dimanche 26 juin 2016

The biography of Mary Sue Hubbard

Last month I was approached to work on Mary Sue's biography. Unlike my work on Yvonne Gillham Jentzsch's biography, where I had fantastic help from Yvonne's immediate family, I don't expect that same kind of help on Mary Sue's. You know, the old and highly popular Church of Scientology disconnection practice.

Despite that, I have been able to gather a bit about Mary Sue's early life. I found four pictures from her college days. Next up I put together clues from eight sources and made an argument that Mary Sue came to Wichita in June 1951. I have now positively identified not only when Mary Sue and Ron were married but where, a first such documentation that I know of.

If any of you are so inclined and would like to help please e-mail me at BlkC5vette@aol.com.

Mary Sue's bio is here - http://ift.tt/28WsC6l


Howard Dickman
The biography of Mary Sue Hubbard

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