mardi 3 mai 2016

Marty's latest blog post

No idea where this should go. Mods, feel free to move it. "Martyworld" used to have it's own section but I couldn't find it.

(beginning of blog post)


Censorship and Hypocrisy

Posted on May 2, 2016 by Mark C. Rathbun | 126 comments

Tony Ortega’s blogging campaign against my wife Monique and me over the past three months has resulted in the largest wave of hate we have experienced in several years. We even saw that an erstwhile friend published an unsolicited psychiatric evaluation (including still more falsehoods) to explain our behavior as characterized by Ortega. The following descriptions of Monique (some referred to both her and me) written by Bunker regulars and published by Ortega pretty much sum up the sentiments Ortega has fueled:

  • “Sympathy? I has none.
  • Monique, no respect. NONE. Sympathy? Nope. I never want to hear from these losers again

  • subservience , irrationality, and paranoia

  • Marty and Miscavige are cut from the same cloth. And Monique? Well, she did marry the guy.


I don't know how many of you were around after Minton settled with COS, but...kind of has that flavor.

(Not that I know that Marty has done anything like that. It just...really reminds me of it.)

Marty's latest blog post

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