A big part of this board is the wishful thinking that Scientology under Miscavage will eventually die. I am doubtful of that. Over the past few weeks Tony has been posting the sunday social media pictures, say nothing of the social media stuff he posts daily that the Bunkeroos find. Without exception, they would all appear to be dedicated to Hubbard's cause.
I think a more likely scenario is that a certain percentage of people will continue to read his books, or listen to his tapes and become the zealots he desired no matter what.
Lets posit, for sake of argument, the FBI raids INT, the HGB, and FSO and find incriminating evidence, whether of inurement, fraud, spousal abuse, or something entirely more catastrophic, resulting in his wearing an orange jump suit for a very long time.
Even if there were mass ship-jumping as a result of his incarceration, there would be plenty of true believers remaining. What it a fundamentalist Scientologist, took up the reigns, disavowed miscavage, did amnesties etc,? Or a savy marketer turned things around? Or even if they hunkered down and the corpse lurched along undead? Sure, the ideal orgs would go on the auction block, and perhaps in it's place smaller, reasonably sized orgs, or even splintered off orgs that did their own flavor of scientology.
After all, doesn't Miscavage's power stem from Hubbard's writing and spoken words? It was those words that turned me into a true believer, not anything Miscavage uttered. Thus, it would be fair to say, to truly destroy Scientology, one would have to destroy all he wrote. It would be an impossible task. Such was his legacy.
It would live on. Perhaps a shadow of it's former self. Perhaps with a garrison SO unit running things.
Would it ever truly die?
Will Hubbard's name last throughout eternity?
Or will it eventually be as forgotten as the builders of Stonehenge or Easter island?
What if it doesn't die?
I think a more likely scenario is that a certain percentage of people will continue to read his books, or listen to his tapes and become the zealots he desired no matter what.
Lets posit, for sake of argument, the FBI raids INT, the HGB, and FSO and find incriminating evidence, whether of inurement, fraud, spousal abuse, or something entirely more catastrophic, resulting in his wearing an orange jump suit for a very long time.
Even if there were mass ship-jumping as a result of his incarceration, there would be plenty of true believers remaining. What it a fundamentalist Scientologist, took up the reigns, disavowed miscavage, did amnesties etc,? Or a savy marketer turned things around? Or even if they hunkered down and the corpse lurched along undead? Sure, the ideal orgs would go on the auction block, and perhaps in it's place smaller, reasonably sized orgs, or even splintered off orgs that did their own flavor of scientology.
After all, doesn't Miscavage's power stem from Hubbard's writing and spoken words? It was those words that turned me into a true believer, not anything Miscavage uttered. Thus, it would be fair to say, to truly destroy Scientology, one would have to destroy all he wrote. It would be an impossible task. Such was his legacy.
It would live on. Perhaps a shadow of it's former self. Perhaps with a garrison SO unit running things.
Would it ever truly die?
Will Hubbard's name last throughout eternity?
Or will it eventually be as forgotten as the builders of Stonehenge or Easter island?
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