samedi 5 décembre 2015

Finally telling your story to a spouse, breaking the ice, suggestions?

Hello Peeps!

I do not often talk about my history in the church or on Staff/SO.

I only have maybe, at best, one or two close people that have gotten a glimpse. My spouse up until now has not been one of those people, but I am getting there. They have a general idea that I spent time doing these things at some point in my past, and they understand that I have family involved and I want to be supportive of those family members however I am able.

I would like to tell them everything... but where to start?

I was thinking of a "going clear and chill", maybe followed by some conversation, and then a suggestion to read troublemaker.

I'm sure there are many here who may have gone through this process. I would like to be open with my spouse and best friend. They know very little to practically nothing about the subject, itself. Oh, and whiskey, lots of whiskey.. lol

Any suggestions? This should be interesting at minimum. Oh, and apologies if this has been covered already in detail.

-No One
Finally telling your story to a spouse, breaking the ice, suggestions?

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