samedi 26 décembre 2015

Saturday 26Dec 8.30pm Going Clear: Masterpiece Foxtel Sydney


Margaret Pomeranz will introduce an airing of director Alex Gibney’s 2015 documentary Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief (Saturday, 8.30pm, Masterpiece). Less about bashing Tom Cruise and more about the increasingly sordid history of Scientology and the life of its founder, L. Ron Hubbard, the film won the nonfiction Emmy and could well figure in the documentary Oscar category.

This will get a new series of viewers. Margaret Pomeranz is the quintessential movie presenter from way back.

Merry Christmas to Captain David Miscavige, commander of the Scientology Sea Org.
Saturday 26Dec 8.30pm Going Clear: Masterpiece Foxtel Sydney

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