$cientology is rotten to its core and the blackheart Hoobard was
a thief and con man, some folks think otherwise and so we have
a very basic dis-agreement as to the worth of Hoobards preachin and teachins ?
It's the same dis agreement I have with freezoners who think there is some
point where it all went wrong and the underlying "tech" could some how be
restored to some golden age that never existed save in the minds of what are probably
good people who really do want to help folks and themselves and badly want to believe
there is marked course and a bridge to salvation.... a vehicle ?
The claims or implied connection to Bhudhism as to regards to Hoobard
and $cio is just simple horseshit PR called positioning.
There is a very old split in bhuddhist philosophy called "big boat" and "little boat"
I highly recommend the read to those unfamiliar with it.
In brief it is the idea that there are two schools of thought.
1. freedom from suffering of life will be found when "all" escape.
which results in the vows of Bhodisatva's not to escape until all are out.
2. freedom will be found only on an individual basis.
which results in the idea that only "you" can free "you".
It is polarising idea based on this assumption "man is fallen and needs to be saved
hence salvation.
Consider briefly if not thoroughly the truth of the above assumption.
I have and I find no need for saviors or saving, bridges or boats or any other vehicles or paths no matter the beauty and the shine the incredible articulation to convince me of the need for mine or anyone elses "salvation".
now does that "free me" ? yup it does :)
Bonds are not bondage unless seen as such and then used against another human being
as it is only the power of my own choice and creation of loving bonds that are
unconditional and uncontractual that allows the beautiful relationships in our lives
to blossom and grow in great abundance.
As this year closes I send out my hopes that your New Year and that of your loved
ones, is one of great love and abundance, and any broken bonds are healed quickly
and completely.
Slights large and small are forgiven in the understanding that, for grace and good fortune
there go I.
Happy New Year
to y'all :)
Have a great Holiday Season ESMBer's and thank you for the spice of life this
year in sharing your inate wisdom's and follies and I hope some of mine may be of
some small use along the way.
Finishing Bhudha's work ? and Happy Holidays
a thief and con man, some folks think otherwise and so we have
a very basic dis-agreement as to the worth of Hoobards preachin and teachins ?
It's the same dis agreement I have with freezoners who think there is some
point where it all went wrong and the underlying "tech" could some how be
restored to some golden age that never existed save in the minds of what are probably
good people who really do want to help folks and themselves and badly want to believe
there is marked course and a bridge to salvation.... a vehicle ?
The claims or implied connection to Bhudhism as to regards to Hoobard
and $cio is just simple horseshit PR called positioning.
There is a very old split in bhuddhist philosophy called "big boat" and "little boat"
I highly recommend the read to those unfamiliar with it.
In brief it is the idea that there are two schools of thought.
1. freedom from suffering of life will be found when "all" escape.
which results in the vows of Bhodisatva's not to escape until all are out.
2. freedom will be found only on an individual basis.
which results in the idea that only "you" can free "you".
It is polarising idea based on this assumption "man is fallen and needs to be saved
hence salvation.
Consider briefly if not thoroughly the truth of the above assumption.
I have and I find no need for saviors or saving, bridges or boats or any other vehicles or paths no matter the beauty and the shine the incredible articulation to convince me of the need for mine or anyone elses "salvation".
now does that "free me" ? yup it does :)
Bonds are not bondage unless seen as such and then used against another human being
as it is only the power of my own choice and creation of loving bonds that are
unconditional and uncontractual that allows the beautiful relationships in our lives
to blossom and grow in great abundance.
As this year closes I send out my hopes that your New Year and that of your loved
ones, is one of great love and abundance, and any broken bonds are healed quickly
and completely.
Slights large and small are forgiven in the understanding that, for grace and good fortune
there go I.
Happy New Year
to y'all :)
Have a great Holiday Season ESMBer's and thank you for the spice of life this
year in sharing your inate wisdom's and follies and I hope some of mine may be of
some small use along the way.
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