lundi 7 mars 2016

How to Disconnect

I had a person just recently disconnect from me, and frankly I don't know why he did. I thought he was out of Scientology - maybe he went back in? Maybe I pissed him off?

What's so funny is when he would try and get out of doing a job for a potential customer whom he thought wasn't worth the hassle, he would tell them some cock and bull story, like he was on vacation in Hawaii. Of course it backfired on him one time - he was working for the person who referred him, and she asked me why he was telling her friend that he was out of town when he was actually working on her house. Funny!

He would get these calls from various recruiters quite a lot because they wanted him to help build Ideal Orgs, and he would tell them he was dead, or that he was an SP, or that he was moving to someplace like Guam.

So imagine my surprise when he told me he was moving to Frisco to work for a relative. I thought: Righhhhhtttt. My wife pointed out he told her he hated that relative. Further, he ended his email with: "Wish you and Mrs. Mimsey the best, take care." Why end an email like that it you are just moving away? It seemed too final. Too many "outpoints"

I dunno what I did to piss him off, assuming he isn't actually moving to Frisco. Shrug. Moving on:

I thought you may want to use those ideas if the org calls and you want to disconnect from their call in unit.

How to Disconnect

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