mercredi 21 octobre 2015

Scientology trying to stop book by Ron Miscavige, father of leader David Miscavige

Scientology trying to stop book by Ron Miscavige, father of leader David Miscavige.

Mike Rinder: The Ron Miscavige Book War Begins

Please go to Mike's blog for his full analysis.

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Scientology has fired its first shot across the bow in the inevitable, cost-is-no-object-when-it-comes-to-protecting-the-reputation-of-Dear-Leader campaign to try and stop Ron Miscavige’s book. And it’s a spitball from a pea shooter.

Obviously, Dave knows this is not going to be good. He stepped right in the shit by hiring some goons to follow his father and they got caught. And in his inimitable style he turned someone who was doing and saying nothing into another voice raised up in protest of the abuses that are perpetrated inside his church.

The story in the LA Times by Pulitzer prize-winning reporter Kim Christensen caused quite a furor. You can be sure that this incident, and a lot more will be covered in the book.

So, Dave has reason to be worried.

I wonder why he is bothering with the low level stuff and not getting right down to business with some serious threats and Freedom reporters and whatever else he (wrongly) thinks is going to end the next chapter of his golden age of taking it in the shorts. Perhaps it is a reflection of his desperation that he will try anything and see if it works.

But for a first shot – this is really weak. Sticking to the shot across the bow metaphor, this is a spitwad fired by an asthmatic dwarf who has had a lung removed. This projectile didn’t make it beyond the floor next to Gary Soter’s desk.

And that is the first clue as to how toothless this is. It comes from Gary Soter. The lawyer scientology uses to send letters that their other attorneys won’t send because they are afraid of tarnishing their reputations.

Let’s take a look at the letter.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

Scientology trying to stop book by Ron Miscavige, father of leader David Miscavige

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