samedi 10 septembre 2016

Post-Scientology Spiritual Rescue Technology Addresses The Fear Of Heights

Post-Scientology Spiritual Rescue Technology Addresses The Fear Of Heights

[A reminder - the purpose of Spiritual Rescue Technology is not to eradicate spiritual entities (referred to as Body Thetans or BTs in Scientology), but instead to communicate with them.]

Possibly Helpful Advice: Do You Have A Fear Of Heights?

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In my case, my fear of heights came from an entity’s long ago incident of having been thrown from a high place by his father after he provoked his father into an insane rage by threatening to tell his mother about his marital infidelity. The entity had an unfortunate need to tell on people who did wrong.

When this session was over, I lost both my fear of heights and my unfortunate need to be a whistle blower, which had cost me several jobs this lifetime.

Kathy’s fear came from a more readily identifiable source, a young son of a moonshiner who drove a moonshine vehicle too fast and broke six jugs of shine on a delivery run. While he was driving home to a dreaded punishment from his brutal father, he drove off a mountain road and wrecked the car and killed himself. With the help of some entities, he decided to take the easy way out and get even with his father at the same time.

He was keeping Kathy safe from running off the road and would almost always keep her in the inside lane when driving on mountain roads.

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Post-Scientology Spiritual Rescue Technology Addresses The Fear Of Heights

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