jeudi 6 octobre 2016

Kate Ceberano ambassador for National Breast Cancer Foundation

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I found out from another Australian poster at the Bunker - apparently she was on one of the morning shows

I have sent this below to the organisation.

Some other Aussies/exes may feel inclined to talk about their experiences with Scientology and cancer.


I am very disappointed to see Kate Ceberano selected as an ambassador for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. I would be only slightly more astonished to see Andrew Wakefield fronting a national childhood immunisation campaign.
Kate is from a very well established Scientology family, and proponents of that approach peddle in some very dangerous magical-thinking, convinced that disease is a 'state of mind'.

See below just a couple of examples of how Scientology views cancer (the evidence of Scientology quackery is staggering!):

  • From L Ron Hubbard’s lectures:

ALL ABOUT RADIATION "Man's Inhumanity to Man" by L. Ron. Hubbard
LECTURE THREE: Radiation and Scientology

Dianazene runs out radiation, or what appears to be radiation. It also proofs a person up against radiation in some degree. I have seen it run out skin cancer. A man who didn't have much liability to skin cancer (only had a few moles) took Dianazene. His whole jaw turned into a raw mass of cancer. He kept on taking Dianazene and it disappeared after a while. I was looking at a case of cancer that might have happened. [dianazene is a concoction of viatmins, the amounts of which can be found on Wikipedia]

These claims by L Ron Hubbard have never been repudiated by Scientology

More recently see how a Scientologist claims to be curing autism

Having Ceberano front your campaign is a massive coup for Scientology. Firstly, they use this information as public relations to demonstrate what a fabulous job they are doing solving the ills of the world (when in reality they are simply using this to massively fund raise). They also co-opt your positive image to improve their own deservedly appalling one. Kate’s work will undoubtedly make the highlight reel of David Miscavige’s annual reports on the good works of Scientology. They are desperate for these campaigns as it helps keep in place their all important tax exempt status. The link below will take you to a number of articles which describe this process of Scientology (or individual Scientologists) aligning themselves with legitimate groups doing great works, and how this is used as a public relations exercise.

ABC Lateline journalist Steve Cannane recently wrote a marvellous book about Scientology’s history in Australia, called “Fair Game”, and has recently been doing extensive media . You are no doubt thinking my claims here are alarmist and a bit “tin-foily”, but when it comes to Scientology, it is always worse than you think. Steve has recorded in just the first chapter some revealing current stories about Scientology abuses in Australia.

Senator Nick Xenophon is also very familiar with the abusive practices of this group.

Breast Cancer Awareness and the pink ribbon campaign have a marvellous public profile and it is saddens me to see it aligned with a celebrity who is entrenched in this dangerous ‘woo’. Please see here also other Scientologists reacting to her lying to Kerry Anne Kennelly about the nature of Scientology. No doubt she has done the same to your foundation. .

This is all the more poignant today with the passing of Rebecca Wilson.

Kind Regards
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Kate Ceberano ambassador for National Breast Cancer Foundation

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