mardi 6 septembre 2016

Scientology joins Committee on Religious Liberty of Religious Freedom Center

Scientology joins Committee on Religious Liberty of Religious Freedom Center at the Newseum Institute.

The Newseum Institute, headquartered at the Newseum in Washington, D.C., promotes, explains and defends free expression and the five freedoms of the First Amendment: religion, speech, press, assembly and petition.

The Religious Freedom Center of the Newseum Institute is a nonpartisan national initiative focused on educating the public about the religious liberty principles of the First Amendment.

The Religious Freedom Center has expanded its convening role as the new home to the Committee on Religious Liberty, a 50-year-old organization founded by the National Council of Churches.

The Church of Scientology is a member of the Committee on Religious Liberty. See also here.

In addition, the experts filmed in the summer of 2016 for series #1: The First Amendment Guarantee to Religious Liberty included Sue Taylor of the Church of Scientology, National Affairs Office.

Scientology joins Committee on Religious Liberty of Religious Freedom Center

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