mercredi 13 janvier 2016

New Blog: Why I Left Scientology

New Blog: Why I Left Scientology.

No, I am not the author of the blog.

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Why I Left Scientology


Introductory article:

Why Now


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Saturday, December 5, 2015

Why now?

Every once in a while, the subject of Scientology comes up. And I'm always astounded when people are astounded to learn that I was once a Scientologist. It's not that I deliberately withhold it. It's just that it never crosses my mind.

But it's come up again lately. And now, with the release of the HBO documentary Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief, I thought I might like to share some of my musings.

I joined Scientology in March of 1976.

From March of 1976 until sometime in 1978, I was staff at Narconon - Scientology's drug rehab program.

I spent about a year on staff at the Church of Scientology in Toronto around 1979 as a recruitment officer.

I signed a Sea Org contract in 1984, but never followed through on it. (More about that later.)

I returned to staff in May 1987.

I left staff and Scientology in August of 1989.

My father says that was a year he'll never forget because the Berlin wall came down and I left Scientology.

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New Blog: Why I Left Scientology

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