mercredi 18 novembre 2015

An Open Letter to Mary DeMoss

I'm posting this with the hope that you'll read it and find it within yourself to speak about your Scientology experiences.

You are well-known, thanks to the internet, and your past dedication to Scientology was total and beyond questioning.

In the years since you left, I hope you've achieved a measure of healing and a greater degree of clarity on the subject

I, like you, was once a ferocious defender of Scientology.

But with the clarity that time... and healing provide, I can say I was wrong...very wrong, in doing what I did.

You and I have never met, Mary, but if, by some chance, you read this, and if you have reached a point in your life where truth and redemption hold a special meaning for you,

I hope you will reach out to Tony Ortega or Mark Bunker and talk.

Thanks for reading this.

Thanks, Mary
An Open Letter to Mary DeMoss

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