samedi 14 novembre 2015

World Institute of Scientology Enterprises (WISE) against vaccination requirement

World Institute of Scientology Enterprises (WISE) against vaccination requirement for public school attendance.

E-mail quoted from Mike Rinder's post Wise Getting In On The Boogie Man Pitch. Please go to Mike's post for his full analysis.

* * * * * BEGIN QUOTATION * * * * *

From: WISE Western United States <>
Subject: Organizational Horror Story
Date: October 03, 2015 at 09:23:32 AM PDT

Dear Xxxx,

The little boy ran down the corridor. The man in the lab coat plodded after him.

Somewhere in the whirlwind of his panic, the boy heard his mother scream. He heard the desperation in her voice. It made his little legs pump harder. But no matter how hard they pumped, he knew the man in the lab coat closed the gap between them with each mindless thud of his clogged feet.

Then he found a possible refuge! It was an elevator, and the doors were closing slowly and certainly. He leapt through the doors and, thank the gods, those doors had no motion sensors. The doors closed and stayed closed. He stood up and hit the ground floor button. The bedlam of the corridor and the roar of the main the lab coat, still audible through the elevator doors, faded to nothing as the car was lowered to the ground floor.

The boy stood in a battle stance ready for any attack, in any form, that might beset him when those doors opened up to the lobby. He was scared but he had to try! By all the gods past and present, he would not let them take him without a fight!

The drama that the little boy felt was as real as the screen you are probably reading this on. What, you might ask, was that little boy running from? Well, lean closer. This is going to seem a little controversial.

The boy was running from medical doctor who was trying to administer a vaccine injection.

You see, that kid was a six-year old who was required to receive vaccinations before he could register into the Texas public school system. That little kid a) had no affinity for needles?especially ones that were about to be rammed into his little body, b) he had no understanding as to why he needed the shots and c) he didn’t take to the bedside manner of the man in the white coat, who seemed about as charming as an African spotted hyena. You know the African spotted hyena, I am sure. It stands about 3 feet high at the shoulder, has the strongest bite of any African carnivore, and is known to laugh hysterically as it rips your flesh apart while it crushes your bones into tiny little bits before swallowing.

In all deadly seriousness, that was the positioning that the doctor administering the vaccines had with that little boy?predator! And the little boy wasn’t about to become prey. No, sir.

All the recent furor over vaccination, in California and nationwide, brought the above story to mind. As a result I did a bit of googling and found that, starting next year, all children in the state of California will need to get vaccinated in order to enroll in any school, public and private. While it is not my purpose to engage in any side of this debate (I am loathe to enter any sort of medical or scientific debate regarding the efficacy or the perils of American vaccinations) a few words on this issue from a WISE perspective are in order.

You see, I am somewhat fairly read on this subject, though far from an expert. I am familiar with every conspiracy theory, with the allegations of corruption leveled at Big Pharma, as well as the PR and marketing being pushed through the media at the behest of the pharmaceutical industry. And while my personal convictions on the subject are very strong, this isn’t a platform for me to vent these.

I’m not as expert on chemistry, biochemistry or biology as I would like to be. I couldn’t tell you which was the hypothalamus and which was the optic tectum if you cut them out and presented them to me on a platter1. But I have learned a thing or two about administration and organization, so it is on this that I will speak.

One of the things I’ve learned is this:

“So we find the and foremost thing of organization, of course, would be a definition of organization. What is an organization? But to find out what is an organization, we have to look at what composes an organization and we find that an organization, optimumly, would be composed of communication terminals2. And if we look it over and find an organization is composed of communication terminals, then we decided that a communication terminal had better have a communication line. So we find an organization consists of communication terminals and communication lines associated with a common purpose or goal. And that is the definition of an organization and that is all there is. Now, if you look for anything else, you’re going to … you’re going to go splat against the walls or something. That’s all an organization is.”—L. Ron Hubbard3

So what exactly does a vaccination controversy have to do with Hubbard administrative technology? In two words: basic purpose. That is, basic purpose for a society, and for a government.

You see, if we were living in a totalitarian regime in some dark and dingy corner of the globe, and our most sanctimonious and benighted leader decreed that all citizens must be injected with Chemical 43 or face imprisonment, well… I’d probably shrug my shoulders and say, “What else is new?” And if our despotic and tyrannical ruler threatened me with the loss of my children if I didn’t consent to feeding them Pill 79J every evening, well… I might get a little peeved. But isn’t that what totalitarian regimes are all about? Such a situation would certainly be an inequity, but it would be an expected inequity. They haven’t committed themselves to any righteous ideals in that dark and dingy corner of the globe.

But alas, I live in the United States of America! This is a Jeffersonian republic if I recall things correctly. For twenty-four decades, this country has maintained that the motivation for its founding was the self-evident truth that we are all created equal. This country exists, according to my grammar school education, because all men and women are endowed by their Creator with certain rights which are unalienable; that amongst these rights are the right to life, the right to liberty, and the right to the pursuit of happiness. The author of some of the founding documents of this nation maintained that the whole art of government consists in the art of being honest. That man also said that the greatest calamity which could befall us would be submission to a government of unlimited powers.

He also said that the principle issue he faced in his day was the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite.

If the purpose of the United States of America is to be a place wherein the citizenry would have the freedom to govern themselves rather than be governed by an elite clique, if the purpose of this nation is to be a refuge from the gales of oppression, the torrents of invasive government and the lightning strikes of brutality, then how do such laws as mandatory injections for the entire citizenry come into the picture? If the purpose of this nation is to be a place where people are secure in their right to their lives, are stable in their right to their liberty, and are certain in their right to pursue happiness, then where does a mandate to force a vaccine into one’s body, or into body of one’s child, fit in?

My point isn’t one of medicine or of biochemistry. The point here isn’t even really that I question the efficacy of the vaccines. Not really. The real point is that if someone wants to say “No, thank you!” then that should be the end of the discussion. At least as far as that individual is concerned. And if the American regime, no matter its organization or form, was capable of respecting the right of any of its citizens to say, “No, sir!” then I would predict a long and prosperous career for that regime.

“Evidently an organization is a number of terminals and communication lines with a common purpose. The purpose associates, and keeps in contact with one another, the terminals and the lines. That’s all an organization is. It isn’t a factory. It isn’t a house. It isn’t a machine. It isn’t a product. It’s not a command chart. That’s all it is. And if you look it over in the light of that simplicity, you can actually form one and get one to function. One will actually function.”—L. Ron Hubbard3

And from that we might conclude that, with a little work, even the U.S. government might start to function.

Well, to bring things a little closer to home, what about your own organization? Is it functioning? Are you sailing on the smooth waters of profit and security? Or does your bow dip below the waves from time to time? If you occasionally wonder if you’ll make it safely back to port, perhaps you should review the original purpose of your activity. Does the present organization forward the basic purpose, or has it veered off course?

If the form of your organization is geared to make that purpose a reality, and if the policies that coordinate the actions in your organization actually forward that basic purpose, you’ll make it all the way, regardless of the weather forecast.


And as for that little kid in the elevator going down, his escape plans led him as far as the hospital parking lot. But when he got to his mother’s car, he realized with a sinking heart that he didn’t have the car key. That was still, sadly, in his mother’s purse.

The medical zombies of vaccination caught up with him and dragged him back into their lair. He kicked and screamed the whole way. This harrowing experience happened a few decades ago. Fortunately, the boy did live to tell (and write) about that long-ago experience. He’s still passionate on the subject, mainly because no one paid him any mind when he said, “No, thank you!”

Maybe he’ll have better luck next time.


Sakhi Guma
Executive Director
WISE Western United States

1. Two parts of the brain. The hypothalamus is engaged in additional involuntary or partially voluntary acts such as sleep and wake cycles, eating and drinking, and the release of some hormones. The optic tectum is used to direct eye movements

2. A terminal is anything that can receive, relay or send a communication. This term comes from the field of electronics where a terminal is one of two fixed points between which a flow of energy travels. Two people communicating are called terminals because communication flows between them.

3. Lecture of 8 November, 1956, Definition of Organization, Part 1

* * * * * END QUOTATION * * * * *
World Institute of Scientology Enterprises (WISE) against vaccination requirement

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