other person being sold materials. As soon as we sat he gets out his calculator and starts pressing buttons saying, you'll need this....and you'll need this and this. Ok that will be $200. I said we only had about $20 dollars between us so he took all our money and gave us a copy of Dianetics. So obviously now we had no money to go to the movies so we caught the train back home.
Experience with a Scientologist

samedi 30 juillet 2016

Is the Scientology Personality Test Scientific?

I just found this article online and thought I'd share it:

Is the Scientology Personality Test Scientific?

vendredi 29 juillet 2016

Ex Scientology Humanitarian Society

There is a feeling that can find its expression through this:

The ExScientologist Humanitarian Society.

What is it?

It's a table and 2 chairs across the street from Flag, across the street from PAC, across the street from any org. It has a banner behind it or dangling from the table that says what it is - The ExScientologist Humanitarian Society. It has an 800 phone number. It has a brochure. It has a business card, it has an email address, it has a website.

It is funded by anyone, but mostly by people who care, people who KNOW what dedication is. Who know WHY Scientology is, or was, important. And who have gone through the excruciating personal torture of change. Change in understandings, attitudes and beliefs. For some it was easier - those whose understanding of the tech was not as deep, those who's commitment was not founded on hundreds or thousands of personal experiences that Scientology did WORK.

But as we all now know there were layers of the onion we did not know. Policies of hurt written and enforced by Ron we did not know. Lies & Deceits put out by the old man himself. Aberrations of the tech also created by the old man. That the man had multiple personalities: a technical genius, a hungerer for money, a paranoid, an actor and more.

Most Scns were grabbed through the appeal of a tech that apparently delivered on the promise of a better world, better conditions. And we didn't let go of those beliefs. Only after leaving can grips be loosened and reason get back to work again and begin to pervade.

Most of us experienced the loss of all friends, business clients and a world attitude. We definitely knew loss and loneliness.

Many had nowhere to go. That reality of nowhere to go, no money to get anywhere, no food, no shelter also acted as a preventative to leaving.


Across the street from the org is a table & 2 chairs and a guy who a staffer wanting to get out can go to.

He can go there knowing that he can get a safe place to sleep tonight or for a week. He can get good food. He can get a safe place to get away and gather his thoughts. He can see if there is contact info and messages from old friends, family, loved ones. He can get a message to them or anyone. He an get an immediate first class ticket to anywhere - now. And a driver to get him to the airport and on the plane - now.

He can talk to someone who really knows the position he is in.

He can get contact info for people & groups who have been through what he is facing and are willing to help.

If he wants it he can even get contact info for exit counseling.

He can get away.

All this is paid for by humanitarian ex-scientologists.

A fund can be there: donations for anyone, donations for specific people still on staff.

Many of us have donated much too much to false church causes. Projects that never came through.

Now one can donate to making it MUCH easier to leave the church.

Have your letters to your loved ones on staff been undelivered? Now you can send those messages to the guy across the street from the org. You can enter your messages, contact info into the ExScientologist Humanitarian Society database. And if and when your loved one comes across the street they can get your message, info, money, understanding, compassion & love.

This does not exist yet.

Whats needed to make this happen?
Ex Scientology Humanitarian Society

Yekaterinburg, Russia: Scientology premises searched and documents seized

Yekaterinburg, Russia: Scientology premises searched and documents seized.

Courtesy The Wrong Guy on WWP: http://ift.tt/2aDF3JH

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

This article was published today, in Russian.

В офисе екатеринбургских сайентологов прошли обыски с участием ФСБ и ОМОН | Вечерние ведомости


Here's a translation, from Google Translate. Quote:

In the office Yekaterinburg Scientologists were searched with the participation of the FSB and OMON

In the office of Scientology in Yekaterinburg held with searches involving employees of Federal Security Service of the Sverdlovsk region, investigators of the Center for Extremism Prevention Research Affairs of Russia in Sverdlovsk region and their colleagues from the Department of Economic Security and anti-corruption of the regional police cupola.

As it became known veved.ru, seizure of documents occurred at the power accompanied by riot police on July 26 at the headquarters of NP "Ural Distribution Center of Dianetics and Scientology", located in the building number 86 on the street Belinsky. The event started early in the morning and ended late in the evening - the building operatives carried several boxes of financial documents.

According to the publication source in the near future, "the clergy-Hubbardists" may become defendants in a criminal case under Part. 2 tbsp. 171 of the Criminal Code (illegal business).

According to preliminary data, adherents scientists suspect that they are doing business without a license for educational activity, drawing revenue on a large scale.

It should be noted that similar searches a month ago held in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad region.

As previously reported, the Scientology church - one of the most aggressive totalitarian sects, which followers are about 500 thousand Russians.

Scientology came up with an American science fiction Ron Hubbard, has repeatedly been accused of fraud. The new religion arose at the intersection of theology and pseudoscience invented. The result was "Scientology" ( "knowledge of knowledge"), with the task of making the motion.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * *
Yekaterinburg, Russia: Scientology premises searched and documents seized

The Curious Rise of Scientology in Taiwan

The Curious Rise of Scientology in Taiwan.

The Atlantic: The Curious Rise of Scientology in Taiwan


* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

The Curious Rise of Scientology in Taiwan

A church facing setbacks elsewhere finds an unlikely foothold.

Benjamin Carlson 10:07 AM ET

At the end of 2013, in the low-slung, industrial Taiwanese city of Kaohsiung, a bevy of officials came to attend the ribbon cutting of a huge former hotel that had undergone a top-to-bottom, multimillion-dollar renovation. Speaking before the throngs of celebrants who blocked the flow of traffic, Taiwan’s deputy director of the Ministry of the Interior praised the group that funded the renovation and presented them, for the 10th year straight, with the national “Excellent Religious Group” award.

“For years you have dedicated your time and lives to anti-drug work and human- rights dissemination,” said the director, echoing praise offered by the mayor’s office and the president’s national-policy adviser.

The name on the award was the same as the one newly blazoned in steel letters across the building’s façade, the same as the one that flanked the building in a gigantic vertical banner, a name that elsewhere might draw stares but in Taiwan has drawn government praise: SCIENTOLOGY.

Scientology around the world is in broad retreat, but to be in Taiwan you would never know that. In an area slightly smaller than the combined size of Delaware and Maryland, with a total population of 23.4 million—roughly the same as that of the New York metropolitan area—Taiwan has 15 Scientology missions and churches.

Per capita, it’s one of the most Scientology-friendly countries on earth. The island serves as a major source of donations and new members for the church, which has capitalized on L. Ron Hubbard’s early suggestions that he was a new Buddha. In a sign of Taiwan’s importance to the church, Scientology chief David Miscavige also attended the 2013 Kaohsiung reopening of the hotel as a Scientology megachurch.


* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
The Curious Rise of Scientology in Taiwan

Is auditing a form of hypnosis?

I found this today on the CBS News site. It's a recently-released study on hypnosis conducted by (gasp) the psychs.

Since I never had any auditing done while on an e-meter I'm curious to hear from those who have whether what is reported in this study can correlate in any way with their auditing.

I find it interesting that they report that hypnosis can affect skin conductance. Could that in itself affect e-meter reads? Just curious.

Is auditing a form of hypnosis?

The Ron's Ramblings Thread

This thread is designed to document diverse rants, ramblings and musings of Hubbard. They may be contained in LRH EDs, LRH Orders, private letters or in "LRH Advices", such as the following one, written during a time when Hubbard was officially "off lines". It was directed at the "Director of Registration" of the FSO, shortly after the organization had been set up their headquarters in the city of Clearwater:

The Ron's Ramblings Thread

jeudi 28 juillet 2016

Chris Shelton reviews the book Scientology by James R. Lewis

Chris Shelton reviews the book Scientology by James R. Lewis.

Deconstructing Scientology: Introduction

Chris Shelton

Published on Jul 28, 2016
In this new video series, I'm taking on Scientology academic apologists by deconstructing the book Scientology by James R. Lewis, chapter by chapter. In this first video, I look at the book's introduction.

My book, Scientology: A to Xenu, is available here:
Paperback: https://goo.gl/yYIl2t
Kindle edition: http://goo.gl/K51ySi
Audio edition: http://goo.gl/1yvlYS

Subscribe to my podcast at http://ift.tt/2a8nE6T or on iTunes at https://goo.gl/1QDUHS

For more information and articles from me, check out my blog at http://ift.tt/1wgSXpq

Please consider supporting this channel and helping me to offer more and better content.
Patreon: http://ift.tt/2a8nrAG
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Chris Shelton reviews the book Scientology by James R. Lewis

NEW BOOK - Scientology in Popular Culture: Influences and Struggles for Legitimacy

NEW BOOK - Scientology in Popular Culture: Influences and Struggles for Legitimacy.

Amazon: Scientology in Popular Culture: Influences and Struggles for Legitimacy


* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Scientology in Popular Culture: Influences and Struggles for Legitimacy Hardcover – January 31, 2017
by Stephen A. Kent (Author), Susan Raine Ph.D. (Author)

This multidisciplinary study of Scientology examines the organization and the controversies around it through the lens of popular culture, referencing movies, television, print, and the Internet?an unusual perspective that will engage a wide range of readers and researchers.

• Discusses Scientology within the framework of popular culture, which is how most people outside the religion come in contact with it

• Approaches the study of Scientology from multiple viewpoints, enabling readers to have an informed, multicultural perspective on the religious group's beliefs and practices from which to form their own opinion

• Presents information about Scientology derived from one of the largest university archive collections on the subject worldwide, with a number of documents never before having been referenced in scholarship

Editorial Reviews

About the Author

Stephen A. Kent, PhD, is professor of sociology at the University of Alberta, where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on the sociology of religion and the sociology of sectarian groups.

Susan Raine is assistant professor in the Sociology Department at MacEwan University in Edmonton, Canada.

Product Details
Hardcover: 321 pages
Publisher: Praeger (January 31, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1440832498
ISBN-13: 978-1440832499
Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

HT - Once Born on Tony Ortega's blog: http://ift.tt/2ag2wS5

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version.  Name: Scientology in Popular Culture - Influences and Struggles for Legitimacy.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 52.7 KB  ID: 12930  
NEW BOOK - Scientology in Popular Culture: Influences and Struggles for Legitimacy

Best J & D memories !

Ah, at CC La Brea - someone was moaning to TR Bob about having tightly strapped their e meter ( one of those wooden box things ) to the back of their motorcycle to secure only to get to the org & find parts rattling around in the box.

TR Bob asked ' Did you have your meter set on transit " ?

I almost fell down the stairs when I heard him ask that.


Also saw the cram of a student who following exactly the HCOB of what to do while the PC looked for an incident : make notes on worksheet.

So, he drew notes on his worksheets the half notes, quarter notes, whole notes, etc.


Or the new student answering why he was late to class said to the sup " Because your clock is 2 minutes fast ". Uh, got at trip to ethics !


AOLA said to person sent to ethics to handle other practices said to EO " Yoga is not another religious practice, it is an exercise. Do you have a dictionary to look that up " ? ( Uh, funny, but didn't end well ! )


As a friend said to me on reading that " pain & sex " thing . . . . . . . " You have to remember he was an old man when he wrote that shit "!
Best J & D memories !

mercredi 27 juillet 2016

Scientology joins Ban The Box movement to help job applicants with criminal records

Scientology joins Ban The Box movement to help job applicants with criminal records.

By way of background, the Wikipdia article on the subject explains:


* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Ban the Box is the name of an international campaign by civil rights groups and advocates for ex-offenders, aimed at persuading employers to remove from their hiring applications the check box that asks if applicants have a criminal record. Its purpose is to enable ex-offenders to display their qualifications in the hiring process before being asked about their criminal records. The premise of the campaign is that anything that makes it harder for ex-offenders to find a job makes it likelier that they will re-offend, which is bad for society.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

The following represents yet another very successful effort by the Church of Scientology to build relationships, create alliances, procure allies, and establish its reputation as an organization concerned with civil rights. Please note the other signatories to this letter.

Do not underestimate this.


The Leadership Conference: Re: Proposed Rule Regarding Recruitment, Selection, and Placement (General) and Suitability, 81 Fed. Reg. 26173 (May 2, 2016), RIN: 3206-AN25


* * * * * BEGIN QUOTATION * * * * *

Re: Proposed Rule Regarding Recruitment, Selection, and Placement (General) and Suitability, 81 Fed. Reg. 26173 (May 2, 2016), RIN: 3206-AN25

Advocacy Letter - 07/01/16

Source: The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
Recipient: Kimberly A. Holden

View the PDF of this letter here.

Kimberly A. Holden
Deputy Associate Director for Recruitment and Hiring
U.S. Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street NW
Room 6351D
Washington, DC 20415

Dear Ms. Holden:

On behalf of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, the National Employment Law Project, All of Us or None,

JustLeadershipUSA, Southern Coalition for Social Justice, PolicyLink, the PICO National Network, the American Civil Liberties Union, the AFL-CIO, and the 63 undersigned organizations, representing faith leaders, criminal justice reform groups, and civil and human rights advocates, we write to offer our strong support for the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) proposed rules on Recruitment, Selection, and Placement (General) and Suitability.

We applaud the rule’s requirement that federal agencies “ban the box” in the hiring process and postpone a request for conviction information from job applicants until the individual has received a conditional offer of employment. Indeed, the rules will take the federal government one step closer to becoming a “model employer” of people with records, which the Federal Interagency Reentry Council identified as a top priority.[1] As described below, we also join The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the National Employment Law Project, the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, the American Civil Liberties Union and Legal Services for Prisoners with Children in urging OPM to strengthen the proposed regulations in several key areas.[2]

An estimated 70 million adults have arrests or convictions that will show up on routine background checks.[3] Studies demonstrate that the disclosure of a criminal record by an otherwise qualified applicant can reduce the likelihood of a callback or job offer by nearly 50 percent.[4] As the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has recognized, requiring a background check can have an even more acute impact on individuals from communities of color due to the racial profiling and discriminatory practices that persist at each stage of the justice system.[5]

The “ban the box” movement, which has been embraced by 24 states and over 100 cities and counties around the nation, was launched over a decade ago by All of Us or None, an organization founded and led by formerly incarcerated individuals and their families. In those communities that have adopted ban the box, the laws have significantly improved the hiring rates of people with records.[6] We value OPM’s leadership in building on the movement’s success, and we endorse OPM’s compelling justification for the new rules, which seek to “encourage applicants from all segments of society to seek Federal employment, and to ensure that for most Federal jobs, individuals with prior criminal or other adverse history are given the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and ability in a fair and open competition.”[7]

Additionally, when inquiries into conviction histories are posed earlier in the hiring process, it leads to less clarity for the agency and the job applicant regarding the rationale for the agency’s background check determination and more opportunity for bias to enter the hiring process. Therefore, OPM’s regulations will ensure that use of background checks by federal employers are more efficiently, effectively, and fairly enforced. As OPM recognized as well, early inquiries into an applicant’s record “could have the effect of discouraging motivated, well-qualified individuals from applying for a Federal job[,]”[8] thus undermining a core goal of the federal government to recruit a strong pool of qualified candidates.

By banning the box in the hiring process, the federal government is also helping to improve public safety and boost the economy.[9] Because employment is the most important influence in decreasing recidivism,[10] the ban the box regulations will reduce federal barriers to successful reentry by ensuring that qualified job applicants can support themselves and their families. Thus, it will help to reverse the effects that exclusion of individuals with criminal histories has had on the economy. In 2014 alone, poor job prospects for formerly incarcerated individuals reduced U.S. GDP by as much as $87 billion.[11]

While we strongly support OPM’s proposed regulations extending the arrest and conviction history inquiry until the conditional offer stage of the hiring process, we share several of the concerns expressed in the detailed comments submitted by The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the National Employment Law Project, the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, the American Civil Liberties Union, and Legal Services for Prisoners with Children.

First, we strongly urge OPM to prohibit any exceptions to banning the box in the hiring process. However, to the extent that OPM adopts case-by-case exceptions, the regulations should prevent further discrimination against qualified applicants by ensuring that all agencies are complying with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and by expressly incorporating the key features of the guidelines adopted by the EEOC in 2012 regulating the consideration of arrest and conviction records in hiring decisions.[12] By incorporating the EEOC guidelines, OPM will also be addressing prior concerns expressed by the EEOC with OPM’s “suitability” regulations.[13] Second, we urge OPM to expand the reach of the new policy beyond “competitive service” workers to include the large numbers of federal workers employed in “excepted service” positions. Finally, in the event that OPM does not have the independent authority to extend the new regulation to all federal contractors across the federal government, we urge OPM to adopt the policy as applied to its contractors and to recommend that other federal agencies similarly do so.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this proposed rule. We applaud your leadership in ensuring that all segments of society, including the vast segment of people with arrest or conviction histories, receive equal opportunity in federal employment. We offer our strong support for the proposed rules and urge its swift implementation to prevent any more qualified applicants from being unfairly locked out of the federal job market. If you have any questions, please contact Sakira Cook, Counsel, at cook@civilrights.org or (202) 263-2894.


9to5 California

9to5 Colorado

9to5 Georgia

9to5, National Association of Working Women

9to5 Wisconsin


All Eyes On Africa Communications

All of Us or None

American Civil Liberties Union

American Federation of Teachers (AFT)

Amnesty International USA

Anti-Defamation League

Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO (APALA)

Black Alliance for Just Immigration

Black Women's Roundtable

Black Youth Vote!, NCBCP

Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law

The Center for Church and Community

Center for Community Change Action

Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO)

The Center for HIV Law and Policy

Church of Scientology National Affairs Office

Coalition on Human Needs

CURE (Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants)

Disciples Center for Public Witness

Drug Policy Alliance

Ella Baker Center for Human Rights

Heartland Alliance

House of Dreams Outreach

Interfaith Action for Human Rights

Jewish Council for Public Affairs


Kentucky Council of Churches

LatinoJustice PRLDEF

Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights

Legal Services for Prisoners with Children

Mommieactivist and sons



NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.

National African American Drug Policy Coalition, Inc.

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

National Association of Social Workers

National Center for Lesbian Rights

National Center for Transgender Equality

National Coalition on Black Civic Participation

National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (NCAPA)

National Council of Churches, USA

National Council of Jewish Women

National Council of La Raza (NCLR)

National Employment Law Project

National Employment Lawyers Association

National Immigration Law Center

National LGBTQ Task Force

National Low Income Housing Coalition

National Urban League


PICO National Network

PICO Network LIVE FREE Campaign


The Sentencing Project

Service Employees International Union (SEIU)

Sex Workers Project at the Urban Justice Center

Southern Coalition for Social Justice

Southern Poverty Law Center


Transformative Justice Coalition

T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights

United States Student Association

Voice of the Experienced

Voices for a Second Chance

Women Who Never Give Up, Inc.

[1] Federal Interagency Reentry Council, Employment Snapshot (Aug. 2015), available at http://ift.tt/2ayv3kX.

[2] Comments from The Leadership Conference et.al., To The Office of Personnel Management regarding Proposed Rule Regarding Recruitment, Selection, and Placement (General) and Suitability, 81 Fed. Reg. 26173 (May 2, 2016), RIN: 3206-AN25, available at,


[3] Maurice Emsellem & Michelle Natividad Rodriguez, National Employment Law Project, Advancing a Federal Fair Chance Hiring Agenda (Jan. 2015), available at http://ift.tt/2ayvdJ9.

[4] Devah Pager, Bruce Western & Naomi Sugie, Sequencing Disadvantage: Barriers to Employment Facing Young Black and White Men with Criminal Records, 623(1) Ann Am Acad Pol Soc Sci. 195, 198 (2013) (Author Manuscript), available at http://ift.tt/2ayvyLX.

[5] U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, EEOC Enforcement Guidance: Consideration of Arrest and Conviction Records in Employment Decisions Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Apr. 25, 2012), available at http://ift.tt/2ayvk7B.

[6] The Office of the District of Columbia Auditor, The Impact of “Ban the Box” in the District of Columbia (June 10, 2016), available at http://ift.tt/2ayw6RQ; Southern Coalition for Social Justice, The Benefits of Ban the Box: A Case Study of Durham, NC (2014), available at http://ift.tt/2ayv48F.

[7] 81 Fed.Reg. 26173, 26174 (May 2, 2016) (to be codified at 5. C.F.R. pts. 330 & 731).

Federal Interagency Resource Council, Overview (Aug. 2015), available at http://ift.tt/2ayvbAU.


[10] Mark T. Berg & Beth M. Huebner, Reentry and the Ties that Bind: An Examination of Social Ties, Employment, and Recidivism (2011), available at http://ift.tt/2ayvpZ5.

[11] Cherrie Bucknor & Alan Barber, Center for Economic Policy Research, The Price We Pay: Economic Costs of Barriers to Employment for Former Prisoners and People Convicted of Felonies (June 2016), available at


[12] U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, EEOC Enforcement Guidance: Consideration of Arrest and Conviction Records in Employment Decisions under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Apr. 25, 2012) (The EEOC guidelines, which implement Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, state that federal agency officials should be directed to take into account the age of the offense, the nature of the offense, and whether the offense is directly related to the job; and to conduct an “individualized assessment” providing the candidate an opportunity to present evidence of rehabilitation and verify the accuracy of the record.), available at http://ift.tt/2ayvk7B.

[13] 5 C.F.R. § 731.202 (2016); Letter to Anna Mazzi, OPM Deputy Associate Director, from Peggy Mastroianni, EEOC Associate Legal Counsel (Mar. 19, 2007), available at http://ift.tt/2ayuOq6.

* * * * * END QUOTATION * * * * *
Scientology joins Ban The Box movement to help job applicants with criminal records

Watch what's happened to Redwood City Mission in CA?

Redwood Mission today, for those who might be wondering.

Watch what's happened to Redwood City Mission in CA?

Mary Tabayoyon RIP

I am sorry to report the death of Mary Tabayoyin.

Mary died from a short but tough battle with cancer on 19th July. Her husband of over 40 years Andre Tabayoyin messaged me.
They both served in the Sea org in Los Angeles and then for years Gold Base/Int Base for 20 years and left all of Scientology behind in 1992.
So what happened?

Mary became pregnant. She was given a choice. Have the baby and leave the Sea Org for a Class IV Org or have an abortion and stay. Now let's not forget, this choice was given to someone who had proven their loyalty for more than 20 years. She was under much pressure to have the abortion in order to stay in the SO. In the end, she had the abortion. After the fact, neither she nor Andre could live with, nor justify, that act. It went against their own private moral code.

Mary and Andre made the decision to leave the church and Int Base. Immediately there was almost a kidnap of their son to sever all connection with them while he was used for slave labor in the Sea org. Their son Casavius was made to disconnect. as punishment for them departing the CULT.

When they left in 1992, the CULT vengefully hid their son going as far as sending him to Sweden or Denmark so that he was 1000's of miles away from them. Scientology 101 vengeance.

Mary and Andre cried out for their son on the web, he never responded. Cult brainwashed to turn against his MOM and DAD.
Mary never got to see her son before she passed.
Shameful CULT.

RIP Mary

Mary Tabayoyon RIP

Narconon Reviews: Is Narconon impersonating Larry Brennan to remove links from Google

Narconon Reviews: Is Narconon impersonating Larry Brennan to remove links from Google

mardi 26 juillet 2016

VIDEO: Ex-Scientology Leader & Trans Icon Kate Bornstein on Scientology Disconnection

VIDEO: Ex-Scientology Leader and Trans Icon Kate Bornstein on Scientology Disconnection.

Broadly: Ex-Scientology Leader and Trans Icon Kate Bornstein on What It Takes to Survive


Video at link.

Discussion about Scientology starts around 3:10.

* * * * * BEGIN INTRODUCTION * * * * *

The transgender movement is now a powerful cultural force, but there are trans elders who have led the way for the recognition and progress that we are making today in the United States. You may recognize her from her role on Caitlyn Jenner's TV show, but Kate Bornstein has been leading a gender revolution for the last 30 years.

Bornstein is one of the most important contributors to gender discourse in the 20th century, and her ideas are still just as radical. Where the trans movement of today has gained momentum in part by developing and advertising a transgender ideology that lines up neatly along a gender binary between male and female, Bornstein's gender identity cannot be easily or neatly categorized.

She was exiled from the Church of Scientology, losing her daughter and the mother of her children. She left behind manhood to become a woman, only to find that the new label she'd adopted also failed to accurately identify her. Not man, not woman, Bornstein was unmoored from society and, still, from herself.

As Bornstein told me during our interview, that was "a dark night of soul." But it is the work Bornstein did in the wake of that disillusioning experience that made her into the indefinable trans auntie of a generation of queer people across the globe. She wrote Gender Outlaw in the early 90s, a queer bible that's still taught in colleges today, outlining Bornstein's non-binary gender opus.

Though Bornstein's work has always served to broaden our understanding of gender, there are people in and out of the transgender community who have reacted with hostility to her message. Bornstein isn't afraid of saying she used to be a man, or claiming the term "tranny" as her own. "It's my name, it's who I am," Bornstein pleaded on I am Cait, as the straight-laced trans female professor and author Jenny Boylan debated Bornstein's use of the controversial word.

But Bornstein has never backed down. She has refused to bend over to assimilationist rhetoric, choosing instead to fiercely embrace the outliers, the rejected, and the freaks. She has given a voice to the silenced and the reviled, advocating for their survival. This is the simple yet profound moral to Bornstein's countercultural fairytale: "Do whatever it takes to survive. Just don't be mean."

* * * * * END INTRODUCTION * * * * *
VIDEO: Ex-Scientology Leader & Trans Icon Kate Bornstein on Scientology Disconnection

VIDEO: Ex-Scientology Leader & Trans Icon Kate Bornstein on What It Takes to Survive

VIDEO: Ex-Scientology Leader and Trans Icon Kate Bornstein on What It Takes to Survive.

Broadly: Ex-Scientology Leader and Trans Icon Kate Bornstein on What It Takes to Survive


Video at link.

Discussion about Scientology starts around 3:10.

* * * * * BEGIN INTRODUCTION * * * * *

The transgender movement is now a powerful cultural force, but there are trans elders who have led the way for the recognition and progress that we are making today in the United States. You may recognize her from her role on Caitlyn Jenner's TV show, but Kate Bornstein has been leading a gender revolution for the last 30 years.

Bornstein is one of the most important contributors to gender discourse in the 20th century, and her ideas are still just as radical. Where the trans movement of today has gained momentum in part by developing and advertising a transgender ideology that lines up neatly along a gender binary between male and female, Bornstein's gender identity cannot be easily or neatly categorized.

She was exiled from the Church of Scientology, losing her daughter and the mother of her children. She left behind manhood to become a woman, only to find that the new label she'd adopted also failed to accurately identify her. Not man, not woman, Bornstein was unmoored from society and, still, from herself.

As Bornstein told me during our interview, that was "a dark night of soul." But it is the work Bornstein did in the wake of that disillusioning experience that made her into the indefinable trans auntie of a generation of queer people across the globe. She wrote Gender Outlaw in the early 90s, a queer bible that's still taught in colleges today, outlining Bornstein's non-binary gender opus.

Though Bornstein's work has always served to broaden our understanding of gender, there are people in and out of the transgender community who have reacted with hostility to her message. Bornstein isn't afraid of saying she used to be a man, or claiming the term "tranny" as her own. "It's my name, it's who I am," Bornstein pleaded on I am Cait, as the straight-laced trans female professor and author Jenny Boylan debated Bornstein's use of the controversial word.

But Bornstein has never backed down. She has refused to bend over to assimilationist rhetoric, choosing instead to fiercely embrace the outliers, the rejected, and the freaks. She has given a voice to the silenced and the reviled, advocating for their survival. This is the simple yet profound moral to Bornstein's countercultural fairytale: "Do whatever it takes to survive. Just don't be mean."

* * * * * END INTRODUCTION * * * * *
VIDEO: Ex-Scientology Leader & Trans Icon Kate Bornstein on What It Takes to Survive

Mary Tabayoyin RIP

I am sorry to report the death of Mary Tabayoyin.

Mary died from a short but tough battle with cancer on 19th July. Her husband of over 30 years Andre Tabayoyin messaged me.
They both served at Gold Base/Int Base for 20 years and left all of Scientology behind in 1992.
So what happened?

Mary became pregnant. She was given a choice. Have the baby and leave the Sea Org for a Class IV Org or have an abortion and stay. Now let's not forget, this choice was given to someone who had proven their loyalty for more than 20 years. She was under much pressure to have the abortion in order to stay in the SO. In the end, she had the abortion. After the fact, neither she nor Andre could live with, nor justify, that act. It went against their own private moral code.

Mary and Andre made the decision to leave the church and Int Base. Immediately there was almost a kidnap of their son to sever all connection with them while he was used for slave labor in the Sea org. Their son Casavius was made to disconnect. as punishment for them departing the CULT.

When they left in 1992, the CULT vengefully hid their son going as far as sending him to Sweden or Denmark so that he was 1000's of miles away from them. Scientology 101 vengeance.

Mary and Andre cried out for their son on the web, he never responded. Cult brainwashed to turn against his MOM and DAD.
Mary never got to see her son before she passed.
Shameful CULT.

RIP Mary

Mary Tabayoyin RIP

lundi 25 juillet 2016

Letters Out

Just received a Letter from AOSH ANZO , to the better half
From a old 1980 address ,
Gee I miss these guys
Hope wifee don't mind ,
I'm keen to find out about lost tech
I lawn mower has packed up again.I need Help
Letters Out

dimanche 24 juillet 2016

Scientology member Stacy Francis sings at Democratic Convention interfaith gathering

Scientology member Stacy Francis sings at Democratic Convention interfaith gathering.


Stacy Francis Scientology Service Completions


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Related threads with background information:

X-Factor Contestant Stacy Francis is a Scientologist


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Stacy Francis = singer on the Tom Cruise birthday video is on "X-Factor" in the US


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X-Factor trainwreck Stacy Francis to sing in Scientology concert, Clearwater, Oct. 4.


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Stacy Francis recruiting Kim Kardashian for Nation of Islam, Scientology, or both?


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Click image for larger version.  Name: StacyFrancisAtDemocraticConvention.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 60.7 KB  ID: 12907  
Scientology member Stacy Francis sings at Democratic Convention interfaith gathering

Independent Scientology Milestone Two article on those who support a "demagogue"

Independent Scientology Milestone Two political article on those who support a "demagogue."

I will note the article does not mention Donal Trump by name. I will also note that that the comment thread on MS2 may be of interest.

Milestone Two: Forever victims


* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Forever victims

Posted by Lana M.July 24, 2016

*This article was provided to MS2 to address the growing political divide in the US — and was written to also communicate to both Scientologists and non-Scientologists alike – Administrator

by Bruce C

This writing began as a personal attempt to better understand the people who flock together in support of a demagogue, especially one that inspires hatred, violence, and death. Authoritarian, even despotic leaders throughout history have always had a strong appeal to certain individuals in our society, and the remainder of our society has always dealt with them with considerable difficulty.

Twists of truth and outright lies, denial or justification of even the most heinous crimes, vilification and character assassination of people of goodwill, uncivil behaviors and speech, war and general mayhem are the everyday milieu of the Unchanging Victims.

They champion revenge in every way; payback for what was done to them is their ultimate goal.

The utter craziness of their world is not easy to look at, and impossible to comprehend.

Opinion becomes truth becomes fact is information is a talking point is a talking head is rant. It’s a mish-mash of madness.

Worship of symbols is a must. Nationalism, Jingoism, and Rugged Individualism, even in their own tight circles becomes a constant game of one-upmanship. Who can wave the flag or spout patriotic bravado the loudest and best?

Humor, which in healthy minds is a “laughing off” of observable absurdities, is degraded into a gleeful joy of inflicting pain and humiliation in others.

A most notable characteristic of Unchanging Victims is they will always accuse others of the crimes that they themselves have already committed. (See second paragraph above)

But of course they are never the guilty. Not ever! They are the victims.

This is perhaps the most tell-telling description for detecting an Unchanging Victim: They cannot be wrong. While they constantly point the finger at all kinds of supposed wrongness everywhere around us, they themselves are totally incapable of accepting observable facts (reading or seeing) that would expose the fallacy of their claims of victimhood.

They themselves are completely guiltless; just ask them, they will tell you. And if cornered by facts and forced (they do “understand” force) to confess, their admissions will somehow be backwards, covertly blaming something or someone else for their own sins.

It’s interesting that the word, “victim” comes from the Latin word “victima” which means, “a beast for sacrifice.” That original meaning actually describes them the best.

But what is the mechanism that makes the Unchanging Victim fall down to their knees and worship unconditionally their bringer of death?

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Then why do they flock in support of the petulant and treacherous demagogue?

In simple terms, the tyrant brings them some forceful direction that they lack for themselves. The tyrant, promising them some form of utopia, is their great hope of redemption in a future life. The tyrant is, in their minds, responsible for relieving their sins. The tyrant, in their thinking, will bring an end to their personal sufferings.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Independent Scientology Milestone Two article on those who support a "demagogue"

Help Amber Cromwell raise $7,000 for her lifetime Scientology (IAS) membership!

Help Amber Cromwell raise $7,000 for her lifetime Scientology (IAS) membership!

Interestingly, in the U.S. a Lifetime Membership in the IAS is only U.S. $5,000 -- see

-- but Amber is asking for $7,000. Does it cost CAD $7,000 in Canada?

Go Fund Me: IAS Membership


* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Created July 7, 2016

Amber Cromwell

Halifax, NS

IAS Membership

I need your help!

I need to pay for my Lifetime IAS membership before my Mission Holder Application can be processed.

I knew immediately after doing the DMSMH seminar that I was a staff member. I wanted to tell everyone about Scientology and that the truth was there for them to have.

Having found Scientology in my third year of university, undergoing a bachelor of Social work I soon realized this was the real way to help others.

I have now been in Scientology for almost 6 years, 4 years as a staff member. I am the PES, Flag trained Purif IC and acting ED.

I want to be the mission holder to take our mission to ideal and soon after, org size. We NEED an Org in Nova Scotia because our closest Org is 1000 miles away.

We are moving into a new Buliding in August, with space for a standard Purif Space, SRD courseroom and auditing rooms.

I have recently left my job teaching to go full time to make the mission a stable viable monetary option for all the staff.

Your donations mean so much, and I will pay it forward a thousand times!

Thank you !

Help spread the word!

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

HT - BraveBloggers on Tony Ortega's website: http://ift.tt/2a6cF0H

Help Amber Cromwell raise $7,000 for her lifetime Scientology (IAS) membership!

samedi 23 juillet 2016

Guitar Legend Al Di Meola blames Scientology for breaking up band Return to Forever

Guitar Legend Al Di Meola blames Scientology for breaking up the band Return to Forever.

"Chick" refers to Chick Corea.

Ultimate Guitar: An Interview With Guitar Legend Al Di Meola - Part 1


* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

In 1976, Return to Forever recorded the third and last album: "Romantic Warrior." Could the band have gone on longer?

Oh, god. Yes. C'mon, this band should have never, ever broken up. It was the biggest mistake Chick ever made.

Why did the band break up?

I blame a lot of it on Scientology. It's a really fucked up religion and the poor guy got caught up in it. It's a shame because here's a band that should have had a minimum of 10 more records further developed after "Romantic Warrior" without a problem then 40 years went by. We could have had at least 10 more landmark records.

That really is tragic.

But we were dealing with Scientology and the heavily religious ideology that Chick was obsessed with much to his detriment and the fans too. His ego was out of control and it's just a shame. I give credit where credit's due.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Chick, Stanley and Lenny all play on your first "Land of the Midnight Sun" album. You still had a relationship with them at that point?

Those were very friendly times still. The first couple of years were very friendly and I was still the kid and still so happy to be there. I was - let's say in Scientology terms - controllable. But as I gained a little bit more notoriety and my records started to outsell their records by times 10, I had a little bit more of a voice. That's why "Romantic Warrior" is 100 percent a better record by far than the other two records soundwise.

Is that because you were getting more of a voice in the band?

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

HT - chukicita on Tony Ortega's blog: http://ift.tt/2a4ll4k

Guitar Legend Al Di Meola blames Scientology for breaking up band Return to Forever

Scientology VM ADs / FILE COMPLAINT with CNN/ HLN for obtaining blood money

I received a call from a good friend just now from the Midwest. He was watching HLN Forensic Files and a Scientology Volunteer Minister commercial came on.:omg::no::nervous: He knew we were in...we tried to disseminate Scientology to him and his family } :blush: and he was the first one we called when we had enough "confront" to face our transgression of getting ourselves trapped in Scientology, facing the truth and leaving for good.

We WENT CLEAR and then came clean to him. He helped us laugh at ourselves for getting so bamboozled in the cult of Scientology.

He is a great friend for sure! We just love him and named our last born after him and made him the Godfather! He keeps us up to date with the entheta news about the cult of Scientology cuz we don't read the paper or watch the news much! He loves to follow it. I think he is on several blogs as well...a true humanitarian.

He said it stated something about doing something like helping disasters for 30 years.:unsure::ohmy::eyeroll:

Anyone see it and is this from Scientology Media Productions?:melodramatic:

Here it is folks - more propaganda from Scientology feeding the whales what they want to hear and see but can't obnose the truth if it smacked them in the frozen Xenu H Bomb noggin.:yes:

PLEASE call and write to HLN / CNN and file complaints that Scientology is using BLOOD Money to fund propaganda! The VM program is a total sham.

Scientology VM ADs / FILE COMPLAINT with CNN/ HLN for obtaining blood money

Scientology Volunteer Minister's AD on HLN Forensic Files in the Midwest

I received a call from a good friend just now from the Midwest. He was watching HLN Forensic Files and a Scientology Volunteer Minister commercial came on.:omg::no::nervous: He knew we were in...we tried to disseminate Scientology to him and his family } :blush: and he was the first one we called when we had enough "confront" to face our transgression of getting ourselves trapped in Scientology, facing the truth and leaving for good. We came clean and he made us laugh at ourselves. A great friend for sure! We just love him and named our last born after him and made him the Godfather!

He said it stated something about doing something like helping disasters for 30 years.:unsure::ohmy::eyeroll:

Anyone see it and is this from Scientology Media Productions?:melodramatic:

Here it is folks - more propaganda from Scientology feeding the whales what they want to hear and see but can't obnose the truth if it smacked them in the frozen Xenu H Bomb noggin.:yes:
Scientology Volunteer Minister's AD on HLN Forensic Files in the Midwest

"Allahu Akbar Tom Cruise"


"Allahu Akbar Tom Cruise" - Star helps police after man threatens Church of Scientology

A MAN who “likes to do suicide bombings” has called up the Church of Scientology and said “Allahu Akbar Tom Cruise”.
PUBLISHED: 21:45, Sat, Jul 23, 2016 | UPDATED: 22:23, Sat, Jul 23, 2016

The Mission Impossible star has been asked to help police after a man called up the Chürch of Scientology - which Mr Cruise is very high up in - making threats.

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) said the man called up in April and said: “Are there any bombings I can do?"

He told them he was a Muslim, TMZ reported.

The caller said he “liked to do suicide bombings”.

According to police documents obtained by TMZ, the caller then started singing: “Allahu Akbar, Tom Cruise.”

Allahu Akbar - Arabic for God is great - is often shouted by Islamist jihadis during attacks.

After singing the threatening phrase, he hung up.

There is no suggestion the famous actor was personally involved in the incident.

LAPD is now hunting for the man in order to question him.
"Allahu Akbar Tom Cruise"

German Federal Office warns consumers to stay away from Sci info booths

The German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution is warning consumers to stay away fromSci info booths in Bergedorf, Hamburg.


The group has already been found operating under different names in Germany, and according to the recent statement from the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Hamburg residents are being warned about particular ad stands featuring the most common anti-drug slogan of all.

The statement says the campaign is not linked to any drug rehab clinic or counseling service, but instead leads to a conversation with an agent of the Church of Scientology, as it tries to “win over new members.”

The government body explains that “It is well known that the Scientology organization is observed by us, so it is unlikely that a single passerby would be interested if they openly used the ‘SO’ label." Hence the church uses many leaflets, the most common among them ‘The Truth About Drugs’, recognizable from its slogan and the black-and-green color scheme.

It also warns people to steer clear of information booths the church is setting up this Saturday in Bergedorf, Hamburg. As with other leaflets in the campaign, it only gives a brief overview of the organization and encourages people to sign up. Back in 2011, Scientologists also used blogs and videos on social networks to promote their fake ‘Say no to drugs’ campaign.

Is this the first time the government has gone so far as to issue a warning about a booth? I haven't seen it before, just wondering if anyone else had.

Could Sci be in for more restrictions in Germany?
Or is Russia trying to promote it's own anti-Sci agenda using this?
German Federal Office warns consumers to stay away from Sci info booths

Kate Ceberano OTVIII

Click image for larger version.  Name: kateotviii.jpg  Views: 1  Size: 40.4 KB  ID: 12898

So the high priestess of Australian pop (according to her website) is OTVIII.

Maybe she has finally rid herself of the BT clusters that caused her ignominious performance of the national anthem last year.

It has occurred to me that despite Australia's excellent coverage of Scientology - thanks Bryan,Steve and others - Ms Kate still seems to get a free ride and doesn't really attract the ridicule in the mainstream that people like Cruise, Travolta and Alley do.

Her career seems to be mainly in regional tours and anthology releases for mothers day, but dammit, she still seems to be living the life of a successful artist.

At least that's my view from the left coast. I wonder how she is perceived in NSW/Vic?
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Kate Ceberano OTVIII

vendredi 22 juillet 2016

Hello - Thank you for welcoming me here

Hi there.

I've been lurking here for awhile. I'm a never-in, who learned about the Co$ through Chris Shelton around the time Going Clear came out, which I watched. I've been posting just a little bit at the UB, and I also read MR's blog. I've read several of the exes' books. I've became interested in this subject for a few reasons:

1) 1 was in a controlling (platonic) relationship with a narcissistic sociopath at one point, and I came away with a lot of damage.

2) My husband's family was involved with a cult-like group for many years, and he was heavily indoctrinated in a bunch of confusing nonsense for much of his early life. I was very peripherally involved with the group early in our marriage, but was uncomfortable and wanted nothing to do with it. He was ok with that, and we've been able to sever all ties to it ourselves. But his family has resentment about that, and there is a damaged relationship because of this group. My husband has not shed all of the cult-like indoctrination, either, so we still deal with "decompressing".

Chris Shelton's videos and other Co$ exes have taught me A LOT about cult behavior, and the way people try to control/manipulate others. I feel that I've learned a lot to help me deal with my past and also have healthy boundaries moving forward. In the meantime, I've grown to care about the people who are recovering from cults, and those still in. I hope to see the Cult of $ go down in flames, never to rise again, and I pray for the people still caught up in it (I am a person of faith) and those who have loved ones still in.

Thank you for welcoming me here.
Hello - Thank you for welcoming me here

AOSH ANZO for sale - wonder where the money will go?


How will Drunken Maggot use this nice little windfall?:hmm:
AOSH ANZO for sale - wonder where the money will go?

Can Ex members that were top ranking in Scientology discuss their pay?

Hi everyone! Welcome Lurker's and Fuck you OSA, of course.:wink2:

Heh - a bunch of us ex Scientologist's were discussing the Sea Org pay close to the top of the pyramid cult.

We were wondering what the pay was for the top ranking officials of Scientology.

Can and will anyone discuss their pay?

I know Debbie Cook was driving a BMW after she regged the crap out of Maria Pia Gardini and Dave Foster slapped Maria ....an ecclesiastical slap at that....:whistling:Read Maria Pia Gardini's Story if you have not read it....and listen to her. It is sad.


Please - don't feel bad if you made a lot of money....it does not matter at this point - you are OUT!
So many are suppressing Scientology daily too ...and doing a fine job at that.

Besides that - Scientology was rigged that way and no one blames anyone for taking money when they were at the top. Who wouldn't really?

We were wondering why people like Mike and Marty were able to start over. I think they said they had inheritance money...but lower level members are forced and bamboozled out of any inheritance ....it is regged out immediately. Is this true?

Also - David Miscavige claims he gave his father $100,000 (this is listed on the Ron Miscavige hate site) for a new home and that he used his whole inheritance to give to his Dad. He also paid his insurance for years. While he was on the Base - David MIscavige bought him a new casr. (talk about enurement)

Will any of you talk about it and if not, talk about why not?

The lower level Sea Org and Staff are broke when they leave...

At what point or level do the high ranking Officials stop getting paid or only paid $50 per week like the low level slaves?
Can Ex members that were top ranking in Scientology discuss their pay?

The Scn Magazine thread

This thread will be used for posting excerpts from Scientology magazines, such as Freedom, Highwinds, Impact, etc. I start this thread with the "Anti-Scientology Organization Chart" from "Freedom" magazine No. 1, International Edition, 1969. This is how the "psychs" kept their grip upon mankind:

The Scn Magazine thread

New Supar Powers pic leaked:

New Supar Powers pic leaked:

Special Needs for Second Generation Ex-Cult Members

Although this article doesn't specfically mention scientology, it does of course work exactly the same way.

We are now up to 4th or even 5th generation scientologists, and it's a subject I hope gets a lot more discussion and attention. I know it's a problem in my family.


Special Needs for Second Generation Ex-Cult Members
Lorna was quick to remind her audience that in the ex-cult member community there is a growing awareness about the special needs of second generation ex-cultists (SGAs) – those who were born in or raised in a cult compared to first-generation former cultists (FGAs) – those who joined.

She told us that in both cases, the high-control group injects the cult personality into the mind of the individual, forcing the authentic personality into the background. But for SGAs, this means the true self never has an opportunity to develop. Then after leaving the cult, born-ins often have a much more difficult time adjusting to life outside the cult, as there is no formed true self to latch onto. They have to start from scratch, figuring out who they are.
Special Needs for Second Generation Ex-Cult Members

jeudi 21 juillet 2016

Church of Scientology of Harlem opening July 31, 2016

Church of Scientology of Harlem and Community Center opening July 31, 2016.

From Mike Rinder's Thursday Funnies: http://ift.tt/2agG6MA

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Church of Scientology of Harlem opening July 31, 2016

Scientologists vs. Trump Republicans...?

Okay, we've all seen the past videos from COS and now we've had the Trump Convention - so the question is, can you tell them apart by talent alone? :omg:

Which group shows more talent (dancing, singing, etc.) In other words, more "soul"??? [Granted Trump has some heavyweights with Chachi and Antonio Jr, but Davey can counter with Jim Meskimen and Chick Corea.] :melodramatic:

I actually like this version (but you can easily sub in Donald's portrait for LRH at start):

But this is my all time fav:

Scientologists vs. Trump Republicans...?

Attend the Church of Scientology of Pasadena Volunteer Ministers One Hour Photo Shoot

Attend the Church of Scientology of Pasadena Volunteer Ministers One Hour Photo Shoot.

From Mike Rinder's Thursday Funnies: http://ift.tt/2agG6MA

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

One hour VM event for photo shoot

Funny, they don’t actually DO anything. The ONLY call to action for the VMs in Pasadena is for a photo op… Typical

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
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Attend the Church of Scientology of Pasadena Volunteer Ministers One Hour Photo Shoot

"Wins and Cogs" about Scientology after leaving Scientology

this was posted on Tony Ortega's Bunker this morning. I found it helped me to blow more charge and I had many releases.

I thought it was worthy of its own thread.

Please contribute to the motion....share your wognitions, cognitions and realizations now that you are out ABOUT Scientology and what it really is.

"Awesome video Chris Shelton!

Here are some COGS AND WINS we got out of Scientology.
Science is proven in or outside of the bubble of Scientology. Xenu and body thetans can't fit in a Petr dish, they can't be seen by a microscope and they don't exist unless you BELIEVE.
All you have to do to control someone is, on a gradient, make them change their behavior, change the information they will allow into their minds, change their emotions and stop them ( thought stopping techniques), and change their thoughts.
Hence - we start with the Purification Rundown.
No science there - LSD, TCH and other drugs do not store in the fat for any longer than a few weeks...LSD is water soluable. So are other drugs.
The Purification is the baby step to get you to change your behavior...go to the Org, run, sit in a sauna and let the "programming begin" - no Family Circle magazines in the Purif....just (little gradient suggestive books by LRH like 'Have you Lived Before' and 'New Slant on Life' as well other LRH propaganda re: "The Psychs".
It sort of makes sense to get rid of toxins that will cloud your mind...but think about it now for real and get honest and straight!
Cancer is rampant in Scientology - especially among the OT's due to STRESS!

Christianity has the devil to blame. Scientology uses "THE PSYCH'S" and "SP's"
If you invest a ton of money and time - YOU TOO WILL BELIEVE whatever YOU decide to allow in your mind.
If you invest heavily - you too will get others to invest. That is why the OT Committee's have information about THE SHILL in their OT Committee Hat Packs for Ideal Morgue Fundraising activities.
Scientology FEEDS you the suggestive IMPLANTS for what to say for your suckcess story you have to say in order to COMPLETE the SERVICE AND MOVE FORWARD. This is brilliant LRH.
The implants are done when you sit in the 3 hour events.
The videos (they are instructed to make the room cold to keep you awake, feed you propaganda which hypnotises and implants suggestions into your subconscious mind)...
This is done through the "suck sess stories and during the events. Notice Suppressive Scientology keeps the WINS vague and non specific. Then when it is your turn...you don't say anything specific...just BOOM BOOM BOOM....Win after Win after Win.....cognition after cognition after cognition....like in this video (lol) here:

Check it out for yourself. How many OT's turned to the large photo of LRH, saluted and said "THANK YOU SIR"?
I did. My bad!
"Wins and Cogs" about Scientology after leaving Scientology

mercredi 20 juillet 2016

Church of Scientology Pasadena seeking Graphic Designer

Church of Scientology Pasadena seeking Graphic Designer.

Workpop: Graphic Designer at Church of Scientology Pasadena


* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Hiring Manager
Richard Wolski

Employment Type: Full Time

Compensation: compensation depends on experience + Bonuses, Commission

Perks / Benefits: Ask Us!

This job will challenge your abilities to the extreme. You will be responsible to create custom flyers, posters, banners and every aspect of promotion internal and external to the organization. It is a demanding post and responsible for an entire department. Skills in ADOBE suite of products, photography, video-grahpy, Apple computers, PC operation, lighting, digital printing, oversize printing and internet are desirable but will also train and apprentice the right person. The successful candidate will be responsible, have an ability to grasp concepts and run with it, be productive, a desire to learn, grow and know that you are helping others. And have the persistence to see projects to a completion despite difficulties that may arise.

If you feel up to the challenge and you want to live up to your full potential, come on in for an interview!

We have key posts that need immediate personnel and you could be that person!

Staff members are constantly learning (training is mandatory) about themselves and the posts of an organization. You can achieve things you might not have even thought possible.

If you have any questions or would like to come in for an interview feel free to contact Rich or Dora.


About Church of Scientology Pasadena

The TEAM is young hip and think for themselves. They want to make a difference and know who they are. This is not a typical corporate environment. Most every one is a rebel of some sort yet dedicated to a greater cause. If I used words like confident courageous, kind, trustworthy, clean, persistent and patient to describe team members it would be a fitting description.

If you want to make a change, tired of the hum-drum of existing and you want a real challenge right in your own back yard, come and see me.

Questions? Come in for an interview contact Rich or Dora.


* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

HT - Intergalactic Walrus on Tony Ortega's blog: http://ift.tt/29XjIc4
Church of Scientology Pasadena seeking Graphic Designer

OT Wins thread!!!

This is the thread where you can post all of your Oat Tee wins. We wanna hear about those found parking spaces, the telepathic phone call premonitions, the postulating of rain clouds and finding keys in your other hand!

To kick this rafter shaking thread into high gear, I, Mimsey, am going to uncork this mega OT win:

Tonight, at the designer hamburger joint / tavern, I wanted some of their beer batter onion rings. I asked our nice (and cute) server about the size of the burger I was ordering. Big, she said. Really big? Yep, really big. And it was, "however", I thought, "I can still go with some rings." When another server dropped off my wife's salad, I asked him for some onion rings. I took a big bite of my burger, licked my lips, and bit off another then he plopped down an order of rings on the table. Wow, I thought - that was fast, and yes, they were delish! So, after sharing a slice of key lime pie, when we got the check I noticed they didn't charge me for the rings. So I asked the sweet girl, "Why didn't I get charged for the onion rings?" "Oh! They were made for someone else by mistake, so the other server gave them to you." "For free?" I asked. "Yes" the darling girl said.

Is that OT or what!!!! Top that if you can.


OT Wins thread!!!

Why do reges die young?

My wife was wondering, why are all the reges dropping their bodies. Hy Levy was our flag reg. Enid, Gretchen and Ruthie all passed. Pam Kilmartin was a reg for a while. Our FSM, Wendy also MIA. Are there others I missed?
I presume it was stress.
What about that post did so many in?
Why do reges die young?

Scientology vs. Pravda

Scientology vs. Pravda

Pravda Report: Scientology vs. Pravda.Ru


* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Representatives of one of the largest and most notorious religious sects in the world (in fact, a dishonest commercial enterprise, as evidenced by numerous journalistic investigations and findings of commissions of various levels), the Church of Scientology of Moscow, still pursues traditional methods of showing influence on those who dare to criticize the organization.

A legal representative of Scientologists, Sergei Korzikov, uses such platforms as YouTube to censor news reports about the ruling of the Moscow City Court (upheld by the Supreme Court) about the liquidation of the Church of Scientology in Moscow.

This time, members of the movement paid attention to our publication. Following a complaint from Mr. Korzikov, Pravda.Ru received a warning from YouTube, where the Pravda.Ru video channel carries its video materials. The video about the decision of the Supreme Court to eliminate the religious organization contained only a factual message and did not have any comments in it. However, the video was banned for demonstration due to violation of "copyright."

Question: If an official representative of the liquidated church takes lies and fraudulent information as evidence, how should the society treat such an organization?

Actually, the society has already made its conclusions about the "work" of representatives of the sect. Criminal actions against critics of the sect imply not only threats, but also murder. Willing to dig for any negative information about the Hubbardist movement, its adherents do not shun the variety of methods of putting pressure on journalists, both legal and psychological ones. The sect's common practice of psycho-terror is projected into real life.

The Russian authorities view the movement of Scientologists as an organization that poses a threat to the national security of our country and represents a real danger to physical and mental health of Russian citizens. Anticipating their agony, the Scientologists have started showing tougher reactions to any criticism against them.

Pravda.Ru does not intend to leave the actions of the Scientologists against our publication without proper attention. Any attempt of censorship or pressure on their part will entail an appropriate response.

On July 19, on the basis of the complaint filed by legal representative of the Church of Scientology (the organization is banned in Moscow), Sergei Korzikov, the video channel of Pravda.Ru received a warning from YouTube.

Is this not an attempt to censor media? Pravda.Ru asked an expert opinion from lawyer and human rights activist, member of the Expert Council of the Moscow City Duma Committee for Urban Planning, State Ownership and Land Use, Sergei Selivankin, to comment on the situation.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

************************************************** ***********************

Pravda.Ru: YouTube handles complaints negligibly - expert


* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

The decision of the Moscow City Court on the elimination of the Church of Scientology of Moscow came into force after it was upheld by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The appeal from the organization against the court ruling was dismissed. However, YouTube still issued a strike to the Pravda.Ru video channel on the basis of the complaint from the scientological organization that was legally banned in Moscow.

In addition to the warning, the video hosting service banned the demonstration of the informational video that contained only a news message about the fact that the Supreme Court approved a legal act to eliminate the religious authority in Moscow. The video that contained no ratings and comments was banned for violation of some "copyright."

Is this not an attempt to censor media? Pravda.Ru asked an expert opinion from a representative of the Fund for the Development of the Civil Society, Stanislav Apetyan.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Scientology vs. Pravda

mardi 19 juillet 2016

A Celebration of Shermanspeak (tm)

I can't help myself, I love Shermanspeak. Not much makes me laugh about Scientology, but I can cackle for hours on just one finely crafted sentence. Even a sentence that isn't 3000 words long.


Read Mike Rinder's blog for the full article and more Shermanspeak miracles: http://ift.tt/29Rm7DM

"It is not farewell, but fare-forward"


"That they come from beings lately arrived on Earth - who, seeing where it was going, decided to band together and send it elsewhere."

Send what elsewhere? The Earth? The current orbit not good enough? We've cleared this sector of the galaxy, let's hit the next sector on spaceship Earth. Do we take the sun with us?

A Celebration of Shermanspeak (tm)

Chris Shelton still peeved at watching Battlefield Earth 5 times

Found over at The Bunker

"Clearly, Chris Shelton is still traumatized for having been forced to watch John Travolta and his codpiece five times back in the day. Enjoy…"

Chris Shelton still peeved at watching Battlefield Earth 5 times

lundi 18 juillet 2016

Ex-Muslims of North America

It is almost as if the Ex-Muslims read ESMB before they set up their web site. This "Road to Reason" segment features two of the founders (starting at 14:31):

Ex-Muslims of North America

Scientology member forced to endure ‘therapy’ to ‘fix’ homosexual tendencies

Scientology member "forced to endure ‘corrective therapy’ to ‘fix’ his homosexual tendencies."

Tony Ortega's main post today is on the sentencing of Joey Chait. I want to focus on one aspect.

Tony Ortega: Joey Chait’s sentencing memo: Abused in Scientology’s Sea Org and in fear of wealthy dad


Tony Oretega notes the sentencing memorandum prepared by Joey Chait’s attorney, Judith H. Germano, asserts the following:

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

— Joey oversaw the delivery of OT III, the “Xenu” story that reveals to upper-level Scientologists that their being is made up of thousands of invisible alien entities. “When Joey’s statistics (i.e., his ‘well-done’ auditing hours) were low, his supervisor would smack him on the head with her hand or anything else she was holding. When Joey provided an explanation, the supervisor would scream at him in front of the other auditors and call him a ‘faggot’ and a ‘degraded being’.

— “He was also forced to endure ‘corrective therapy’ to ‘fix’ his homosexual tendencies. In addition, his penalty included hard labor, such as cleaning toilets, cleaning the kitchen, and emptying the huge trash dumpsters. Furthermore, he was subjected to mental abuse by interrogators, who put him on an E-meter and grilled him for hours until he confessed his sins.”

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

Tony Ortega further observes:

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

In their own sentencing memorandum, prosecutors downplayed Joey’s helpfulness, and also argued that his Scientology upbringing was irrelevant.

But Judge Oetken seemed to agree, at least in part, with Joey’s version of events. At the sentencing, Judge Oetken, the first openly gay man on the federal bench, said that he did take into consideration Joey’s relationship with his authoritarian father, and the abuse he reportedly suffered in Scientology’s Sea Org. He then sentenced Joey not to the 2.5 to 3 years that prosecutors were asking for, but to 1 year in prison, and the minimum fine, $10,000.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Scientology member forced to endure ‘therapy’ to ‘fix’ homosexual tendencies

The Flag Order Thread

I want to start this thread with a little known and short classic: FO 832. Only for the true connoiseurs of Hubbard's musings.

The Flag Order Thread

Radical: My Journey out of Islamist Extremism (Maajid Nawaz)

Got the Kindle Edition after watching a video of Nawaz on FOX news (thanks Steven Hassan for the tip). During my normal screening process, I looked at some reader comments on Amazon. Here is a quote from one (emphasis mine):

"I'm glad I read this book. It's invaluable to have the kind of insight that Nawaz provides here. His account of how he found himself so deeply entrenched in Hizb ut-Tahrir was compelling. It even occasionally called to mind for me other personal stories shared by former members of Scientology. I think his story serves as a healthy warning for anyone who may be eagerly searching for a deep meaning and purpose to life, and how "ripe for the picking" people can appear to those pushing a particular ideology (whether it be religious, political, or both)."

Looking forward to the read.
Radical: My Journey out of Islamist Extremism (Maajid Nawaz)

dimanche 17 juillet 2016

NEW book: Blown: A Novel Set in the World of the Scientology Sea Org

NEW book: Blown: A Novel Set in the World of the Scientology Sea Org

The novel is based on a true story. There is a planned sequel entitled SP.

Official website - Read Online: http://ift.tt/29Nn0eB

On Amazon: http://ift.tt/29NmLjC

Amazon version of the book is 218 pages long.

Article on Scientology Books and Media: http://ift.tt/29Nn5Ps

* * * * * BEGIN AMAZON SUMMARY * * * * *

At the tender ages of only three and five, sisters Amory and Riley are abandoned by their mother at the Church of Scientology in Hollywood, California.

For sixteen long years Amory does what she’s told, following Church rules and regulations about every aspect of her life. Yet, while working in the Sea Org—the Church’s administrative organization comprised of the most dedicated members—Amory experiences for the first time a stirring yearning for freedom unlike anything she’s ever known.

When Riley admits that she’s pregnant, Amory knows she must do something and swallows a handful of pills in a desperate attempt to escape. When she wakes up, the Church places her in a strict ethics “rehabilitation” program that isolates her from family and friends.

As Amory becomes more convinced of her need to leave the Church, she struggles to disconnect from those around her and free herself from the ties that hold her to the only home she has.

Will Amory find the courage she needs to escape the manipulation and controlling demands of the only world she’s ever known?

Based on true-life events, Blown represents the first novel depicting life inside the repressive confines of the Church of Scientology.

* * * * * END AMAZON SUMMARY * * * * *


Lauren Halsted Burroughs teaches English at Cuyamaca Community College in San Diego, California.

Burroughs began her writing career as an editorial assistant at Surfing Girl Magazine and has worked as a journalist, grant writer, online content writer, and in research, and academic publishing. This is her debut novel.

* * * * * END AMAZON ABOUT THE AUTHOR * * * * *
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Click image for larger version.  Name: Blown,ANovelOfTheSeaOrg.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 28.6 KB  ID: 12875  
NEW book: Blown: A Novel Set in the World of the Scientology Sea Org

Ex-FLDS sect members sue Warren Jeffs' former lawyers


"A lawsuit against polygamous leader Warren Jeffs is taking aim at the group’s longtime Utah law firm, arguing attorneys created a veneer of legality that helped leaders perpetuate abuses like child labor and underage marriage.

The firm Snow, Christensen and Martineau denied the allegations in scathing terms Thursday, saying lawyers like Rod Parker were simply doing their jobs and can’t be held responsible for anything Jeffs did.

The firm “is no more responsible for Warren Jeffs’ actions than the doctor who kept him healthy,” defense attorneys wrote in court documents.

But the lawsuit claims attorneys helped Jeffs devise legal strategies for tightening his control over the group after he took over leadership from his father in the late 1990s. Jeffs used that power to marry and sexually assault underage girls as well as arrange other underage marriages, the suit says
." ( continued at link )

This will be interesting to see how it pans out. Scientology is another group that uses lawyers to oppress others and hide from accountability. I imagine a scenario where scientology lawyers, as well, are called to task for their part in aiding and abetting criminal activity :) . Peace and blessings.
Ex-FLDS sect members sue Warren Jeffs' former lawyers

The Ethics Order Thread

Here is the first document of a few or many (who knows?). And what better way to start off the thread than with the Founder himself, "mankind's best friend"! A true philantropist he was indeed!

The Ethics Order Thread

Meeting of all hoods, gangs and Nation of Islam at Scientology Community Center in LA

Meeting of All Hoods, Gangs, Sets and Nation of Islam at Church of Scientology Community Center in Los Angeles.

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version.  Name: MeetingOfAllHoodsAndGangsAtChurchOfScientologyInglewoodCommunityCenter.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 62.1 KB  ID: 12867   Click image for larger version.  Name: ChurchOfScientologyCommunityCenter.PNG  Views: N/A  Size: 139.8 KB  ID: 12868  
Meeting of all hoods, gangs and Nation of Islam at Scientology Community Center in LA