dimanche 27 décembre 2015

Breaking up the families of the Sea Org at Int level - a secret project from 1998-200

Breaking up the families of the Sea Org at Int level - a secret project from 1998-2002

Around 1998 a flap occurred at Int level - kids of major Sea Org parents - such as Mike Rinder, etc. were only in the Cadet Org instead of becoming Sea Org members and signing the billion years contract. Also COB felt kids were distracting their parents and thus the parents at Int were underperforming. A solution came up - send all the Cadet Org kids from California to Flag Land base - and this would also help the Super Power push. This way about 118 kids got separated from their parents ( I am not sure but I think anyone from age 10 up) and got made to sign the contract and work for Flag Land Base at Clearwater. I remember when I first saw the list. I was told many of these kids are from the families of RTC Int, WDC, etc members so we had to take good care of them. All these illiterate kids arrived - some extremely basic knowledge of Scientology and hardly any knowledge of the outside word. They had no math skills, no knowledge of humanities, so the staff course supervisors had a really hard time with these kids. Law requires for the kids to attend school once a week. So once a week they went to Cadet school trying to shoot for a GED. Many of them came to me and secretly (me being college science trained) teaching them not Scientology but basic understanding of math, biology, etc. Most of these kids got kicked out, RPF-ed, demoted, etc. Sad way to break up families just to push Super Power and increase number of staff without any meaning...
Breaking up the families of the Sea Org at Int level - a secret project from 1998-200

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