lundi 18 janvier 2016

Original Commodore's Messenger Spotted With RON on Recent Cruise (see photos!)

No, not THAT Ron! :melodramatic:

From the perspective of COB, David Miscavige, it's much worse than that.

We're talking about Ron Miscavige Sr., his own father who escaped from Scientology's INT Base back in 2012 and has since written a book entitled "When He Dies He Dies"

One of my New Year's Predictions for this year was that the orders of Scotch from the office of COB would reach Highest Ever levels. And now more than ever do I feel confident in that prediction.

DM's father, Ron Miscavige Sr, was recently on vacation in a group that included Janis Gillham Grady, Jefferson Hawkins, Michael Laws, Marc and Claire Headley, and others!

Go to the Bunker for the full story and pictures:
Stalked in New Orleans cemetery: Scientology’s secretive defectors getting more open


With the hundreds of former Scientologist employees and Sea Org members who have come out and told their stories in recent years, you might think there was no one left who has ditched the organization and is still holding onto crucial information. There are, in fact, quite a few, and we keep an eye on them, hoping that they’ll get around to spilling their secrets.

But these days, with social media, it’s getting hard for them to keep quiet, at least about their day to day activities.

We have been watching in a state of surprise — and imagine how David Miscavige must feel as he watches the same thing — as Janis Gillham Grady has been posting to Facebook descriptions of her recent vacation in a group that included Miscavige’s father, Ron Sr., as well as Jefferson Hawkins, Steve Hall, Michael Laws, Marc and Claire Headley, and Dan Koon. <snip>

Full Story & Photos:
Original Commodore's Messenger Spotted With RON on Recent Cruise (see photos!)

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