jeudi 5 mai 2016

Independent Scientology Milestone Two Review of Ruthless by Ron Miscavige

Independent Scientology Milestone Two Review of Ruthless by Ron Miscavige, Father of Corporate Church of Scientology leader David Miscavige.

Milestone Two: Ron Miscavige RUTHLESS (book review)

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Ron Miscavige RUTHLESS (book review)

Posted by The Poet Ren

May 5, 2016

It takes courage to tell the world your once promising child grew up and became an icicle-hearted, psychopathic monstrosity. And then explain how for 27 years you watched him transform into an unrestrained egomaniac, driven by an insatiable lust for power and greed – a master craftsmen in the dark arts of deception and covert treasons.

Such was the task that Ron Miscavige accomplished in the book, entitled RUTHLESS.

To better understand what “Ruthless” is exactly we need to first ascertain what it is NOT.

It is not an LRH bashing, anti-Scientology piece. For the most part the author is generous when it comes to LRH and his discoveries. While he does acknowledge that LRH’s life was not all the church Public Relations Departments tried to sell the world; he is not shy in stating how he believes it was his own son, David Miscavige, who has altered its workability beyond recognition in so many ways.

For the public Scientologist, org staff and Sea Org Member alike this book should have them running for the doors with their suitcases in tow. It leaves zero doubt that the poster boy COB they see on the glossy event videos and the real David Miscavige are as different as a Spring robin and a deadly rattlesnake.

David Miscavige was not appointed to the post of leadership of the church by L. Ron Hubbard, Ron Miscavige makes perfectly clear. His son rose to power with brutality and bumps in the night.

I won’t spoil anyone’s party by listing the minor or major bombshells RUTHLESS reveals but only say there are some zingers between the covers. Not for the old time veterans of the church, perhaps. They will have heard most of it, or guessed at much of the rest, to be sure.

But even I was amazed to learn that DM had lost millions of dollars of LRH’s personal money, gambling and playing the high-risk markets, without LRH’s knowledge. Then he scrambled like a seasoned safe cracker to cover his tracks and hide his crimes.

So while LRH was suffering the not too distant death of a son, loss of his wife’s freedom, engaged in massive efforts to restructure and protect the church, deal with health issues and generally steer the entire ship and crew out of the eye of a hurricane, David Miscavige was also busy. He was playing hotshot gambler in the oil markets with LRH’s money and withholding the astronomical losses – the economic devastation from the “Old Man.”

Forgive me. There I go spoiling the party, but not to worry. In the end this book will be talked about at many parties. And the conversation will be unavoidable. David Miscavige is only the COB of The Church of Scientology because he is a RUTHLESS psychopath, quite beyond any decent Being’s imagination. And now allot more people are going to learn that truth, because his daddy told them so.


PS: I give RUTHLESS 4 out of 5 STARS.

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Independent Scientology Milestone Two Review of Ruthless by Ron Miscavige

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