mercredi 5 octobre 2016

What I liked in Scientology

Chronological list (very incomplete, for the sake of brevity):

1966. Seeing John McMaster
on the Less Crane TV show during 1966. Was a bit odd but left a positive impression.

1967. Discovered The Incredible String Band
(mystical folk music).

1969. Went to an ISB concert at the Fillmore East

in the lower East Side in New York, and was handed a "Scientology ticket." Was curious.

A month later went to see chain smoking Zen Master Alan Watts in NYC. Afterwards visited the New York Org. Bought a few books.

Read the few books. Bought more books. Especially liked Phoenix Lectures (now out of print) and Scientology 8-8008.

Bought the Communications Course for $15, and did it in June 1970. Took two days full time. TR 0 was done for two hours until a wind up alarm clock, set for two hours, rung. Then came TR 0 Bull bait, etc., through TR 4. Seemed cool and different, but, in retrospect, I was being softened up for the deeper, darker, regions of Scientology.

Did more courses, and auditing. Saw some craziness, mostly from people who had been to the Flagship ("The sanest space on Earth") and had returned. Also experienced predatory Scientology sales people. Put all that in the back of my mind as "not important."

Liked the idea that I was going to be able to do counseling on people, some of them twice my age. Amongst the noise and org craziness, still had some "wins."

Summer came. Having "completed my cycles," I got the heck out of there. Told myself it was my "bank" that made me feel like leaving, but was happy to leave anyway.

Went home to the sea shore

, and my 3000 book library, and my "wog" friends.

Did similar "cycles" a few times, a few years apart.

Finally resigned my membership in the Scientology organization, and became involved in a break away mission. Did a lot of auditing of others (free of red tape) and had some good experiences. Realized, however, that the "OT levels" were "Hubbard's case" and discouraged anyone from doing them.

Then began to examine boxes of evidence on Scientology. This evidence, which I was fortunate to have had access, was, years later, partially available in books and on the Internet.

In short, the "good" (and hope) in Scientology - including the good people I met - kept me going. Eventually, I started to "connect the dots" and "graduated from Scientology."

IMO, not recognizing that Scientology uses "goodness," as a form of disguise, and as a "lead in" to its dark inner regions, is advantageous to Scientology, as one cannot fully warn others about that deceptive "lead in" aspect, and about a key aspect of its disguise.
What I liked in Scientology

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