samedi 28 novembre 2015

NY Times 10/28: The Return of Werner Erhard

NY Times 10/28, "The Return of Werner Erhard"

*** Excerpt ***
But it was the Church of Scientology that actually drove him out of the country. According to Mr. Erhard, the “60 Minutes” allegations were the culmination of a smear campaign organized by Scientology officials to get back at him for poaching clients and ideas.

“There’s no question that I was declared fair game by L. Ron Hubbard,” he said. “In the doctrines of Scientology, that meant they could destroy me financially, socially or reputationally.”

*** End Excerpt ***

The NYT article contains a link to a 1991 LA Times article that gives further details. html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=s tory-heading&module=mini -moth&region=top-stories-below&WT.nav=top-stories-below
NY Times 10/28: The Return of Werner Erhard

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