vendredi 1 janvier 2016

Science: Co$ TR´s lead to dissociation and hallucinations

Science: Co$ TR´s lead to dissociation and hallucinations


Dissociation and hallucinations in dyads engaged through interpersonal gazing

• Interpersonal gazing in dyads of individuals is investigated.
• Tests of dissociation, dysmorphic face perception and strange-face apparitions.
• Dissociative symptoms and face dysmorphia were correlated.
• Strange-face apparitions were non-correlated with dissociation and dysmorphia.
• Strange-face apparitions and dissociative symptoms might be independent processes.

Interpersonal gazing in dyads, when the two individuals in the dyad stare at each other in the eyes, is investigated in 20 healthy young individuals at low illumination for 10-min. Results indicate dissociative symptoms, dysmorphic face perceptions, and hallucination-like strange-face apparitions. Dissociative symptoms and face dysmorphia were correlated. Strange-face apparitions were non-correlated with dissociation and dysmorphia. These results indicate that dissociative symptoms and hallucinatory phenomena during interpersonal-gazing under low illumination can involve different processes. Strange-face apparitions may characterize the rebound to “reality” (perceptual reality caused by external stimulus and hallucinatory reality caused by internal input) from a dissociative state induced by sensory deprivation. These phenomena may explain psychodynamic projections of the subject׳s unconscious meanings into the other׳s face. The results indicate that interpersonal gazing in dyads can be an effective tool for studying experimentally-induced dissociative symptoms and hallucinatory-like apparitions.


Hallucinations ?
Now I know why the Sea-Orgers have to do TR´s before they go to "clear this planet".

BTW, Happy New Year !
Science: Co$ TR´s lead to dissociation and hallucinations

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