samedi 19 mars 2016

The FBI and Miscavige

I work in an establishment that caters to the public. Some of the clientele are FBI, Secret Service, City police and Detectives, as well as everyday people working in everyday jobs.

Very often when the FBI agents come in I kind of razz them, good-naturedly of course. I ask them if they have solved that grassy knoll thing yet or some armored car robbery from 30 years ago and things like that. There is actually One agent I continually call L. Ron Hubbard's bastard Moon child and he thinks it's hilarious.

One day two of the FBI agents came in. One is about 45 years old and the other around 30 years old. They always expect something outrageous to come out of my mouth so I indulged them by asking, "When are you going to take down David Miscavige and close down Scientology?" The older of the two just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. The younger one said, and I quote, "I know who David Miscavige is but I don't know what Scientology is." The older one told the younger one that he is the head of Scientology which made me laugh. The younger one replied, ohhhh that crazy cult group."

The fact that one of the agents knew exactly who Miscavige is but had no idea what Scientology is makes me wonder if Miscavige is the main target for them. On the other hand it may mean nothing but then again... I just found that a bit interesting.
The FBI and Miscavige

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