Independent Scientology Milestone Two admits it keeps and refuses to transfer PC folders against requests of parishioners.
Milestone Two: From the horses mouth
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By Lana M
Gosh, there are some fascinating whisper (or not so quiet) campaigns ongoing. It never ceases to amaze me how an isolated few individuals can righteously and indignantly natter about myself, about Jim Logan or about others we know or work with.
The accusations and mud that gets flung around is fascinating to me. And that people take the 3rd hand, false and twisted information and accept it, is also interesting.
To satisfy the rumours here is the real scoop:
Yes, we practice LRHs Scientology and we have no qualms about stating that we do not support Captain Bill, Excalibur or other squirrel practices. If we are asked to send PC folders or information to squirrels, we wont do it. It should be obvious why not. We have no problems with providing folders to bonafide Scientology auditors and have, many times, provided all worksheets, pc folders and information to such auditors. We are always willing to receive a cram or an instruct however to date no such crams or instructs have been received from auditors we have sent folders to. If you want us to send your folders to a Captain Bill auditor, the answer is no.
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Milestone Two: From the horses mouth
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By Lana M
Gosh, there are some fascinating whisper (or not so quiet) campaigns ongoing. It never ceases to amaze me how an isolated few individuals can righteously and indignantly natter about myself, about Jim Logan or about others we know or work with.
The accusations and mud that gets flung around is fascinating to me. And that people take the 3rd hand, false and twisted information and accept it, is also interesting.
To satisfy the rumours here is the real scoop:
Yes, we practice LRHs Scientology and we have no qualms about stating that we do not support Captain Bill, Excalibur or other squirrel practices. If we are asked to send PC folders or information to squirrels, we wont do it. It should be obvious why not. We have no problems with providing folders to bonafide Scientology auditors and have, many times, provided all worksheets, pc folders and information to such auditors. We are always willing to receive a cram or an instruct however to date no such crams or instructs have been received from auditors we have sent folders to. If you want us to send your folders to a Captain Bill auditor, the answer is no.
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