mardi 29 décembre 2015

Moscow Scientologist defrauded apartment buyers of millions of rubles

Translation of a Russian article posted on December 29, 2015 on the news website:


Scientologist swindler defrauded shareholders of millions of rubles

Reporter: Aleksey Nikolaev

A follower of the Church of Scientology sold unsuspecting citizens non-existent housing units in the suburbs of Moscow. The swindler created a firm with the suggestive name "Vash Dom" ("Your Home") and announced the sale of real estate in several areas of the region. Over a hundred trusting people fell victim to the fraud.

Sergei was looking for a cheaper apartment, and he found one — in a quiet Moscow suburb with a view of a forest and every convenience. For three million rubles, he was promised not just a brick box, but finishes, bathroom fixtures, and a parking space. Today, Sergei has neither his money nor any of these home comforts. Even the walls will soon disappear, because the construction has been declared illegal and will consequently be demolished.

There are many such housing projects in the Odintsovo district. In these projects, non-existent apartments are not only being sold, but also resold. The defrauded shareholders learned whom they were dealing with only from the documents of the criminal case. It turns out that the developer is a follower of the so-called Church of Scientology.

According to investigators, Alexander Tkachenko duped more than a hundred persons. Not a single kopek is left in his accounts. He apparently used the money for the development of the Scientology movement rather than for the cooperative.

Scientology is based on the teachings of the American science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. In some countries it has managed to officially achieve the status of a religion, for example in the USA, where the organization's headquarters are located. Experts on cults warn that it is an opium of the people, because once a person joins Scientology, it is almost impossible to break free.
Scientology service completions: Alexander Tkachenko

Courtroom scenes from the NTV news video report:
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version.  Name: Alexander Tkachenko 2015-12-29.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 53.6 KB  ID: 11906  
Moscow Scientologist defrauded apartment buyers of millions of rubles

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