mercredi 30 septembre 2015

10/3: Grand Opening of Fountain Ave. Scientology LA Parishioner Accommodations Bldg.

10/3: Grand Opening of Fountain Ave. Scientology LA Parishioner Accommodations Building.

Mike Rinder: Dear San Diegan….

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I had to include this. I just could not wait for Thursday Funnies.

There is a really MONUMENTAL event happening this Saturday in PAC.

They are opening “The Fountain.”

Anyone who has ever been in this place will know why this is so hilarious.

A complete shithole apartment building that was used for SO and cockroach berthing for decades across from AOLA, has now been turned it into “accommodations” for out of town Scientologists to try and scrape together some extra money — money they have been losing for 50 years now with people staying somewhere else when they come to ASHO or AOLA.

I ask you, how monumental is this?

Ranks right up there with the invention of the wheel in my book.

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10/3: Grand Opening of Fountain Ave. Scientology LA Parishioner Accommodations Bldg.

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