jeudi 19 novembre 2015

Russia: Court liquidates the St Petersburg Scientology Say No To Drugs Foundation

Russia: Court liquidates the St Petersburg Scientology Say No To Drugs Foundation.

Google translation from Russian to English.

Interfax: Court liquidated the Petersburg Foundation "Say Drugs - no!"

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Court liquidated the Petersburg Foundation "Say Drugs - no!"

Moscow. November 18. INTERFAX.RU - Leninsky Court of St. Petersburg eliminated Charitable Foundation "Say Drugs - no! Say life - yes!" due to the fact that its activities do not correspond to the charter, as well as because of the disturbances in the financial statements.

As reported by "Interfax" on Wednesday, coordinator of the Fund Irina Kopylov, the organization does not plan to appeal the decision.

"The court made a decision. We agreed with the claims of (the prosecutor's office requested the organization to eliminate and exclude information about it from the register - IF), and they were satisfied. The main reason was a lack of funding," - she said.

"There has been a lack of donations. The implication was that the fund was to accumulate far more money than was in fact", - he explained the Kopylov.

The petition prosecution available to the "Interfax", noted that the reports for 2012-2014 is provided by the fund in the Ministry of Justice, there is no information on the amount of money spent on charity. At the same time during this period to the account of the fund received 625.9 million rubles. The fund is not systematically reported to the supervisory authority on the implementation of welfare programs.

According to the law, at least 80% of contributions received should be directed to charities during the year of receipt. The Court found expenditure of contributions to the distribution of leaflets in schools, lectures, pickets and flash mobs, bicycle races, "round tables" and seminars, as well as the rental of premises (rental spent more than half of the funds) unlawful.

The prosecutor's office has also been found that the Fund actually led activities are not the legal address registered in the Ministry of Justice.

Meanwhile, a source familiar with the situation, "Interfax" that the charitable fund actively supported the Church of Scientology, which is not consistent with the charter of the organization.

However, the coordinator of the Fund stressed that the organization "Tell drugs - no" is a secular and acts as an independent legal entity.

"We have volunteers, Scientologists and Scientology, we select our people's religious views. Any person who promotes a healthy lifestyle, can cooperate with us. At all events, actions and pickets heard only one idea:" Tell drugs - no "- said Kopylov.

As reported on the official website of the foundation "Say Drugs - no", the organization engaged in drug prevention among youth in schools, as well as "major events and promotions with the distribution of leaflets against drugs."

Earlier Petersburg Leninsky court ruled to liquidate the charity fund "Youth for Human Rights". Prosecutor demands to liquidate the company and to exclude information about it from the register were met.

According to the source, the supervisor claims concerned the discrepancy between the actual activities of the organization and stated in the charter. The interviewer noted that the fund including distributed Scientology literature and contact with children and youth institutions of the city.

The press service of the company reported that the reasons for liquidation of the Fund were financial. Interlocutor "Interfax" said that information about the activities in the interest of Scientology is not true.

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Russia: Court liquidates the St Petersburg Scientology Say No To Drugs Foundation

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