mercredi 18 novembre 2015

The problem with Destroy Scientology / @No__Scientology on Twitter

The problem with Destroy Scientology / @No__Scientology on Twitter.

The Twitter account Destroy Scientology / @No__Scientology -

-- is auto-tweeting and spamming the word Scientology and the hashtag #Scientology on twitter. The result is that it: (1) pushes news, substantive tweets and links off of the page; and (2) deters people from searching for and following the term Scientology on Twitter because frequently all they get is spam. It basically drowns out news.

As of this writing, the Destroy Scientology / @No__Scientology account has auto-tweeted 86,700 times. The auto-tweets are less than a minute apart, in batches of 50, for example as follows:

The Destroy Scientology / @No__Scientology profile is also telling:

I hate to don the tinfoil, but I honestly think this is a Scientology OSA opp. Those around the anti-Scientology scene in 1990s may recall the Church of Scientology spammed the Usenet Newsgroup alt.religion.scientology (ARS) with pro-Scientology spam in an attempt to render the newsgroup useless. While in the present case the Destroy Scientology / @No__Scientology spam tweets are purportedly anti-Scientology, they serve no purpose other than to: (1) push news, substantive tweets and links off of the page; and (2) deter people from searching for and following the term Scientology on Twitter. I think the Destroy Scientology / @No__Scientology "anti-Scientology" label and spam content are simply cover. If anything, it makes Anons look bad.

If Destroy Scientology / @No__Scientology is not a Scientology OSA opp, but instead really an anon, critic and/or ex, that person's auto-spam tweeting is really not helpful.

Yes, the tweets have been reported as spam to Twitter, to no effect so far. Other such reports may be useful.
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The problem with Destroy Scientology / @No__Scientology on Twitter

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