dimanche 13 mars 2016

New Scientology front-group: OrgBoat

New Scientology front-group: OrgBoat.

Broken out of Tony Ortega's article about the Scientology LRH Birthday Event.


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OrgBoat is a new software package that helps you run your company according to the Hubbard Method of Business Management. It is web based, free for five or fewer employees, and includes features for running your HR department according to Scientology policy. The web site for OrgBoat doesn’t mention Scientology, but in social media posts the connection is clear.

Need an HCO in your company?
We have an HCO application you can try for FREE.

Stats, BPs, reminder tasks, commends, reports, hat packs, chat and more at your fingertips. Accessible from a phone, computer or tablet.

HCO is the Hubbard Communications Office, the Division that establishes a Scientology org, recruits new staff, and “hats,” or trains, recruits for a particular position. Stats refers to management by statistics, a system of rewarding the “upstat” individual and punishing the “downstat.” BPs refers to Battle Plans, defined by Hubbard as “A list of targets for the coming day or week which forward the strategic planning and handle the immediate actions and outnesses which impede it.” Commends are commendations, an integral part of Scientology, and reports refers to Knowledge Reports, the Scientology system of snitching on other members of the organization.

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New Scientology front-group: OrgBoat

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