dimanche 13 septembre 2015

The Scientology Tax Exempt Covert Criminal Cult That Is Allowed To Game Everything

Is their anything the Scientology tax exempt phony religion criminal cult has not been allowed to game?

Scientology gamed the IRS for its tax exempt status. Although it took the Cult 20 years of infiltration & sabotage to "win" its war with the IRS.

Then too, the Cult appears to have gotten away with murder when it starved & dehydrated Lisa Mcpherson to death & then claimed it was Lisa that refused to eat or drink over a 17 day period. Scientology also claimed they didn't notice that insects were feeding on her dying body as she was under their "care" & besides those Scientologists caring for Lisa didn't even speak English. ?

When the medical examiner in Clearwater, Florida, Joan Woods, concluded that what happened to Lisa Mcpherson was criminal, Scientology ruined her medical examiner career. The Lisa Mcpherson death was the last case Joan Woods ever handled. Joan Woods gamed by Scientology.

Just another example of our system of justice being gamed by the Scientology criminal enterprise. When an evil criminal Cult can get away with murder, that Cult is getting away with way too much.

And then there is our securities markets. Financial markets move on the information disseminated by our financial media. We now have the Scientology criminal Cult gaming our markets unimpeded. The Cult has done its usual. Occupying Wall Street, as it infiltrates our financial media, & controlling it to the degree that allows other Scientology criminals to swindle incredible wealth from our markets. Much of that wealth is then donated (tax exempt) to Scientology.

Here is my prediction...allowing the above to happen is not going to end well for those outside of mankind's greatest criminal organization or Cult, called "Scientology".
The Scientology Tax Exempt Covert Criminal Cult That Is Allowed To Game Everything

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