mercredi 30 mars 2016

I ♡ SPs

As some of you know that Charley Jordan, a dear family friend and ex sea org member passed Feb 26. I also posted the situation where the medical examiner would not release his body to us, my family, which is what he wanted. We were told that if no next-of-kin was found that the medical examiner would cremate the body and dispose of the ashes and that we would have no say in the matter.

I posted this information with the hopes that maybe someone would have an idea for us since we kept hitting brick walls. So what does this have to do with the title of this thread?

Within one or two days I received a private message from a member of this board. This person gave me the phone number of a friend of theirs for me to contact. I did indeed contact this person and he gave me advice. I will not go into the whole story but I will tell you that his advice was right on the money. Last night the medical examiner contacted me and has released Charley's body to my family.

So here we have the Church of Scientology who took 40 plus years of Charley's life, convinced him to mortgage the family home, which is worth 1.5 million now but he lost it yrs ago, then proceeded to kick him out of the sea org because of this debt. And that is a true story. So they sucked him dry, chewed him up and spit him out.

But in the end who is it that comes to this man's rescue, someone who knows Charley was still a Scientologist through and through even though he was no longer participating, and realises his final wish? An SP and born-again wog, that's who. The story of Charley so plainly shows the differences between the Smurch of Scientology and SPs.

This person who helped did not come out in the open waving a flag and shouting: "Look at me! I'm helping!" No, they did it in private with no fanfare. They know Charley still believed in the church but that did not matter to this person. What mattered is that a human being got their final wish.

I'm hoping they will read this and come out and take a bow because they deserve it. I truly love and respect this person, now and for always.

So yes, I ♡ SPs.
I ♡ SPs

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