mercredi 13 avril 2016

Rock band for Scientology Foundation For A Drug Free World needs $40,000 for tour

Rock band for Scientology Foundation For A Drug Free World needs $40,000 for tour.

Indiegogo: No Convention Welcome To Hollywood Tour!

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We're taking our show across the US, and we're giving to the Foundation For A Drug Free World!

Johnnie Ferro

Los Angeles, California
United States
2 team members

Our Deal--We Love Music! We Love Helping!

No Convention is a band that's about more than just making music. There's been a lot of talk throughout the years about how rock is dying or dead, the music industry is an impenetrable fortress unless you are uber connected, blah, blah, blah. We disagree, and we're gonna prove it!

We've released a new album, titled "Welcome To Hollywood", and it's the most raw, honest, balls-out rock 'n roll music this world has seen in awhile. We're taking the album on the road this Summer, criss-crossing the US. Along with putting a lot of smiles on peoples' faces and proving that rock is indeed alive and well, we're also gonna help out one of the most worthy causes on the planet: the fight against drug abuse in our society.

No Convention will donate 30% of our profits from this campaign, and the tour it will fund, to the Foundation For A Drug Free World (
). The Foundation is a nonprofit public benefit corporation that empowers youth and adults with factual information about drugs so they can make informed decisions and live drug-free. Additionally, their Truth About Drugs campaign consists of activities that anyone can join which popularize drug-free living. These activities are simple, effective and can involve people of all ages. We will literally take all of our proceeds from the campaign and the tour (the total amount we raise and make from playing shows, merchandise sales, and anything else), subtract our campaign and tour expenses, take 30% of that number, and give it to The Foundation. AAAAAND . . . we'll have a bunch of swag and info on their programs to pass out both at shows and while we're on the road between venues!

We'll be visiting approximately 25 cities over a 33 day period, playing venues of varying sizes, and spreading the word about our band and our pledge to help the Foundation For A Drug Free World wherever we go!

Making The Tour & What You Get For Helping

We need to raise $40,000 to break even on expenses. Here's some of the stuff we'll be getting with all that crazy dough:
Tour Vehicle & Maintenance
Merch (t-shirts, CD's, and so on . . .)
2 Man Road Crew
Promotional Costs - including fulfilling perks for the campaign and giving Indie Go Go their cut
A little guaranteed money for the band so we can keep our lights on when we get home :)
And more!

We've already got shows booked in San Diego, Sacramento, Memphis, Phoenix, Tucson, Buffalo, and Washington D.C., and we're currently working on dates in the following localities:

Las Vegas, Austin, Dallas, New Orleans, New York City, Denver, Chicago, and more!!!

And then, there's the perks . . .

How would you like No Convention to do a special acoustic show at your house or party? Or maybe you have a business and would like your logo plastered on all of our promotional and merch items for the whole country to see? Heck, maybe you're in a band and would love for Johnnie Ferro of No Convention produce and mix a track for you? Well, the right donation can make any of these things possible! Other killer rewards include:
PDF's of all of the music and lyrics from the "Welcome To Hollywood" album
A commemorative tour picture book with lyrical excerpts from the "Welcome To Hollywood" album and pics from the road
A DVD with over 90 minutes of footage documenting the tour
An electric guitar signed by the band
Dinner with the band before one of our shows
Signed merch
And so much more!!!

The Impact

Every member of No Convention has dedicated themselves to the success of this band, the revitalization of rock 'n roll, and the cause of helping as many people as we can with our music. We're taking the opportunity to bring our nasty little rock album on the road while helping those in need re-gain life with the money we raise for the Foundation For A Drug Free World.

To put this in to perspective, there are an estimated 208 million people consuming illegal drugs internationally. Obviously, this is not a small problem, and that number doesn't even begin to touch the people illicitly using and abusing prescription medications. If we can help even one person go the other way, or dig themselves out of the hole they've gotten themselves into with drugs, our efforts would be more than justified. And we can easily touch hundreds, if not thousands and beyond, if we get the buzz for this tour and the Foundation For A Drug Free World happening fast and big!!!

Contributing to a cause like The Foundation in and of itself is awesome and a huge help, even on an individual basis. What's really great about this campaign and about your donating to The Foundation via this campaign, is that you'll be helping to build something that will take the word on the streets, grass roots style, and get masses of people behind the campaign across the country. Instead of helping one person, or even 10 people, we're gonna make it so that your contribution helps hundreds, and maybe even thousands or millions!

Again, we completely believe in this cause and we're all totally on-board! Who wants to help?

Risks & Challenges

As awesome as tours are (and they REALLY are!), they are also not necessarily the glamour job that a lot of people think of. We're gonna be spending the majority of our time in cramped quarters driving across country. That's 7 guys driving, sleeping, eating, hanging out, in a crowded space for the majority of a 33 day tour. Not undoable, but a bit daunting to say the least.

There's also the challenge of raising these funds, as we do need the entirety of our goal to make this work.

Aside from that, we're looking forward to our first cross-country tour and we're excited for the benefits it'll have both for our band and the many that we're gonna help through our donation to the Foundation For A Drug Free World!

How can we be so confident? Aside from our working out our budget to a tee and being fully dedicated to the tour and The Foundation, we've got some marketing tricks up our sleeve to get this campaign funded. This includes creating partnerships with companies to sponsor our band (see Perks) as well as cross-promote the campaign, putting together a HUGE hash tag campaign to get tons of visibility on social media, getting in touch with local governments and police teams to help promote and set up events geared toward reaching the masses, and being super resourceful with our "road conditions" to make them totally workable.

Other Ways You Can Help

We totally understand that, while everyone wants to help, not everyone is able to throw some dough at our project. THAT'S OK!

Here's a few things you can do to help that don't involve money:
Share the campaign ALL OVER social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)
Participate in the #MusicNotDrugs hashtag campaign for the tour by using thaty hashtag on Social Media
Send out email blasts to all of your friends and family
Leave a comment on the campaign page - it helps to boost our visibility on Indie GoGo!
Make a flyer and make it your profile pic on social media
Anything else you can think of to tell people about what we're doing and get them to the campaign page :)

We're super excited to do this, and after reading what this campaign is all about, we hope you're as excited as we are. Thank you so much for your help, and for believing in us!

Much Love,

No Convention

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HT - Intergalactic Walrus on The Underground Bunker:
Rock band for Scientology Foundation For A Drug Free World needs $40,000 for tour

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