mardi 22 mars 2016

Upstairs at the Org

Maybe somebody here can clarify for me what occurred one day during my second stint as a public at a class V org. It was the summer of '85 and I had just quit a job I was in for 10 years. I had a few thousand dollars in profit sharing which I never told the org about.

My dear family friend, Charley, years before had paid for the HAS course for me and I felt it was time to go back and finally take it. I had read pretty much all of the basic books by this time.

I was told that they no longer offered the HAS but instead the equivalent would be the Ups and Downs in Life Course. Of course I took it. I have to admit it pissed me off as the course consisted of parts from one of the books I had read. It may have even been the Big Green volunteer ministers handbook which I still have by the way.

Now this is the part that I need understanding with. At some point I was called to one of the upstairs floors into an office. I sat down across the desk from a woman I did not know. She told me she was going to ask me some questions so I thought, "okay this won't be so bad." What happened next startled me.

She picked up the phone receiver that was on her desk, punched in 3 or 4 numbers, then put the receiver on the desk in front of me. I looked at it and I thought "what the f is this about?"

For the life of me I cannot recall even one question she asked but I do remember being embarrassed, angry, insulted, and shocked at most of the questions. They were very personal involving my girlfriend and my finances and things like that. I definitely did not volunteer any details. I just wish like hell I remembered the questions.

I would just like to know from those of you who may have had the same experience or maybe even had been the person on the other side of that desk who did the same types of things with others, what was going on? Was someone else somewhere in the building listening in and writing down what was being said? Was I being recorded? I almost asked her why she did that but something inside of me told me that her answer would be that she was just making sure that we were not being disturbed. This was not the only time I had a strange encounter with somebody in an office in that building.

So, anybody have knowledge of this or an opinion?
Upstairs at the Org

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