dimanche 26 juin 2016

MOGS: Machine Organized Gang Stalking

I came across this video posted on youtube by Jim N. E. Cricket.

I think most people here have been in Scientology and most have extracted themselves from it and their presence here is a testament to that, in most cases, that they left it behind.

However, there are those who, even though they left Scientology, experience the residual effects of having been in Scientology for periods of time after leaving.

These effects manifest themselves in aggravation that they still receive communication from the org or fear of retaliation from Scientology for leaving. Actual retaliation from Scientology in the form of disconnection, having protestors picket outside your house or work, receiving legal threats, Scientologists asking questions about you from your neighbors and telling your neighbors false information about you, etc.

Some just worry that these things will happen and others actually experience it. Some have had their careers ruined through black PR and others have eked out a living from this negative assault.

I personally know of some members who have been stalked by Scientology in one way or another.

I think most believe that now they have left Scientology that the ill effects of Scientology are left behind and can no longer affect them. They know there are other cults but the lessons learned from Scientology protects them from ever being affected by mind control or other groups seeking to take over and run their lives.

Some here have gotten over Scientology from immediately to shortly after leaving. Some have still not gotten over it and is a persistent nightmare in their lives but they are no longer directly affected by mind control and cults anymore.

Machine Organized Gang stalking may show you that mind control doesn't end by simply leaving cults. That cults, as they have existed, are just factions of a much larger mind control effort.

It may go to show you why there has never been a really serious effort by governments to bring it to an end. Even Senator Nick Xenophan's efforts, though noble and extensive, haven't put an end to Scientology in Australia. Rally cries against Scientology from government officials tend to die out and become historical but never really landmark results at reform or elimination of Scientology or cults.

That's because mind control is far more extensive than most realize. It is being implemented on a massive scale and comes in many forms that are highly effective.

This video will introduce you to what is being done.

MOGS: Machine Organized Gang Stalking

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