"This is one small revolution for man, one giant evolution for mankind"
This single source only correct data science of all things physical is to be named Omni/Science.
Omni; to, in and from any and all directions simultaineously,
Science; study of.
the study of the correct data of the concept, structure, mechanics, engineering, actions and interactions of and between time, space, energy, mass, matter in that order of sceniority.
Correct Data; defined in Omni/Science as;
Source only physical universe correct data; when applied/known is easily observable, experiencable understandable, duplicatable by anyone with little study and shows no variations in conclusions on these from one person to another, or similarly within the physical universe.
The following are chosen and edited extracts from many tens of thousands of pages of administrated source correct physical universe correct data.
Here is how and why E does not equal Mc squared by any current scientific measure.
Energy does not equal the speed of light squared.
Omni/Science; on Time;
"This Physical Universe is not manufactured, or made of, or from, any equation or geometric or mathamatic, never was never will be".
Within any study of time it is nessasary to distinquish and differentiate human considerations and experience of time from any actual universal or physical time.
The human experience of time varies considerably from individual to individual, our apparent individual experience and measure of the rate or flow of time for each individual can mean that 2 individuals doing identical work side by side, one may sence that the working day passed very slowly, whilst his co-worker insists that the day flew by almost unnoticed.
Anyone can and has experienced this differentiation with others of the measure of what in effect is the same rate of physical time passage, experienced and measured differently. With such vast differences of individual human measures of the rate of time passage, it is easily observed and experiencible and known to any individual human being that their "own time" is their own single measure of their own time and so is not any stable accurate measure of a standard universal time rate or flow.
To date time has been considered to be a flow from future time, to present time, to past time, in this, time, is considered to be some kind of line, yet the only concept or experience or actuality of the existence of any past at all comes soley from the fact of human beings recording present time continualy, which as a memory is a past, but only for one, lest a memory be shared. That is to say that the past for each person is nothing more or less that their own memory or recollections of present time events recorded and stored in sequence.
The fact that each individual person has a unique point in space from were they view at any given time, makes obvious the correct data that memories of the past are not themselves actual universal records of times past, but are in reality and actuality any individuals own recordings of consecutive present time moments.
The physical universe itself, void of intention or life, is utterly dead and in this has no means or intent or purpose for or of recording itself. Old light arriving from distant stars and galaxies is just that, old light, it is not "looking back in time" it is only a record of the past as much as the light from present time moments long ago travelling through space and arriving at you, that is all it is. Thus light is a universal communication containing old images which fade as the travelling light strikes objects in its path. How much of the original images remain within a light stream as we recieve it here on earth from distant places, is always less than the original image, the light hits one atom in space and is so reduced by that amount, only a wholley uniterupted light stream contains the full original images and this is fully covered in the O/S lecture entitled light.
Thus Omni/Science discovers that this model of time being a line is based not on any scientific fact or certainty, but soley on the phenomenon of human memory/the past, human live experince/ present time, and a future, which is human beings ideas and postulates of things that one or others may do, which in themselves are not a structure for a universal, physical universe time.
Any study of the current theories of time then will be seen to contain the ideas and experience of human observations and human time, or light, both of which are wildly variable. The greatest of current theories contain as their foundation ideas that 2 persons cannot view the same event and see 2 different things happening at the same "time", yet these equations do not contain an equation for the viewpoint, the person or thing looking, or the different positions of any 2 viewpoints in space, in other words, current theories/equations include a human or other viewpoint yet these same do not contain any equation for the "variable viewpoint factor", or the "variable light factor" hence the very foundations upon which current theories and thinkings are based do not exist as stable or relyable scientific foundation, hence the wildly variable differences between current ideas and theories put forth as " science".
Further measures of time include atomic decay rates and so forth and it is quite clear that any rate of decay of any physical object is not a measure of time itself, but simply a stable measure of rate of decay used to synchronize clocks and other devices which, needless to say, are themselves, or their measure, not time itself.
Omni/Science discovers the correct data physical universal scientificaly measurable and verifiable fact that, "2 persons or viewpoints cannot view the same physical event at the same time",
Why not?
Simply because 2 viewpoints do not occupy the same space, they do not view from the exact same location in space.
Further; the light containing the image to view arrives at 2 different points in space always at different times, if one person is standing next to another watching any object travelling, stationary or motioning at any speed in any direction, the two persons eyes will each recieve a different image, different light waves/particles, viewed from a different location in space, from a different angle, even if this difference of time or space is billions of trillionths of an inch or second, presuming that "same time" means exactly that, the exact no variation same time, the event viewed can never be exactly the same view or in the same time.
So the correct data, under all circumstances, is that "2 persons can never view the same occurence at the same time" and this is based upon the location of the viewpoint, person, in space compared to a different location in space of another persons viewpoint and so obviously and by any scientific test or measure the arrival of any particular light wave/particle at these 2 different locations in space will be at a different time, be different light waves, so a different image. Precicely stated; "the same point upon any lenth of any light wave/particle arriving at any viewpoint must be the exact same point upon that waves lenth as any other viewpoint views it for these 2 viewpoints to be in and view the same exact incident in the same exact time", and time is very exact.
One could obviously position two persons eyeballs at the exact, that is exactly, the same distance from the light source, however this would have to be done to the degree of distance of one single light wave lenth, this means that if one atom is different in position on one persons eyeball to another person, then what the first person views is not " in time" with what the other person views, not to mention the angle of view is different, and so what is viewed is different, and the light/image viewed by each is viewed with different light. Again so wildly variable that no stable point, no exact same time view in time between 2 viewpoints is possible, should the viewpoint be human or machine. Only a viewpoint within a viewpoint would or could view the exact same time event occuring, unfortunately these 2 viewpoints would be one viewpoint regardless of the quantity viewing through the point.
Thus the correct data about time is; time is not light, light is not time and light has no direct connection to time other that the fact that light flows within a time, as does all energies and all components of the physical universe.
Further to these things the only time that any human being has ever observed, experinced and proven to date is present time, ones very physical existence in present time, and only in present time, is proof to every single life form of the presence of a present time. Any and all tests performed that proport other times only ever have occured from, that is to say in, a present time, the idea that some matter or mass performs unusually in present time is not ever any evidence or proof of any other time, these merely re-enforce the presence of a very inexorable and quite solid and apparently unbreachable present time.
Omni/Science then discovers a correct data model geometry for time itself within which all observed, experienced and known phenomenon of all time and times are revealed as correct data. And this correct data universal geometry or geometric, which is simply a single shape that when motioned, mathematically or by computer CGI enables measure of any and all times, spaces, energies, masses and matter provides the correct data solutions of the exact location of any energy, mass, matter in any space at any present time moment, live.
O/S discovers that life itself is part and parcel of present time itself, scientifically, as is easily observable and experiencible and mesurable by anyone.
Imagine for a moment, as a thought experiment, that this entire physical universe as we now know it were void of life, imagine this universe containing only time, space, energy, mass and matter, no cells, no life, no sentience, this is a thoughrally imagined dead and lifeless universe, this is the current agreed upon condition of this universe a few millions of years ago, no life in it.
Within this lifeless universe any and all sciences and scientists do agree that this lifeless universe would be 100% predictable, it would be only a predictable and calculatable series of motions, actions and interations between matter, masses, and energies in space with zero variables. Just a consistant series of collisions and interactions were x collides with y and deflects here or their and decay , create here, destroy their and explosion, implosion and so on and so forth and all, that is to state all, 100% predictable, this is a scientific truth measurable, calculatable, it is scientifically correct data. In a lifeless universe all calculations and equations of all motions, all actions, all interactions of all things are correct data answers, correct solutions, total predictability, always 1+1=2, 2+1=3, 2-1+3=4, and so on and on and on apparently infinately. This data above is the reason why scientists currently believe the universe to be a mass of data and equations and billions are spent attemting to discover wgere all the data came from at some imagined beggining, and where all the data will go at some imagined end.
These predictable calculatable motions actions and interactions of matter, mass, energy in space include all components of this physical universe from the core common center of any and all waves, particulates, upto the enmass motions of all of the galaxies within this universe, and indeed the entirety of the physical universe itself, plus its apparent expansion out to the area infinate beyond.
Omni/Science discovers that this lifeless universe of 100% predictability is called Universal Standard Time. U.S.T. or fully The Univesal Standard Time Continuum.
Universal Standard Time U.S.T. is the sum of all lifeless ( not altered by life changes ) motions actions and interactions between matter, masses, energies in space at a calculatable rate, and the rate of the calculations of the actions and interactions are the "time" as a universal standard of rate of motions in space and this is the Universal Standard Time Continuum defined.
In this imagined lifeless universe of 100% predictability time would be all at once, that is to say that no past could or would exist beyond any moment of 100% calculated motions actions and interactions, also the future would only be a set of predictable motions actions and interactions between matter, mass and energy in space, but predicted by whom? by what? Their could not exist any such thing as a present time, for in this imagined lifeless universe their is no thing, no viewpoint, no life to determine such a moment. The U.S.T. continuum is thoughrally dead, void of intention or purpose, nothing exists that enables any determination of "when" any present time would or should be, and no means of any notions of any past or future, not to mention no thing or one to view anything at any moment in any time, these are evident scientific factual truths.
Thus the "time" in U.S.T. is simultaineous, no present time or past time or future time moments could be distiquished from one another or exist, and as for the future of U.S.T. this is only calculations of motions, action and interactions between matter, mass, and energies in space timed, timed as in any arbritary measure of motions etc, with no one or thing to perform the calculations, hence all time, all space, all energies, all masses, all matter all at once, all simultaineously, creation and destruction all at once with no continuence, no continuum.
Thus, by any measure, this physical universe void of life has no present time, and lacking a present time therefore has no future to come into a present time or a past to exit from present time into, hence all simultainiously.
Enter one single cell of life into this physical universe?
Immediatly upon its conception, its first motions, this one single cell within such vastness of this entire physical universe this one cell alters the Universal Standard Time Continuum simultainity 100% equation.
"Because life's motion, actions and interactions are utterly unpredictable as matter, mass, energy in space. The unpredictability of lifes interactions as matter, mass, energy in space is a scientific truth, it is impossible to predict and or calculate the present or future motions actions and interactions that life performs, actualy impossible to calculate by any means, and their exist no argument against this in any science.
Thus; Life alters, impinges upon the 100% correct data solutions and equations of the predictability of the U.S.T.continuum.
Life introduces "the" unpredictable variable, an imeasurable randomity upon the U.S.T. continuum.
Life does not fit into the 100% calculatable range of U.S.T., life creates errors in the 100% correct equations of U.S.T.
Mechanically; life changes the 100% predictability of U.S.T. by way of impinging upon and animating randomly and so unpredictably matter, mass, energy in space, life changes the 100% predictable motions, actions and interactions between matter, mass, energy in space, life alters by animations the 100% predictable the ALL simultainious TIME of the U.S.T. continuum.
Yet the U.S.T. continuum, altered now by one unpredictable cell of life, continues, that is to say that the U.S.T. continuum itself continues even with this altered equation randomly changing within it.
Thus a dichotomy.
How then does U.S.T. continue with unpredictably, this instability of incorrect solutions to equations?
Any alteration of the U.S.T. 100% predictability creates an anomoly within the Universal Standard Time Continuum, this anomoly we call, "Present Time".
The existence of life then, of a present time itself as a "moment of time", in all time, creates an unpredictable incalculable time anomoly moment within U.S.T. werein all life then proceeds, agrees, and can BE, simultaineously, and this is reality, the LIFE impingement, your own impingement observed and experienced present time from where you read these word.
Any reduction to the 100% predictability U.S.T. equation is an anomoly within U.S.T, this anomoly creates a time, a specific time when randomity from 100% can occur, this specific time must be able to co exist within the " all time" of the U.S.T. and this created specific time cannot interfere with the U.S.T. continuum, thus we have a "present time" moment, the NOW, motioning within the U.S.T. continuum. It is thus apparent that the phenomenon of life, which is the only known phenomenon that can add randomity to the 100% balanced U.S.T. equation, is responsible for the existance of present time itself, and this is a scientific truth, a fact observed and experienced by ALL life and by any scientific measure or idea past, present or future.
Enter the correct data model geometry of the U.S.T. continuum that enables randomity and life to occur in this present time within the 100% predictability, and, enter the life viewpoint phenomenon of "present time".
" Present time is thus located exactly, and from this exact motioning point of present time any and all spaces, energies, masses, matter are locatable and located in and from a time, in and from present time, thus any and all uncertainties concerning these things are removed"
note; Omni/Science has discovered the correct data universal geometry and mathematic ( this is the hitheto withheld Scientology geometry and Scientology mathematic) that enables a 100% correct data calculation, equation, solution for any part or whole of any time, space, energy, mass, matter, within this physical universe, within the parameters of any present or other time moment, the geometric and equational solutions to any and all uncertainties of times, spaces and locations of any and all energies, masses, matter in any space at any time using present time as the stable point/viewpoint from which all these are viewed and measured.
Omni/Science; concerning light and time;
The moment that any light wave/particle exits any mass or matter the images data contained within it is a past time record. This is to state that the only present time record of any image that exists within any light becomes, is, a past record at the exact moment of the lights exit from any mass or matter, this is scientific fact by any measure, and reveals the very interesting and significant truth that antthing viewed by way of light is not, cannot physically ever be a view of any present time event, think about this, the light is ONLY carrying the image of any occurance from a previouse present time moment. these correct data then handle the apparent problems of attempting to use light as a means of viewing present time, one is neber viewing present time via light, eyes closed and sensing all in the present, that IS present time and all applications, persons, MUST know these data.
Any physical eyes open routine or process concerning present time, and perhaps many other processes, MUST include the actual light PT delay, and if one wants to be realy good, the time delay must be known as a measure and these data are all encompassed upon the MEST harmonic tone scale (unreleased) right after the ethics presence scale (unreleased) which both are exactly in line with the tone and other scales, their is no limit to what these last 2 handle, in PT, get this, BOOM!
After its exit the light wave/particle and the mass/matter light source both then exist in present time, and no other time, and the fact that the light is in motion in present time, carrying an image of a past time occurence, has no relevence to any other time than present time itself exepting that one is not viewing a present time moment, motion.
Thus it is life itself, and only life, that experiences present time by way of the presence of an agreed upon moment, to be, simultaineously at the moment in all time that life alters the 100% equation and that moment is the present, the NOW.
Present time for and from any viewpoint is experienced, observed, and known to be wholley inflexible regardless of any idea or theory or test, no other present time moment exists within this present time. Any matter or mass in motion in any space or field of force encounters, is colliding with, absorbing, countless energy waves and particles, thus if one accelerates any mass faster than another identicle mass the quantities and qualities of the sum of energies and mass measured in both is different. A ticking clock or atomic clock then traveling at speed, say in an aircraft, compared to an identicle clock on the ground would be funtioning under, and in, wholley different conditions, in encountering much greater energies/mass within its atomic structure, the clock in the aircraft requiring more energy to motion, more mass and energy entering its actual space and structure as it motions through space, would quite obviously operate, measure, at a different rate, the facinating thing is, that none of the above concerning light/time have anything to do with or effect any time at all. The fact that one tiny little atomic clock measures differently to an identicle clock in motion has nothing to do with time itself, these clocks are not actually measuring time itself, they are measuring decay rates, or it could be pendulum swings, none of which are time, these are only, all of them, arbritary measures of rates of motions of mass/matter/energy in space, noting their that is no time itself being measured from a stable but motioning present time moment, no stable datum of "any time" has hitherto been measured. The above experiment is the foundation evedence upon which E=McSq is supposedly proven, not any longer, or ever again.
To measure time one must first locate a time, the question then is, how long is present time?, physically. Omni/Science discovers the exact lenth of duration of physical universe present time within the UST continuum and it is this present time, and only this present time, from which any and all other physical universe time can be, and is now and from now on measured, APP to be released.
Locate a time= locates a space= locates any energy, any mass or any matter, particle, sub particle or wave in time within its own or any space and or spaces or times.
Standard MEST Tech on any civilized world.
"In the all time of the Universal Time Continuum life sets out periods which do have a beginning and an end as far as the actions interactions and motions of life are concerned, this period with a beginning and end is the moment of present time percieved, experienced, but not observed, and obviously thus, present time is agreed upon by by life".
"A, if not the, common denomenator of human beings on earth is the condition of confusion, he knows not what he is, he knows not when he is, he knows not where he is, he knows then not whom he is, and by any definition that is a complete state of utter confusion".
"To be? is first to be when, and that when is present time, further to this, for life is " to be what" further to this, and for sentience alone, is " to be whom" and thus the confusions of man as to when, what and whom are resolved by the perception, experience, and PRESENT TIME DELAYED observations and herein correct data knowledge of present time".
Omni/Science; on space;
" so you take one of these saltzer tablets or something of the sort and put that into a balloon and ad a few drops of water and tie the balloon off . The gasses will inflate the balloon. Now if you take a look inside this balloon, on a macroscopic level, say with one of these electron scopes or some such toy, you will find that the balloon is filled with 99.99999% space, the gasses amount only to the remaining space. Now any scientist will confirm this, so you ask, were did the space come from, the volume of space inflated the balloon not the gas, and he knows this, when you point it out you see, well hum aghh hum and usualy he'll go into someones quantum distertation and tell you that the answer is all in equations and can't be verbalized and so on and so forth, he'll go into equational theoretical symbolizations as a justification for not being able to tell you this. The universe is expanding, the space itself is expandung right, yes, he'll say, so obviously space is contracted somewhere, well yes I suppose, says he, well the space now in this balloon came out of, was released from, expanded from within that saltzer right, maybe, he's now terrified of knowingness, so we know space is expanding and so we know then that space can and does, and must contract, and when you contract space you contract time right, so we just released some space from the saltzer, and so time, and so now the gasses have the space and the time to move around and be in the balloon.
Space is a viewpoint of dimension, lenth breadth, height, time is a dimention of that viewpoint, Time is dimension of viewpoint, thus the MEST tech factors are inline with, in sincrinization with the Theta Tech Factors and so we get;
Dimension of viewpoint=time, of viewpoint of dimension=space, of points of dimension=energy, of dimension points=mass/matter, and now 88008 the formula and book will make total sence to you.
"if your eye was the size of this galaxy looking at it from a bit of distance, how long do you think you would have to wait to see any movement, any motion at all. We look at atoms from our scale dimension of viewpoint and we don't, see by any visual measure or means, any motions whasoever, but we know its full of motions and energies, if your eye was 1000 times smaller than the atom and you where looking from inside it, it would be full of motions of energies moving around realy rather slowly.
Put another way, a humming bird flaps its wings faster than you can see, from the hummingbirds dimention of viewpoint of viewpoint of dimention its flapping its wings about the speed of a seagull, we see an ant obviously operating in a very accelerated time from our dimention of viewpoint, the ant is obviously moving far to quickly, from the ants dimention of viewpoint he's taking maybe a brisk walk and we move very very slowly to him, hence a wasp is usually faster than you.
Well, human beings have all but agreed to be a specific dimention of viewpoint, and this is in space and time, and so the viewpoint viewing out at dimension points, the universe and its motions, all viewpoints see pretty much the same size, and in the same time and space, otherwise it would obviously be an unfair advantage to be able to expand and or contract one's dimention of viewpoint and so see things others do before they do, because space, AND time expand and contract with the dimention of viewpoint of the viewpoint looking through dimension, and thus its view of space AND time of its viewpoint of dimension points is equal only in so much as the dimension, the size of, the viewpoints are equal..
"and here we have the basic of fear among human and other viewpoints whom have solidly agreed to BE a specific dimention of viewpoint, the fear is of another with the advantage of viewing dimention points before he himself can see them, this is the fear of others gaines, this is the fear of the Tech, of OTs, of Ron and a great many other fears, and who can blame them, that idea, this factor, scared the shit out of me!"
"and from this now known and knowable present time point, and with further correct physical universal data contained herein, man may choose to view other points and so know other viewpoints and points to view, and to view them by physical means, and together then mankind is physically freed back into the galactic community, he is freed from this experiment, you are herein and henceforth freed from this experiment, to go home by physical universe means within the lifetime of your current body and, with great irony, in very little time at all"
" these physical universe correct data are the last data, their are no more data,that's all their is, so try to get this one right or you'll end up as the only planet in this universe with all of the correct data realeased, all the Technologies their is, and be the only ones not applying it, yet possesing it, your neighbors and others won't be best pleased, and this scinario would be the precise opposite of the Free Zone"
Rons early studies consisted of studying the physical universe, in this it was nessasary to conclude what a being/theta was not, for others, one may say that the sum of Sceintology processing, The Bridge, is simply that, to enable one, via correct data of the physical universe and Theta universe to prove, to know unto ones-self, that which one is not, namely, the physical universe, or another universe besides ones own, or another being.
Any slight study of any LRH written Scientology, or other works, reveals consitant entries of the sum of the complete concept, structure, engineering, mechanics actions and interactions of and between all, times, spaces, energies, masses, matter and their actions and interactions and relations with life, human beings, and Theta itself. Omni/Science is simply and only a corrolation and administration of these correct MEST data, and Ron named this Omni/Science.
Ron located and defined all known and unknown physical universe and universal phenomenon and anyone will see these writings dispursed throughout all Rons works.
These physical universe correct data were never released by Ron as a single body of physic correct data, which begs the question why not?, particularly in that these correct physical data, quite literally, by application physically, as in the form of devices mechanisms and machines, free's all energies bound within the ridge of particulates of mass and matter. Gravitic coil generators can be easily made, and work, from simple scrap parts, carbon conversion units, time spacial drive engines and systems and countless other known and workable machine and devices are easily understood and manufaturable, today, here, now, from any serious study of the physical universe correct data that Ron put into the Theta, Ethics and Administration Technologies and within most all of his other works.
Thus Scientology as an entire body of work as defined contains 4 distinct individual Technologies, in order of sceniority these are
Theta Tech, Ethics Tech, Admin Tech and MEST Tech.
T.E.A.M. Technologies. not to be confused, ever, with technology team.
The first 3 above comprise the apparent sum of Scientology Technologies Ethically Administrated, yet to date no one has or seems to be interseted in MEST Tech, proven by the fact that no use of LRH MEST Tech is visable worldwide, even though the simplest applications of it using scrap parts would resolve all planitary energy and environmental issues, not to mention freeing you physicaly back into space and the Galactic community, in you current lifetime and body.
Scientology MEST Technologies were not administrated as a single body of work simply because an Ethic could not be applied to the release of these correct physical data at that time. This is to say that; had MEST Tech been releleased and administrated back then, the entire focus of most attentions would have been on Scientology MEST Technologies, you know how human beings love their MEST, their physical universe. Thus it was revealed that this attention on MEST Tech would take attention away from Theta, from Theta and Ethics and indeed Admin Technologies, you see this, very simple to understand. This is not to mention the potential weaponization by applied Scientology MEST Technologies, the cold war and so forth.
Thus it is real and easily understandable that Ron put forth a special mission whose sole goal was to;
"extract by study all LRH MEST Technologies from all LRH works and ethicaly Administrate these into a single, easily understandable and knowable by little study, by anyone, body of data, without any particular reference to Scientology Theta, Ethics, admin Techs, including a revelvent for the time, timeline, gradient of release of these to the general population of earth by the broadest and quickest means available at that future time".
(note) these LRH correct MEST data are hitherto unknown in this universe and so are not, as such, contained in any implant or mind and thus in communication do not have or contain any specific restimulation values beyond the occasion of these data's similarity to any other data contained within implants. Thus care has been taken to word these data accordingly and thus far no negative/bank reactions are notable, upon the cognitions therein.
"the sum of Omni/Science data when applied is irrefutable, this is an applied physical science, it is correct source only data, thus any attemt to prove it incorrect serves only to prove the data to be correct".
" with these data an ordinary man, with say a hobby in electric motors and magnets, can take his young son into the garden shed and in little time, using scrap parts, come out with a hand held perpetual electrical production device and his son learning to stand correctly upon his new hoverboard"
"ho lee shit", yep, that's what I thought too.
Any relevent ideas? I'm listening.
An Administrator
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