samedi 6 août 2016

The unsung Scientologist

You know - much is made of the indi Scientologist, the Free zoners and the ex Scientologists, say nothing of those flying under the radar, whales, the hard core believers and OSA socks. But what about those that are never mentioned? The average Scientologist who doesn't much move up the bridge, has a wog job, has Scientologist friends, who are in a similar position. They don't lurk either. These are the Scientologists that may go to a free event, but don't want to buy anything, don't want to give their money to the IAS. They would likely go take a course every now and then if it weren't for the incessant reging & recruiting that keeps them at bay.

Yet, despite this non-participation, they consider themselves Scientologists. My wife and I were talking to one today - she has a few policies hanging on the wall, drops a Scio term off and on, but hasn't seen the inside of an org in decades.

These are self policing people, who don't want trouble ( dev-t? ) with ethics, and just want to be left alone. They are forgotten by the church, which is likely a good thing, for they don't have enough ready cash to get a small fall on the reg's cash-o-meter detection system. ( I swear a good reg can smell if you have cash or not) (or can get it)

You could probably make a spectrum ( or scale as Hubbard would prefer) of Scientologists from the bitter attack dog sworn enemies of the church on one side and the bitter attack dog sworn supporters of the church on the other, and these would fill the middle of the bell curve, but no one notices they are there.

Ah. The invisibility of the forgotten.

The unsung Scientologist

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