jeudi 9 juin 2016

Dean Wilbur Conversation vs Hubbard Communication TR's

I got involved with scientology by reading dianetics. Many others got started by doing the "Communications Course", I never did that course nor the newer "Success Through Communication" course although I have done many, many hours of the TR's and the Pro TR's course all of which are to improve communication skills.

We all know the COS likes to toot it's horn scientology is about improving communication skills.

Hubbard took a course in GWU college called English Rhetoric by Dean Wilbur. Wilbur wrote the book. Hubbard wrote a letter to Wilbur in 1936 after he left GWU praising Wilbur on his book and as a teacher. Hubbard said he used his book after college. The letter can be found on the BIC website and the official COS website.

There is a section in the book called Conversation, several pages, here are two of them. It's an interesting read and I wish to share it and allow others to compare what Wilbur says vs what scientologists are taught. In reading Wilbur, I wish I would have learned what he wrote as opposed to spending many, many hours doing the TR's and listening/reading to Hubbard.

Dean Wilbur on conversation, click on attached to enlarge:

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Dean Wilbur Conversation vs Hubbard Communication TR's

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