samedi 12 mars 2016

Mission: tyrannical — the secrets of Scientology, by Lawrence Wright in Sunday Times

Mission: tyrannical — the secrets of Scientology, by Lawrence Wright in Sunday Times.

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Interesting that the word scientology is not capitalized.

Sunday Times -- Mission: tyrannical — the secrets of Scientology

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Mission: tyrannical — the secrets of Scientology

Tom Cruise lends scientology an air of glamour, but an explosive book by Lawrence Wright only now being published in Britain claims that behind the facade is a church ruled by violence and intimidation, with beatings, ritual humiliation and enforced abortions

Lawrence Wright Published: 13 March 2016

GREAT FAME imposes a kind of cloister on those who join its ranks. When he was 25, Tom Cruise was the biggest star in Hollywood, on his way to becoming one of the most famous movie legends in history. At around the same time in the mid-1980s, when he too was 25, David Miscavige became the de facto leader of scientology.

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Mission: tyrannical — the secrets of Scientology, by Lawrence Wright in Sunday Times

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