mardi 13 octobre 2015

weird day

Last night I went out to park my truck in the drive way and I saw this huge oil stain on the drive way and I thought: Shit! I'll have to take the damn thing to the repair shop tomorrow. I wondered if it was transmission fluid or oil ( it was dark out) so I wiped some up with a bit of paper towel and smelled it - yep oil. So I parked my truck, and eventually went to bed. This morning I came out to drive to work in another vehicle and the oil stain was gone. Gone - really gone! Just pristine concrete.

I was really unnerved. Did I have one of those really realistic dreams?

I remembered having one as a kid - I got out of bed got dressed, went to the kitchen, ate breakfast, and proceeded to walk to school. My walk was interrupted by my mother yelling at me saying I was going to be late for school and to get out of bed now! Had that happened again?

I couldn't remember going in the house to get the paper - so I thought - shit! It was a dream. I've got to check it out, was my next thought. I ran back to the house and looked in the trash - there was the oily paper at the bottom of the can.

Where did the oil go? I had a really clear mental picture of it in my mind. The street lights reflecting off the oil.

As an old Si Fi buff - as I drove to work all these old nuggets sprang to life in my mind - where the world's like a giant set and it gets torn down at night and rebuilt the following morning. Then there was the Adjustment Bureau movie - it was from an old Philip K. Dick story. Then I thought of this philosophy book I read about the universe being a holographic universe and had examples of the mind affecting it. And what about the black cat in the Matrix - had that happened to me? Holy crap - had this happened to other people? This was spooky - Twilight zone spooky.

It had me going for a while before I finally figured it out.

My wife had parked her car in the driveway after doing some errands and it's so very hot in LA ( the 100's currently - I think the hottest October on record) she was running the a/c full blast. She had pulled it out a while earlier so I could park my truck - it must have been the condensation from the A/C and dripping out of the engine compartment - of course it would smell like oil. And by morning it had evaporated.



weird day

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