mardi 29 décembre 2015

Wired Italy: Scientology is in crisis?

Wired Italy: Scientology is in crisis?

Google translation from Italian to English.


Scientology is in crisis?

Despite recent inaugurations Pharaonic, the church founded by Ron Hubbard seems entered a period of crisis. Russia and Belgium have launched new offensives courts, while in Europe the membership would be now in free fall

"Our new renaissance will start in Milan." Thus spake David Miscavige, leader of the international Church of Scientology was on 31 October, and the organization founded by L. Ron Hubbard inaugurated in Viale Fulvio Testi its biggest European headquarters - four buildings, the highest of five levels, ten thousand square meters, ample underground parking, an actual value of about twenty million. "This is another historic achievement in a year of unprecedented progress for the Scientology religion," pompously announces the website of the congregation, in a flurry of snapshots photoshopped, crucifixes and bright video apologetic. But is this true? It is really all that glitters is gold?

Despite the inevitable press bombastic, religion Tom Cruise and John Travolta is going through a period of profound crisis, which could even turn - in the coming months - in a real Caporetto.

Recently, the federal prosecutor's office in Brussels called for the dissolution of the local offices of Scientology. The charges: conspiracy, fraud, illegal practice of medicine, violations of privacy and extortion. Scientologists Belgians are in the dock for publishing fake jobs in order to recruit new members - a practice that the northern European authorities do not intend to take too lightly. "We will go to court to head up - they did know Hubbard's followers -. We will ask for recognition of our fundamental rights." The question, however, could prove more complicated than expected, also because, according to an investigation by the Guardian, its head office in Belgium would finance and logistics of all other European subsidiaries of Scientology. If it were destroyed, the consequences would be devastating.

Meanwhile, about two thousand kilometers to the east, in Putin's Russia, the Moscow court ordered the dissolution of the local church headquarters, accepting a request from the Ministry of Justice. Scientology - according to officials of the Kremlin - it would not be a real entity Spiritual, but rather a registered trademark, and therefore would not qualify to be within the rules provided in the Constitution on the freedom of religion.
The tremendous 1:00 to 2:00 judiciary was taken up by newspapers around Europe. Yet it would be only the tip of the iceberg: according to industry experts, the crisis of Scientology has lasted several years, regardless of judges and magistrates.

"The latest official figures for Italy date back to 2007. They were branched from the Notebooks of freedom, a newsletter within the organization, and they talked about 9,892 followers
- says Simonetta Po, founder and administrator of the largest Italian portal dedicated to the US organization , Scientology -. In 2009, the church has experienced a major schism, with the release of a large group of old scienologisti, so-called independent directors, who, in opposition to Miscavige, believe that the current leadership has betrayed the teachings of Hubbard . Economic crisis and bad publicity did the rest: how many people today would be willing to spend their savings in auditing, improvement courses and other initiatives of Scientology? ".

From them, the followers of the controversial organization overseas, however, have two major advantages: an endless disposable income, the result of many decades of alms billionaire, and an undeniable talent for everything related to marketing. "Scientology tip opening of large venues, such as Milan, because this enables it to secure the attention of the press - continues Po -. These are called Org ideals, designed by Miscavige in the early twenty-first century. In Italy there are now two more, in Rome and Padua, and many more have been opened in major European cities. However, once the initial hype, they inevitably tend to empty, and the same applies to small local missions, which often are even closed. "

The much-vaunted renaissance Hubbard, in short, seems more than ever a utopia, at least in our country. "The reality is that Scientology is in crisis everywhere, both in Europe and in the United States. The only positive data coming from the former Soviet bloc, the states of the East and Asia, "said Po. In other words: the next Tom Cruise may have slanted eyes. Certainly, however, he will not speak Milan.


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Wired Italy: Scientology is in crisis?

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