Tom Cruise Leaves Scientology!! Far fetched? Maybe. But what about Travota and Preston?
I am issuing a challenge - what would be the cause and effect if a celebrity of your choosing blew.
For example John and Kelly.
Here's the cause: Lets say one fine day they realize they have been had, but more than that: Used. Used. Used. Used to fly VM's to Haiti only for photo ops. Used only to fly VMs to New Orleans for photo ops, and NONE of the money collected ended up in the peoples hands who needed it. None of the money they personally donated was ever used for anything promised either. The mists of koolaid part, and they are pissed.
So Kelly says to Miscavage "we want to get reimbursed for all the jet fuel, the flight crew, the maintenance on the planes etc. that you stroked us for"
The effect: Miscavage tells them to "F off, you ain't getting shit, and by the way, y'all need sec checks" which becomes a new cause and puts them at effect. But now they read Leah's book and a few others, and "gird their loins" to regain a position of cause.
What do they do next?
Celebrity Cause / effect
I am issuing a challenge - what would be the cause and effect if a celebrity of your choosing blew.
For example John and Kelly.
Here's the cause: Lets say one fine day they realize they have been had, but more than that: Used. Used. Used. Used to fly VM's to Haiti only for photo ops. Used only to fly VMs to New Orleans for photo ops, and NONE of the money collected ended up in the peoples hands who needed it. None of the money they personally donated was ever used for anything promised either. The mists of koolaid part, and they are pissed.
So Kelly says to Miscavage "we want to get reimbursed for all the jet fuel, the flight crew, the maintenance on the planes etc. that you stroked us for"
The effect: Miscavage tells them to "F off, you ain't getting shit, and by the way, y'all need sec checks" which becomes a new cause and puts them at effect. But now they read Leah's book and a few others, and "gird their loins" to regain a position of cause.
What do they do next?
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