jeudi 7 juillet 2016

The Review of a non-scientologist for a Scientology ‘Flag World Tour’ event

On the Underground Bunker:

This really is an interesting take on the current climate for both 'public' and Sea Org people. Especially about the 'two groups' defined by age. It's a good read.
Poor bastards.

What happened when one of our readers got into a Scientology ‘Flag World Tour’ event

I got a cup of coffee and they ushered me to the long table, where I sat down across from a very, very large gentleman in civilian clothes and began filling out forms. He asked about my case level (none), if I was interested in courses (maybe) and when I could do the Purif. I explained the liver problems I had last year and that a lot of niacin or potassium could kill me. He was confused for a moment, but then said that I’d have to meet with someone higher up and they’d tailor the program. I filled out three forms, and he asked me if I’d want to meet with a Flag consultant. I signed up for a meeting later in the week. At that time the people from the mission came out of the ball room. It was six Sea Org people and six mission public. They were led out by Barbara Dews, who I recognized immediately.

At the event, there were two groups of Sea Org people, who barely interacted. There were older ones, all more than 60 years old, and younger ones, probably all below 25. The older group looked steely and determined, but not beaten down. They did their job with purpose and knew most of the public people that were there.
The Review of a non-scientologist for a Scientology ‘Flag World Tour’ event

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