mardi 15 mars 2016

The Missing Scientology St. Hill Size Churches

The Missing Scientology St. Hill Size Churches.

Mike Rinder has an excellent post on the St. Hill Size game. Highly recommended. Please read it all. I'll excerpt it only briefly below.

The Missing St Hill Size Orgs

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So, Miscavige came up with a “Why” for orgs not making it to SH Size. He presented it in one of his elaborately staged events and explained that the problem he had so brilliantly discovered was that the orgs were “trying to do too little.” After landing that bomb he pitched his solution: “ideal orgs.” The “ideal org” was supposed to resolve the reason orgs were not capable of achieving St Hill size (“because they didn’t have all the requisite pieces in place, like trying to deliver an auditing session without a meter…”) And with this masterstroke he basically put the ball in the whales’ court — he told them THEY were responsible for raising the funds needed to make all the orgs “ideal”. They could now only blame themselves if they didn’t have OT IX and X.

That was in 2004.

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Because everything is the promise of the future. Something that is going to happen. Unless of course you don’t do your part, in which case, if it doesn’t happen, it’s your fault. Another specialty of scientology — blaming all failures on YOU.

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The Missing Scientology St. Hill Size Churches

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