dimanche 20 décembre 2015

Christmas and Disconnection

Many of us face hard times at Christmas due to the disconnection or loss of family or friends. You can't help but be reminded of how things used to be, should be, could be if it weren't for (insert reason). For ex scientologists it is particularly due to disconnection, that brutal ripping apart and destruction of families that leaves devastation in it's wake.

All we did was speak our truth, walk the talk with our integrity, so the loss seems so very unfair.

It is unfair, it is evil, yet sometimes we may need reminding that standing tall and walking away was the right thing to do. I think gratitude for the lives we now live, for the freedom of speech and thought is also something to be treasured and helps a little in maintaining balance.

For me the hardest thing is the alienation of extended family, those who have been cleverly manipulated by the scientology influence and who don't even know it. It's easy enough for a scientologist to do - love bomb relatives while waging a whispering campaign. Find a relative's "button" and push it for all it's worth, lie and point it in my direction, until it's just easier for the relative to take the easy path and go along with the flow. In my family there has been an intense and prolonged campaign that has lasted over 8 years to do this. And it has been successful regarding disconnection of most relatives.

But you know what? I have come to appreciate so much the few who have stood beside me, who are aware enough to understand what integrity means, what 'family' means even if we didn't have an upbringing that taught us that. We have a small core family ourselves and we care and support each other. I forgive those who don't question what they are told and who take that easy path. I grieve for the loss of contact with three of my children and most siblings and their families, the sad scientology influenced death of my parents, and deal with it when that grief arises. And I am so, so grateful for those who have come into my life as substitute family and given me love and support. There are indeed angels out there.

This is a good article to read if the grief is hard ....


Merry Christmas to all and I wish you love and happiness. Be kind to yourself.
Christmas and Disconnection

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