samedi 20 février 2016

Narconon Reviews and Tipping Point status

As this is not an announcement regarding ESMB, it probably doesn't really belong in ESMB Public Announcements, but since this is the most visible place I have right now to post, I'll put this here for now and (re)move it later.

Narconon Reviews and Reaching for the Tipping Point will be back. I am not exactly sure when, but I am working on it. It looks like it's going to be a long day, or weekend, for me.

Rather than looking around the net, I'll be focused on a very small part of it (getting the sites back online), so I won't be answering any questions or comments until the sites are back online. Everyone feel free to speculate wildly about what might have happened; I will be amused to see what you come up with - and I will probably need a good laugh (and maybe a drink or two) when this is all over with. :coolwink:

I will start you out with some clues:
  • I wasn't paid off by the cult to take the sites down.
  • The sites were not hacked.
Narconon Reviews and Tipping Point status

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