lundi 30 novembre 2015

Katie Holmes

From what is said here I think she did a preemptive agreement that the CoS couldn't refuse.
Katie Holmes

Scientology claims in Columbia it caused 7X increase in economy, 60% drop in crime

Scientology claims in Columbia it caused a 60% drop in crime, a 60% drop in drug production, 8X increase in tourism, 7X increase in national economy.

Mike Rinder: What a load of rubbish

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Honestly, it has reach the point where these people will say ANYTHING.

These are the “PR Professionals” who will be preaching “Never use lies in PR” to anyone foolish enough to show up for their convention.

They are actually saying that “LRH PR tech” (this is the reason this time, normally it is distribution of WTH) has created the following in Colombia:

A 60% drop in crime

A 60% drop in drug production

8X increase in tourism

7X increase in national economy.

This is patently ridiculous — but it does not stop them from publishing it.


* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Attached Images
Scientology claims in Columbia it caused 7X increase in economy, 60% drop in crime

Tony Dovolani: Scientology Followed Me - Because of Leah Remini

Tony Dovolani: Scientology Followed Me - Because of Leah Remini

TMZ - Tony Dovolani: Scientologists Followed Me - Because of Leah Remini

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Tony Dovolani says the Church of Scientology was hot on his tail during his stint with Leah Remini on "Dancing with the Stars", looking for any dirt they could find to discredit her, even by association.

Dovolani was at LAX, toting around Leah's book, 'Troublemaker,' when our photog asked if the Church harassed him. Tony unloaded.

He's not afraid at all. As he says, you tend to cherish your freedom when you come from Kosovo.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Tony Dovolani: Scientology Followed Me - Because of Leah Remini


May I be among the first to wish each & everyone a very :


Here to apologize and tell you the truth

Hello listen I'm here to apologize I'm sorry for my behavior but I joined here hoping that you would not be the way that I had been told that you were but so far it seems like everything I was told about how you would be was correct

I did lie to you guys, I am a current member of the Church of Scientology, I can come here and talk to you because I am unbreakable, my mentality is so strong that I can be around squirrels and it not affect me you cannot be suppressive to me you do not affect my level, you are suppressive nature will not affect me in anyway, I have total freedom of movement and the ability to talk and go anywhere I want because I am free from being able to be suppressed

I have been in there since I was 12 and I have never ever seen any of this bull crap that all these people have claimed to have happened, there is this thing called confirmation bias that when a group of people get together they have a similar opinion it causes that opinion to grow, even if some of the stuff is true it does not mean that it is true for every single person that is a member of the organization, it'd be like saying that all of the Catholic religion is bad because a few priests are pedophiles

So in a nutshell what I'm saying is that I have never had a negative experience nobody I know has ever had a negative experience and I've never been forced to not communicate with anybody I've never been told not to do anything I've never had any kind of pressure against me and I've never been physically assaulted or anything by anyone so when I come here and purposely act a little bit out of the norm and then get lambasted to me that speaks more highly of you and the mentality of people who apparently couldn't handle not having negative influences in their life I I have developed my mind to a point where negative people do not affect me because they are so far below me that they are like ants their negativity is so inconsequential to my existence that it doesn't even register my auditing is clean

Now hopefully I can actually post this and it stays up thank you for your time
Here to apologize and tell you the truth

dimanche 29 novembre 2015

Chicago, Nov. 2015 - Scientology member liable for disorderly conduct

Chicago, Nov. 2015 - Scientology member liable for disorderly conduct.

WWP: Chicago, Nov. 2015 - Scientologist liable for disorderly conduct

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Stuff I should add:

- The defendant who was found liable of disorderly conduct tried to tell the judge that he was only attempting to cover the camcorder lens. This was false, as he hit the camcorder forcefully and tried to yank it out of my hand. His version of the story was contradicted by my video from 2 different perspectives.

- Unlike the other court events that have taken place within the past few years, they didn't send any other Scientologists to any of the hearings and trials.

- After filing my small claims suit, I got bunch of offers in the mail from places like Judge Judy, Judge Mathis, and other TV shows to have my case considered for display. I'm sure it's the same stuff they auto-send to everyone who files. Some of the other goofs I protest with got all excited; I just laughed them off and didn't reply.

- After some consideration, I've decided not to release the name of the person or the videos of the incident at this point in time.

- It took time to take care of this court stuff, and I didn't want to comment on it until everything was resolved, so that's why I haven't made much new content lately.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Chicago, Nov. 2015 - Scientology member liable for disorderly conduct

Introduce myself

Hi all
before I go too in depth, can I ask how confidential things are on here? I don't want my personal info to be available
Introduce myself

is moxon an idiot?


Is that Kendrick Moxon?” I asked Daughney.

“I don’t know who Kendrick Moxon is – that’s Rick,” she told me.

Moxon still could not figure out how to forward all videos at once, so he called his computer guy. We all sat outside by the smoking area, having lunch, while waiting for him to arrive. Computer guy did not know how to do it, so he had to get another computer guy involved. “Ah, just forward me every e-mail, one by one,” Moxon said after they gave up, and I sat there and waited till they forwarded all the videos and docs.

“I can’t believe he does not know what the heck he is doing,” I whispered to PI. “Yeah, we should fire him,” he whispered back.


They left all my stuff in the trunk and took me to a hotel room where Moxon and Kirsten were sitting. “Just-a-geek” was there too.

“I rented two rooms – one for me, and one for you,” Moxon told me. “Right next to each other. Let’s finish what we started. The faster we finish, the faster you can leave. Believe me, I don’t want to keep paying for these rooms for several days. I already spent more money than I was allowed. See? I bought a printer, so now we can print out all the documents you stole without leaving the room, and you can initial them. We forgot to do that last night.”

“So what? Just take this printer back to the store when you’re done and get your money back,” I advised him.

He looked at Kirsten. “What do you think? It’s a good idea. I still have the receipt. How I did not think of that?”
I started reading the web site that's listed in Karen's latest video - My god! It is like the keystone cops or the Naked Gun films - it is too funny to be believed.


Here's the link:
is moxon an idiot?

samedi 28 novembre 2015



NY Times 10/28: The Return of Werner Erhard

NY Times 10/28, "The Return of Werner Erhard"

*** Excerpt ***
But it was the Church of Scientology that actually drove him out of the country. According to Mr. Erhard, the “60 Minutes” allegations were the culmination of a smear campaign organized by Scientology officials to get back at him for poaching clients and ideas.

“There’s no question that I was declared fair game by L. Ron Hubbard,” he said. “In the doctrines of Scientology, that meant they could destroy me financially, socially or reputationally.”

*** End Excerpt ***

The NYT article contains a link to a 1991 LA Times article that gives further details. html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=s tory-heading&module=mini -moth&region=top-stories-below&WT.nav=top-stories-below
NY Times 10/28: The Return of Werner Erhard

vendredi 27 novembre 2015

The Scientology Truth Network says, "getting Psychiatric treatment is a wrongdoing"

The Scientology "Truth Network" says, "getting Psychiatric 'treatment' is a wrongdoing."

The Scientology Truth Network says, "getting Psychiatric treatment is a wrongdoing"

12/2 8pm New York City: Alex Gibney and Lawrence Wright discuss Scientology, more

12/2 8pm New York City: Alex Gibney and Lawrence Wright discuss Scientology, more.

92nd Street Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association: Alex Gibney and Lawrence Wright with Janice Min, moderator

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Venue: Buttenwieser Hall

Location: Lexington Avenue at 92nd St

Date: Wed, Dec 2, 2015, 8 pm

Director Alex Gibney has been called “the most important documentarian of our time” (Esquire). His collaboration with Pulitzer Prize-winning author Lawrence Wright has resulted in cinematic, gripping and deeply insightful documentaries including Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief, which was one of the most watched HBO documentaries of the past decade, and My Trip to Al-Qaeda, based on Lawrence’s bestselling book, The Looming Tower. They’ll discuss speaking truth to power with Hollywood Reporter and Billboard’s Janice Min.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Alex Gibney and Lawrence Wright with Janice Min

Wed, Dec 2, 2015, 8 pm

Buttenwieser Hall

To take advantage of any special pricing offers, please enter a valid promotion code.

Available Sections


GENERAL ADMISSION $15.00 - $32.00


* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
12/2 8pm New York City: Alex Gibney and Lawrence Wright discuss Scientology, more

12/8 at 7pm Los Angeles: Leah Remini signs her Scientology memoir Troublemaker

12/8 at 7pm Los Angeles: Leah Remini signs her Scientology memoir Troublemaker.



12/8 at 7pm Los Angeles: Leah Remini signs her Scientology memoir Troublemaker

12/8 at 7PM Los Angeles: Leah Remini signs her Scientology memoir Troublemaker

12/8 at 7PM Los Angeles: Leah Remini signs her Scientology memoir Troublemaker.

Attached Images
12/8 at 7PM Los Angeles: Leah Remini signs her Scientology memoir Troublemaker

A cute kitty video

A cute kitty video


This Friday, November 27 will be a "No Reg Friday" at all US orgs.

One Day Only!

On this day, no one will be asked for more time or money to be spent on Scientology services. Come into the org and relax. Meet up with friends.

"The work was free, keep it so."--LRH

Free word clearing will be provided on any subject.

Free ethics interviews if you feel the need.

Free ruds sessions.

Free TR's coaching or twinning.

Free use of any cramming services.

Any public person will have free access to all books and tapes.

A pot luck supper will be served at 6PM. Please bring a dish if you plan to attend.


jeudi 26 novembre 2015

Post-Scientology Spiritual Rescue Technology abandons the Scientology E-Meter

Post-Scientology Spiritual Rescue Technology abandons the Scientology E-Meter.

Possible Helpful Advice: E-Meter Cans

* * * * * BEGIN QUOTATION * * * * *

For those of you who still use e-meters, I have an offer that should interest you. I have three sets of cans and the cables to match and will send all of them to someone who needs them for $40 which includes packing and shipping within the continental US. One set of cans is silver plated which should make your special PC feel special indeed. The other two sets are tin plated and one is a solo can set. They are all produced by Mikhail Fedorov and are the best cans I have ever used.

Since I do not need cans or meters to deliver my services, these cans are available for someone who needs them. Send me an email at

* * * * * END QUOTATION * * * * *
Post-Scientology Spiritual Rescue Technology abandons the Scientology E-Meter

Book by Geir Isene: From Independent Scientologist to just me

Book by Geir Isene: From Independent Scientologist to just me.

"A report of a journey from a Scientology-conditioned mind to a free mind."

The book is free, 291 pages long, and can be read and downloaded at:

The introduction states: "Perhaps the only consistent record of a person's gradual change after leaving the Church of Scientology."
Book by Geir Isene: From Independent Scientologist to just me

Geir Isene and Anette Iren Johansen are having a baby

Geir Isene and Anette Iren Johansen are having a baby.

Attached Images
Geir Isene and Anette Iren Johansen are having a baby

Thanksgiving ! I'm so thankful to not be in a cult !

I'm really Thankful to no longer keeping myself trapped in a cult.

I'm Thankful I believe as I please & can now tolerate others believing as they choose.

I'm Thankful I'm me !

I trust you are Thankful that you are you !
Thanksgiving ! I'm so thankful to not be in a cult !

ESMB Donations

I didn't see a thread on this, but the ESMB Donations button is now up as the site fees are due. It's at the top right of the screen and donations are via and PayPal.

(If this is already posted elsewhere, my apologies and please delete this thread.)
ESMB Donations

Who needs "Cultural enrichment?". We already have it in bucket loads thanks.

Who needs "Cultural enrichment?". We already have it in bucket loads thanks.

Photoshop Boredom..

My father decided he would drive us down to New York City so i did not need to.
So i sat in the back of the car and played on my laptop.
The screencap program made my computer act a little weird.
Wifi at wendy's when we stopped so i uploaded it.
LOL, The things i do for you guys.
Even thouth you think i am some kind of spy or something.
So the rest of my family is in new york city my mom started cooking the bird like 20 mins ago down in new york city.
What a trooper!


So making fun of them BTW.. There's a spaceship in the photo..



-posted from my iphone
Photoshop Boredom..

mercredi 25 novembre 2015

Wyoming revokes Scientology Church of Spiritual Technology's Certificate of Authority

Wyoming revokes Scientology Church of Spiritual Technology's Certificate of Authority.

Mike Rinder: CST Wyoming Fail

As always, go to Mike's post for the full story and his analysis.

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

And now it appears the final chapter has been written, the Secretary of State has revoked their Certificate of Authority.

No indication what they are going to do with this property. Maybe it became an ideal “Advanced Org” for the Upper Midwest. They won’t need any buildings because there are no orgs in that part of the country (in spite of the massive, unprecedented international expansion there is zilch in Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, North and South Dakota, Nebraska…

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * *
Wyoming revokes Scientology Church of Spiritual Technology's Certificate of Authority

Purifiication Rundown - next level

As some of you may remember the purpose of the purification rundown is that "only Scientologists will survive World-War III". Now a test has been developed that can predict if you will survive radiation poisoning or not.

I suspect that this technological breakthrough will be hidden from the sheeple because with this test the sheeple can decide now between in-wasting their money for the purif or better for some bottles of good beer.

cheers !
Purifiication Rundown - next level

I went to their door; still free

In the 28 years since my escape from $cientology they've sought me out. They've come to my door, approached me in public. I've never sought them. Never gone to their door. In my 5 years on staff, LC SNC (LRH Comm Stevens Creek Org) they tried repeatedly to get me to Flag. I knew traveling on their dime meant no $'s were insured and one could be without lodging, without food, and stranded away from home. My LA trips had proven that true. Yesterday, while traveling in FL from CA, I went to their door, I entered that door, and I left there still free. It was a big day for me in my 28 year recovery from the cult. I took Tony Ortega and Miss Lovely with me.

Attached Images
I went to their door; still free

I had eggs for breakfast

I had eggs for breakfast



mardi 24 novembre 2015

Indian Supreme Court: Names of gods or holy books cannot be trademarked

Indian Supreme Court: Names of gods or holy books cannot be trademarked.

The following is relevant to Scientology in India, worldwide, and the reasoning of the Moscow Court's decision against Scientology.

Supreme Court: Gods, religious texts can’t be trademarked

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Written by Utkarsh Anand | New Delhi | Published:November 25, 2015 12:38 am

The Supreme Court has ruled that names of gods or holy books cannot be trademarked to sell goods and services. A bench of Justice Ranjan Gogoi and Justice N V Ramana also said that allowing such a thing could offend people’s sensibilities.

“There are many holy and religious books like Quran, Bible, Guru Granth Sahib, Ramayan, etc. The answer to the question as to whether any person can claim the name of a holy or religious book as a trademark for goods or services marketed by him is clearly ‘no’,” said the bench. The bench said as per the law, one cannot take advantage of gods and goddesses to sell products.

The bench was hearing an appeal by Lal Babu Priyadarshi from Patna, who sought to trademark the word ‘Ramayan’ to sell incense sticks and perfumes.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Indian Supreme Court: Names of gods or holy books cannot be trademarked

Crazy neighbors

Crazy neighbors

Fundraiser for 2016

Hi everyone!

Yeah, it's THAT time of the year again. :duh:

I've put a Pledgie up as usual. Anything you can contribute will be much appreciated.

If we can raise the funds again this year it will push ESMB into its 9th year.


Fundraiser for 2016

Amazingly prescient view from Sir James Goldsmith

I actually wanted to post this under the financial thread that Roger runs but I can't find it.

This is an interview with James Goldsmith which he gave back in 1994 and wherein he predicted that events such as the refugee crisis and the economic collapse of the west would inevitably follow from the economic and trade agreements being foisted onto the world at that time. Well worth listening to, fireworks and all.

Scroll down at this URL - he's not the lead story but a reference that Fitts mentions in her talk, which is well worth listening to as well.
Amazingly prescient view from Sir James Goldsmith

lundi 23 novembre 2015

LIVE STREAM 11/23 9:30 PM EST: BTTP on Scientology and Troublemaker Leah Remini

LIVE STREAM 11/23 9:30 PM EST: Beyond The Trailer Park presents Rob Robinson on Scientology and Troublemaker Leah Remini.

Cut and paste link in case video does not show on page:

Atheists on Air: Beyond the Trailer Park Ep. 49: Robert Robinson - Leah Remini has got some cajones

Scheduled for Nov 23, 2015

Once again BTTP is graced by the presence Rob Robinson to talk all things Scientology. Or, more specifically, Leah Remini: "Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology" was released on November 3, 2015. The former "King of Queens" star recounts her life, her success in Hollywood, and her time with the Church of Scientology.

Imagine the fallout after 30 years of membership. Should Scientology be afraid? What about Cruise? Is what she says "relevant" or just "a pathetic quest to get publicity"?

Is Scientology, like many religions, entering into obscurity?

Those are just some the questions we hope to explore.

Join Deborah, Ashley and Beth tonight, November 23, 2015 at 9:30 PM (EST) for an enlightening conversation into the world of ex-Scientology.
LIVE STREAM 11/23 9:30 PM EST: BTTP on Scientology and Troublemaker Leah Remini

Is it true that Scn is now banned in Moscow?

Anyone heard more on this? The article does not really say anything.
Is it true that Scn is now banned in Moscow?

Moscow Court Bans Church of Scientology

Moscow Court Bans Church of Scientology


Moscow Court Bans Church of Scientology

November 23, 2015

Church of Scientology has been banned by a court in Moscow.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – A court in Moscow has banned the local branch of the Church of Scientology, a RIA Novosti correspondent reported from the courtroom Monday.

The court backed the Russian Justice Ministry's claim that the organization's activity did not comply with the federal law on freedom of religion.
Moscow Court Bans Church of Scientology


Hello, i am new.
My name is dan.

dimanche 22 novembre 2015

Hurricane Brewing for Scientology - Major Network working on documentary ~Scientology

Friends just received a notice to be interviewed for a documentary from a Major Network regarding how Scientology destroys lives, destroys families, bankrupts and ruins people.

If anyone wants to contribute to the motion, pm me and I will get you connected.

Oh yeah, FUCK YOU OSA - you will just have to wait to find out who it is...:p It is a new release but you will have to be patient and wait for it.

We can't say who it is - but it is BIG, HUGE and WELL KNOWN!

We received information from the same "source" regarding Ron Miscavige's new Book coming out so this is a reliable
"source" as opposed to L Ron the Con Hubbard...being known in the scientological circles as "source"...LOL:biggrin:

Hurricane's are pounding the crap out of Scientology.:dancer::lol::hifive::hattip::cheerlea der::thankyou::dance3::dance3::buzzin::buzzin::gig gle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggl e::sing::sing::buzzin::buzzin::party::party::party ::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
Hurricane Brewing for Scientology - Major Network working on documentary ~Scientology

samedi 21 novembre 2015

Insane Video of Tom Cruise Speaking Spanish, Opening Madrid Center

Scientology: Watch this Insane Video of Tom Cruise Speaking Spanish, Opening Madrid Center


Ton Cruise read Spanish off a Teleprompter and opened the Madrid Scientology center in 2004. Someone just posted this to YouTube. Wow. You see, no amount of shame, books, revelations, exposes, can stop him. Tom is deep inside the organization.

Insane Video of Tom Cruise Speaking Spanish, Opening Madrid Center

Message to OSA

Ha Ha. Very funny. Time to take that sock out of circulation. I guess your little ploy worked, because they disconnected from me. Are you happy? Stats up? Well, good for you.


Message to OSA

Scientology Rap Artist Chill EB on Spotify

Scientology Rap Artist Chill EB on Spotify.

Some people may laugh at this, and I understand if you do, but I think it is significant.


It looks like his back catalog has been, or is being, uploaded to Spotify.

Attached Images
Scientology Rap Artist Chill EB on Spotify

Steven Hassan: Combating Cult Mind Control book trailer

How well I remember the day this book (first edition) arrived into my life. I was terrified, aware only that my mind had been invaded and that before me was a big job. I had been subjected to mind-control for the previous 20 years (in scientology). I wanted my own thoughts back. I wanted to just be myself but didn't have a clue how to get home to myself. I unwrapped the book sitting on the living room floor, literally shaking. So began the journey...

About six years have passed. I am doing great now. My life is peaceful, full of laughter, authentic feelings and thoughts which are all mine. I cannot express sufficient gratitude to Steven Hassan for his book/work. I sometimes think he helped save my life.

My warmest love to Steven Hassan. I am delighted to see this new edition in print. :)

Steven Hassan: Combating Cult Mind Control book trailer

vendredi 20 novembre 2015

Blaspemy Thread

Offend any Religion or belief:

Attached Images
Blaspemy Thread

12/7 9PM EST: Scientology Troublemaker Leah Remini Twitter chat

12/7 9PM EST: Scientology Troublemaker Leah Remini Twitter chat.

Tweet your questions to:


Attached Images
12/7 9PM EST: Scientology Troublemaker Leah Remini Twitter chat


It is interesting that the "most ethical organization on earth" legitimizes lying, and more over, embraces it. Examples: TR L, Shore story, acceptable truth, fair game - SP's may be tricked, lied to etc, say nothing of false stats, massive straight up and vertical expansion, on an on. That the church can not deliver what it promises - in direct violation of it's KSW #1 "you can only be upbraided for no results" and the 1-10 forces them to either lie continuously or shift the blame to the PC's / student's incorrect application / out ethics etc. ( which is another lie...)

It is also interesting that the EP of grade zero - the ability to communicate with anyone on any subject - is opposed by the reality that the church most definitely does not want it's proud releases, clears and ots talking to SP's or reading or watching any "entheta"

Have you ever looked at the technology of pts /sp tech? Isn't it the opposite of the basic behind all Scientology auditing - instead of as-ising ( getting the truth of something) they not-is it. ( Not-is: not confronting something or push it away, or lie about it.)

That's the whole of the PTS / SP tech: You are trained to not-is suppression. You are taught to lie to them. ( good roads / good weather, use of fair game) Lie about them. Cut com with / disconnect from them. Don't look at / watch / read entheta. Could it be that "White" Scientology ( auditing / training) is surrounded by a wall of Black Scientology? ( ethics tech, PTS / SP tech) Perish the thought.

Yesterday I came to realize that the "Shattering Suppression" means one thing and one thing only - the shattering of the com lines between the true believers and the external sources of entheta. Neat, huh?

Why? Could it be the church wants to milk their public unfettered by CI? No Mimsey, no. You bitter apostate. Bad. Bad. Bad.


duplicity 1. deceitfulness; double-dealing.

synonyms: deceitfulness, deceit, deception, double-dealing, underhandedness, dishonesty, fraud, fraudulence, sharp practice, chicanery, trickery, subterfuge, skulduggery, treachery; More informal crookedness, shadiness, dirty tricks, shenanigans, monkey business;

literary perfidy "he got caught up in the duplicity of his crooked partners"

antonyms: honesty

2. archaic - doubleness.

jeudi 19 novembre 2015

Boston Org site up for sale after nothing happened

Boston Org site up for sale after nothing happened

Tom Cruise To Become Co-Leader Of Church Of Scientology? LOL!

Okay, this is some serious tabloid stuff.


Tom Cruise is ascending to a new level in the Church of Scientology, according to a new report. The actor will become co-chairman alongside David Miscavige and will celebrate his new role by flying into space on a Virgin Galactic ship.

A "Scientology insider" told the National Enquirer: "Tom will become the new grand poobah for the Church of Scientology, right alongside David Miscavige. It’s all very hush-hush at this point, but Tom will essentially share the same rank as David, whose official title is Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center. [RTC is] the corporation that controls the trademarks and copyrights of Dianetics and Scientology."

Cruise will also be promoted to the level of "OT IX" (Operating Thetan IX), according to the publication.

The source added, "Thetans, in Scientology doctrine, are the alien life forms that inhabit human beings. Tom will be bumped up alongside Miscavige to OT IX and, ultimately, one day become OT X! This is a super-secret level that will give Tom immortality, and automatically add 60 years to his lifespan!"
Suddenly, I want to watch the Neurotology video again.

The source (cough) of the article, is here:
Tom Cruise To Become Co-Leader Of Church Of Scientology? LOL!

FULL speed ahead!!

The truth is it's been so long since I have
stepped in side Flag, or any given mission as well. In fact I left on such bad terms with the church in 2004, and Here I am coming to grips for the first time, with just how Bogus it's all been. I really believed for years that all my experiences with being a Cadet and then a Sea Org member was an easy reality to understand for all the given people whom did not experience it. Now, only now am I coming to see just how mind bending it all really is. :duh:
FULL speed ahead!!

Russia: Court liquidates the St Petersburg Scientology Say No To Drugs Foundation

Russia: Court liquidates the St Petersburg Scientology Say No To Drugs Foundation.

Google translation from Russian to English.

Interfax: Court liquidated the Petersburg Foundation "Say Drugs - no!"

* * * * * * BEGIN QUOTATION * * * * *

Court liquidated the Petersburg Foundation "Say Drugs - no!"

Moscow. November 18. INTERFAX.RU - Leninsky Court of St. Petersburg eliminated Charitable Foundation "Say Drugs - no! Say life - yes!" due to the fact that its activities do not correspond to the charter, as well as because of the disturbances in the financial statements.

As reported by "Interfax" on Wednesday, coordinator of the Fund Irina Kopylov, the organization does not plan to appeal the decision.

"The court made a decision. We agreed with the claims of (the prosecutor's office requested the organization to eliminate and exclude information about it from the register - IF), and they were satisfied. The main reason was a lack of funding," - she said.

"There has been a lack of donations. The implication was that the fund was to accumulate far more money than was in fact", - he explained the Kopylov.

The petition prosecution available to the "Interfax", noted that the reports for 2012-2014 is provided by the fund in the Ministry of Justice, there is no information on the amount of money spent on charity. At the same time during this period to the account of the fund received 625.9 million rubles. The fund is not systematically reported to the supervisory authority on the implementation of welfare programs.

According to the law, at least 80% of contributions received should be directed to charities during the year of receipt. The Court found expenditure of contributions to the distribution of leaflets in schools, lectures, pickets and flash mobs, bicycle races, "round tables" and seminars, as well as the rental of premises (rental spent more than half of the funds) unlawful.

The prosecutor's office has also been found that the Fund actually led activities are not the legal address registered in the Ministry of Justice.

Meanwhile, a source familiar with the situation, "Interfax" that the charitable fund actively supported the Church of Scientology, which is not consistent with the charter of the organization.

However, the coordinator of the Fund stressed that the organization "Tell drugs - no" is a secular and acts as an independent legal entity.

"We have volunteers, Scientologists and Scientology, we select our people's religious views. Any person who promotes a healthy lifestyle, can cooperate with us. At all events, actions and pickets heard only one idea:" Tell drugs - no "- said Kopylov.

As reported on the official website of the foundation "Say Drugs - no", the organization engaged in drug prevention among youth in schools, as well as "major events and promotions with the distribution of leaflets against drugs."

Earlier Petersburg Leninsky court ruled to liquidate the charity fund "Youth for Human Rights". Prosecutor demands to liquidate the company and to exclude information about it from the register were met.

According to the source, the supervisor claims concerned the discrepancy between the actual activities of the organization and stated in the charter. The interviewer noted that the fund including distributed Scientology literature and contact with children and youth institutions of the city.

The press service of the company reported that the reasons for liquidation of the Fund were financial. Interlocutor "Interfax" said that information about the activities in the interest of Scientology is not true.

* * * * * END QUOTATION * * * * *
Russia: Court liquidates the St Petersburg Scientology Say No To Drugs Foundation

This is cool!. Drag Me Down - Walk off the Earth (Ft. Arkells)

This is cool!. Drag Me Down - Walk off the Earth (Ft. Arkells)

Methodical Illusion & Deception ~ Scientology and other entities that dupe and betray

Subsequent to researching Scientology after my exit, I am interested in the subject of mind control.

This is a fascinating video sent to me by another ex-scientologist.

Did Scientology dupe you into donating more money than you ever dreamed you would?

Did you have no intention of "getting up a Bridge" when you first entered Scientology but then HAD to get up the Bridge after being involved?

Did Scientology dupe you into becoming a volunteer - working for free and then owing Scientology money after you quit due to frustration and negative experiences?

I never thought about an airplane not being able to fly through a building. I would love to hear what others have to say...

Would love to hear from others.
Methodical Illusion & Deception ~ Scientology and other entities that dupe and betray

Scientology Front Groups - a new video series

Well, thought I'd see about getting a ball rolling here on this topic. I am producing a new video series to expose Scientology front groups. Rather than do one gigantic, documentary-style video which would encompass all of them, I'm breaking it down so that each group gets its own shorter video so I can focus on the purposes and activities of each one. There is a lot of ground to cover, more than I initially thought. As this rolls out, I'm interested in anyone's thoughts and feedback on the subject overall. Maybe some of it will end up in these videos since I am going to have to research each of these as I go. All I know right now is that I don't even know the half of it.

I'm not working on this full time. My main effort right now is to get my book done (so close) so I'll probably be putting about a day or two each week into these. So if I don't come around for a few days between comments, that's why. I'm knee and elbow deep in Scientology crap right now as I get this big project done. It's fun but sometimes (sigh) it can be a little tiring!
Scientology Front Groups - a new video series

mercredi 18 novembre 2015

Broke Scientologists filing for bankruptcy

A conversation with a still in said too many donations to the org has left them broke and will be filing for bankruptcy, AGAIN.

First time around, it was suggested by a scn who had also filed for bankruptcy.

There have been several people in our org that have done this but kept secret.

Does anyone know who pays for all the defaulted debt? Is scn actually stealing from everyone by having the banks recover this debt in higher service fees?

How about those scn debts sold to collection agencies that then use the state court system (your tax dollars) to collect on debts.
Broke Scientologists filing for bankruptcy

The problem with Destroy Scientology / @No__Scientology on Twitter

The problem with Destroy Scientology / @No__Scientology on Twitter.

The Twitter account Destroy Scientology / @No__Scientology -

-- is auto-tweeting and spamming the word Scientology and the hashtag #Scientology on twitter. The result is that it: (1) pushes news, substantive tweets and links off of the page; and (2) deters people from searching for and following the term Scientology on Twitter because frequently all they get is spam. It basically drowns out news.

As of this writing, the Destroy Scientology / @No__Scientology account has auto-tweeted 86,700 times. The auto-tweets are less than a minute apart, in batches of 50, for example as follows:

The Destroy Scientology / @No__Scientology profile is also telling:

I hate to don the tinfoil, but I honestly think this is a Scientology OSA opp. Those around the anti-Scientology scene in 1990s may recall the Church of Scientology spammed the Usenet Newsgroup alt.religion.scientology (ARS) with pro-Scientology spam in an attempt to render the newsgroup useless. While in the present case the Destroy Scientology / @No__Scientology spam tweets are purportedly anti-Scientology, they serve no purpose other than to: (1) push news, substantive tweets and links off of the page; and (2) deter people from searching for and following the term Scientology on Twitter. I think the Destroy Scientology / @No__Scientology "anti-Scientology" label and spam content are simply cover. If anything, it makes Anons look bad.

If Destroy Scientology / @No__Scientology is not a Scientology OSA opp, but instead really an anon, critic and/or ex, that person's auto-spam tweeting is really not helpful.

Yes, the tweets have been reported as spam to Twitter, to no effect so far. Other such reports may be useful.
Attached Images
The problem with Destroy Scientology / @No__Scientology on Twitter

Strange email

I found a strange email today and I was wondering if anyone here received it too. Here is the text of the email:

My name is Gerret Wikoff but many of you know me as Mimsey Borogrove. I decided to out myself because there is no point in continuing to hide behind another identity. I figured that sooner than later someone else would have probably outed me anyway, besides I have nothing to hide or be afraid of. G”

I have not been posting for a very long time because I have been very ill, in an out of hospitals battling cancer, and I hardly looked at my emails.

Thank you for anyone who can shed some light into that strange email.
Strange email

Jan 24, 2016

OK ESMBers - What can we do to celebrate L Ron's thirtieth year of bathing in molten brimstone?
Jan 24, 2016

L Ron Hubbard Divorce Documents (Now online)

To counter lies told about filmmaker Alex Gibney, concerning his citation of statements made by L Ron Hubbard's 2nd wife Sara Northrup Hubbard, documents from his 1951 divorce filing have been tracked down and acquired and have now been posted online.

See "The Documents of L Ron Hubbard"

(This file has been heavily suppressed, so a recommendation is to grab these for your desktop or tablet, before they can be removed).
L Ron Hubbard Divorce Documents (Now online)

An Open Letter to Mary DeMoss

I'm posting this with the hope that you'll read it and find it within yourself to speak about your Scientology experiences.

You are well-known, thanks to the internet, and your past dedication to Scientology was total and beyond questioning.

In the years since you left, I hope you've achieved a measure of healing and a greater degree of clarity on the subject

I, like you, was once a ferocious defender of Scientology.

But with the clarity that time... and healing provide, I can say I was wrong...very wrong, in doing what I did.

You and I have never met, Mary, but if, by some chance, you read this, and if you have reached a point in your life where truth and redemption hold a special meaning for you,

I hope you will reach out to Tony Ortega or Mark Bunker and talk.

Thanks for reading this.

Thanks, Mary
An Open Letter to Mary DeMoss

mardi 17 novembre 2015

Casting call for teenagers and young adults who recently left Scientology

Casting call for teenagers and young adults who recently left Scientology

From The Wrong Guy on WWP.

* * * * * BEGIN QUOTATION * * * * *



Casting Call Information

City: Any City
State: National

Posted On: 11/17/2015
Closing On: 12/17/2015
Company: [blank]

An award-winning TV documentary production company is seeking teenagers and young adults who are thinking about or have JUST LEFT the Church of Scientology. This isn't a docuseries about Scientology - it's about the young people whose lives it has affected.

We want to show the immense transition people go through after leaving a sometimes life-consuming faith (and maybe leaving behind loved ones in the process). We're most interested in following your transition for the first year after leaving.

We know that this is a very delicate and sensitive topic. We're hoping to share these stories so others know they aren't alone. and to inspire hope in those who have yet to leave.

All interview materials will be strictly confidential.

Please email if interested in being involved.

Thank you!

You must be logged in to view the full casting call and apply.


Today this was also promoted on RealityWanted's Facebook page. Quote:

An award-winning TV documentary production company is seeking teenagers and young adults who are thinking about or have JUST LEFT the Church of Scientology. This isn't a docuseries about Scientology…1447784662


In Orange County, it's on Craigslist, too:



An award-winning TV documentary production company is seeking teenagers and young adults who are thinking about or have JUST LEFT the Church of Scientology. This isn't a docuseries about Scientology - it's about the young people whose lives it has affected.

We want to show the immense transition people go through after leaving a sometimes life-consuming faith (and maybe leaving behind loved ones in the process). We're most interested in following your transition for the first year after leaving.

We know that this is a very delicate and sensitive topic. We're hoping to share these stories so others know they aren't alone. and to inspire hope in those who have yet to leave.

All interview materials will be strictly confidential.

Please email if interested in being involved.

Thank you!


* * * * * END QUOTATION * * * * *
Casting call for teenagers and young adults who recently left Scientology

Anonymous Paris declares war on ISIS

"FRENCH hackers from the activist group Anonymous have declared “war” on the Islamic State after the Paris attacks.

In a video posted on YouTube, a representative wearing a hood and the group’s distinctive Guy Fawkes mask said the violence that left 129 people dead “can’t go unpunished”.

The statement said: “That’s why Anonymous activists from all over the world will hunt you down. Yes, you, the vermin who kill innocent victims, we will hunt you down like we did to those who carried out the attacks on Charlie Hebdo.

“So get ready for a massive reaction from Anonymous. Know that we will find you and we will never let up.

“We are going to launch the biggest ever operation against you - expect very many cyber-attacks.

“War is declared. Prepare yourselves. Know this, the French people are stronger than you and will come out of this atrocity even stronger.”

Also of interest - and quite informative to this non-gamer - is this article about how "below the radar" communication can take place by using online games as a meet up venue.

My first introduction to this was when I heard a nine year old grandson who was alone in the family room playing some online game at ear-splitting volume talking with someone. I went into the room and asked who he was talking to and he answered "Some other kid who is playing this game with me." I heard the other "kid" - who sounded way too old for a nine year old to be interacting with, and made my grandson get off the game immediately. Boo Hoo "But he was only 14!" "Well he sounded like an extremely mature 14 year old to me. And besides, 14 is too old for a 9 year old." End of story. End of gaming that day.

Of course I advised his mother to closely monitor this - I did not like it at all. But I would have never associated it with being a means of terrorists communicating.

There is absolutely no reason for a terrorist not to use this means. All you have to do is go online and sign in using your "gamer name" to play a game at a certain time of day or night. Scary.

And so far at least, no one is looking in this direction for nefarious activity.
Anonymous Paris declares war on ISIS

Looking to interview Ex-Scientologists - Specifically Woman, Teens and Young Adults

I'm developing a documentary project that follows a handful of individuals for the first year after leaving Scientology.
I know this is a sensitive topic, but for those who are comfortable, I'd love to hear your story! Feel free to PM me.
Thanks so much.
Looking to interview Ex-Scientologists - Specifically Woman, Teens and Young Adults

Yesterday, Today and ?????

there are some spectacular arguements going on at my house.
I am so close to leaving that it fucking scares me.
I can't seem to resign myself to Husband going into the FZ, knowing full well not only how I feel about it, but knowing that scn has harmed people.
Now he is giving materials to the FZ, and has taken my Quantum meter for his own. He did that without my permission, and he took materials down that do not belong to him after I had told him that I do not wish to contribute to the FZ scene, and specifically to the group that he has joined.
Christ! I don't know what to do.
I just got a thank you note from the FZ person telling me what a nice gift the OCA is.
OOOPS! I didn't send it. I hit the ceiling. ( again)
Truly, I don't know how long this can last.
Yesterday, Today and ?????

Scientology Using Paris, France ISIS Islamic State Terrorist Attacks For Fundraising

Scientology Using Paris, France ISIS / ISIL / Islamic State Terrorist Attacks For Fundraising.

This was buried in the Sec Check thread. I decided it deserves its own thread. The mods are of course free to merge and/or yell at me. :coolwink:

Sec Check: Scientology Uses Terrorist Attacks For Fundraising

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Scientology is planning to print 250,000 copies of the L. Ron Hubbard pamphlet The Way to Happiness in response to the recent attacks in Paris, France, and would like its members to donate to support the effort. Scientologists generally believe that distributing the pamphlet will calm civil unrest and stop wars. Scientology charges its members many times more than the cost of printing and distributing the pamphlet, usually $24 for a pack of 12.


Dear XXXX,

The Statue of Liberty represents the ideas and the work of two Frenchmen – Edouard de Laboulaye (a French political thinker, U.S. Constitution expert and abolitionist) and sculptor Auguste Bartholdi (who was very much in agreement with Laboulaye’s political ideas).

In 1865 it was proposed that a monument be built as a gift from France to the United States to commemorate the perseverance of freedom and democracy in this country. And thus, the Statue of Liberty was built.

It’s time to return that flow of help to our brothers and sisters in Paris, France. When 2,500 copies of The Way to Happiness® were distributed following the events that occurred on Friday, average Parisian citizens approached the group and 25 of these people then joined in and helped to pass the books to their fellow Parisians.

The Way to Happiness soothes, helps to bolster the hearts and minds of these people whose lives are still in the aftermath of this terrible situation.

The common sense from The Way to Happiness, especially precepts 8, 11 and 21 are needed. (Do not murder; Do not harm a person of good will; Flourish and Prosper).

The need for common sense, calm and stability is needed right now.

250,000 books with this surveyed cover will be printed in Europe to ensure that the books arrive as quickly as possible. And plans are going forward to ensure that the books keep flowing.

Your donations, needed right now, will go toward these books.

Thank you for your support,

Caralyn Percy
The Way to Happiness
Foundation International

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
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Scientology Using Paris, France ISIS Islamic State Terrorist Attacks For Fundraising

lundi 16 novembre 2015

Cult of Hubbard posting on Craigs List

I look once in a while on Craigs List under the "Community" heading...and the various categories under that.

There is one category...." Classes " that is always full of hidden Scientology posts.....

Sometimes I just make a post and basically say....Beware....hidden cult stuff...., I can't seem to post or even find a way to post under "Classes".

"Classes" doesn't even come up as a catagory to post under.....if I look for it.

I am confused. Why can't I find the "Classes" catagory to post under? This is on Tampa CL site.

Could someone else, check this out for me...and tell me what is going on?

Screen Shot 2015-11-16 at 9.59.37 PM.jpg
Attached Images
Cult of Hubbard posting on Craigs List

Save the Whales!

Your in house detective, Mimsey, has uncovered a sweet little program that the church is apparently running - which I shall dub "Protect the Whales" This nasty piece of work has the whales who have clients that are ex scios, or declares that they do business with to disconnect from them. Ostensibly, this is to cut off sources of entheta from turning the whales, and is a sure sign that they have trouble in Scientology land. Humm.

So if you get a letter, or e-mail from a client or business you frequent, worded in such a way as to avoid any religious discrimination, which tells you in a kindly but firm tone, to take your business elsewhere, know that you, you sexy SP, have been identified as a source of entheta. :hattip:

Save the Whales!

The best thing about David Miscaviage !

Is that he is doing the best he can with what he has got.

That is also the absolutely the worst possible thing imaginable for scientology by it's ( so-called ) ' leader '.
The best thing about David Miscaviage !

Mk ranch 2000 to 2002. How is everybody...... We closed that hellhole

Reconnecting with some of the only people who would understand...
Mk ranch 2000 to 2002. How is everybody...... We closed that hellhole

I just listened to Troublemaker audio book. Who else read or listened?

I thought it would be OK, but I found it amazing. I never liked her as a person. I thought she was a self centered arrogant brat. But she really has amazing integrity. I really have a lot of respect for her now.

One thing I learned from the book is this:
The Police never talked to Shelly. They only talked to her lawyer. I never knew this.

The book was so well written. I liked it much more than Going Clear. I think it would be a great movie.

It gives such a great feel for what it is like in Scientology. Even though this book was written about a celebrity it is very relatable to anyone.

She did a great job of making you feel the heartbreak of disconnection and how obvious it was that disconnection is part and parcel of the cult.

She made the cult look so crooked, so foolish, so brainwashed, and so deceitful just by telling the truth.

If you don’t have time to read it I suggest the audio book.
I just listened to Troublemaker audio book. Who else read or listened?

dimanche 15 novembre 2015

Scientology OSA attempting to discredit Independent Scientology Milestone Two, Field

Scientology OSA attempting to discredit Independent Scientology Milestone Two and Independent Field.

Milestone Two: Don't trust her

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

By Lana M

An OSA email was sent around to a bunch of email addresses in recent days, working to discredit someone in the field. We have all seen these emails at various points – I certainly have.

A person who received the anonymous email, read it and then sent it on to his friends with a warning that he thought I was the person that was sending these emails around and that I am “playing both sides”. His proof that I must be the author of the anonymous email was that it was sent from a hushmail account, and I too have a hushmail account (albeit a different one). He warned his friends not to trust me. He also made the point that “all her activity seems to be to break up the independent field by “bad mouthing” people.”

As I have a personal policy not to mud sling, and I do not engage on natter blogs or chats, I thought it was an interesting accusation. Who am I bad-mouthing?

Admittedly there have been two posts I have authored, of almost 500 articles on MS2, that may have caused some trouble. One of them was a post that was published for less than 4 hours and was then taken down, which asked a field auditor to return money that had been taken from a preclear with promises of service that were not then delivered. There was a public outcry from several persons that I should never have posted the article, named the person or gotten involved – but I felt ethically obliged to, and so did. I don’t know that it resolved anything and suspect that the money has still not been returned many months later.

The other was an article I wrote about two out-ethics individuals who had caused some trouble here on the home-front. I did not name them in the article, which unfortunately seems to have missed withholds from a whole gamut of people who all assumed I must be referring to them (when I was not). It was a mistake to post that article as I continue to hear rumours of people who are now steering clear of me because they assumed I was talking about them. It is a reflection on a) the ethics level of the field and b) the lack of clean up and “clean hands”, and c) the way the larger group in the field responds to a (very light) ethics gradient. It was a mistake to post the article and I won’t be doing it again, as it seemed to make a vast number of people uncomfortable, which was never the intention.

So per the rumours, I am not to be trusted, I am breaking up the independent field, and the most popular rumour is that I am OSA run or controlled. This last one has been circulated steadily now for several years, probably based on the fact that in late 2010 I had RTC visit my home for 3 nights in a row and I cooperated to get a justice action done to look into past injustices. When Milestone Two was launched it was this rumour that was used to cause a number of people to jump ship.

The fact that I am not standing on one side of the fence and pitching rocks at the people on the other side of the fence, is enough proof for people who do engage in this type of activity, to think I must have another agenda.

Possibly the reality break that occurs is that there are a vast number of people in the field who have left the Church of Scientology (either publicly, or very quietly) and they have unresolved upsets, out-tech or confusions which they have not sorted out. They had a postulate relating to Scientology, to their spiritual freedom and to the group, and they abandoned that postulate and moved onto something else. But without cleaning up and resolving that first postulate, they find themselves unable to really move on – still hung up on or with the subject, finding fault with it and with others involved in it.

I don’t engage in critical natter about the C of S as I consider that they are well intentioned people, doing the best they can with what they know and believe. They are not bad people. There are a handful of SPs that create problems within the C of S (just as there are outside of the C of S), but Sea Org members, staff members and parishioners are just trying to do their best. There are many good people I have worked with, both within and outside the Church perimeter. I won’t throw stones at former staff or at those still on staff. I see no point in it.

I believe that people in the field who have moved away from the C of S are good people. Many of them have failed purposes or thwarted goals, and they throw in the towel and discredit their past gains and successes using or applying Scientology. If there was an LRH Chaplain program operating that traveled around the globe, providing free sessions and clean ups, then these people would be able to end cycle and move on – but such a program does not currently run and instead they try to find relief by venting to others, which does not help or alleviate the bypassed charge.

I have many times provided a free ARCX service to people who just want to handle the BPC. It is a no-strings-attached offer, and I try to provide them some relief so they can get on with their life.

There is possibly another reason why I am not trusted by some, and that is that I don’t believe there actually is an “Independent Scientology” field. In my experience many of those who call themselves “Independent Scientologists” are not training or auditing, but spending a lot of time flinging mud around at the C of S and others, with little to no plans to actually do The Bridge. Either that or they have decided that Ron had it wrong, missed something, didn’t complete his research or had a screw-loose, and if they do any Scientology they practice bits and pieces mixed in with things of their own (or others) manufacture, often in a hodge podge mess that results in disaster for their preclears. So this “Independent Scientology” field is independent of LRH and The Bridge, which means it aint Scientology. We should rename is just the “Abandoned Scientology” field and they can wander off and do what ever they wish.

There are a number of groups and auditors and individuals who ARE working hard to just do Scientology in the field, per the book, using the resources, training and capacity that they have. Some do an incredible job of it and others do the best they can. These people I support wholeheartedly and bend over backwards to assist or help. I am one of these people and I have received help from many people with more technical training and experience than myself, and I thank them for this.

So, back to the subject of this article — trust.

I don’t really care if people “trust” me or not.

I don’t have delusions of grandeur or a desire to take over the world. Sorry to disappoint some (LOL).

I don’t have a campaign to “save” all the non-believers, or to undermine those who have decided to leave Scientology altogether.

I also have no plans to overthrow the Church, to bring about its down-fall, or even to cause trouble for them.

If you don’t trust me — that is OK. It really is no skin off my nose. I have opened my doors to close on 100 people over the last several years, helped many, written/moderated 462 articles on a blog that has had over 10,000 comments with more than 300,000 visits. I have been open and honest in my articles, sharing my journey, my lows and my highs. I do my best for each person that comes to my door or emails me for help — and my help is honest and genuine. There are many who can confirm this.

I do not need or desire approval from others. I do what I feel is right based on the philosophical beliefs of Scientology.

I trust L.Ron Hubbard, as each piece of tech that I study, drill and apply, works and improves life. I know that no matter what occurs in the Church or in the field, the tech will continue to work each time it is correctly applied, and that nothing can shake the certainly of a person who has experienced those gains.

I have that certainty, and that is plenty enough for me.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Scientology OSA attempting to discredit Independent Scientology Milestone Two, Field

Thousands Leave Mormonism Due to Stance on GLBT Families


Over 1,500 resignations were filed today, with another 2,000 requests processed by attorneys from individuals who weren’t able to attend.Lawyers were on hand to help the hundreds of people waiting in line to get their resignation forms filled out.
More history here -

Thousands Leave Mormonism Due to Stance on GLBT Families

samedi 14 novembre 2015

Reviews for "Hurricane" Leah Remini's book: 'Troublemaker' has rave reviews.

PLEASE CONTRIBUTE TO TH MOTION and help Leah get those stats up!

[h=Customer Reviews]1[/h]
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4.8 out of 5 stars

Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology
byLeah Remini
Format: HardcoverChange
Price:$15.99+ Free shipping with Amazon Prime

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Reviews for "Hurricane" Leah Remini's book: 'Troublemaker' has rave reviews.

World Institute of Scientology Enterprises (WISE) against vaccination requirement

World Institute of Scientology Enterprises (WISE) against vaccination requirement for public school attendance.

E-mail quoted from Mike Rinder's post Wise Getting In On The Boogie Man Pitch. Please go to Mike's post for his full analysis.

* * * * * BEGIN QUOTATION * * * * *

From: WISE Western United States <>
Subject: Organizational Horror Story
Date: October 03, 2015 at 09:23:32 AM PDT

Dear Xxxx,

The little boy ran down the corridor. The man in the lab coat plodded after him.

Somewhere in the whirlwind of his panic, the boy heard his mother scream. He heard the desperation in her voice. It made his little legs pump harder. But no matter how hard they pumped, he knew the man in the lab coat closed the gap between them with each mindless thud of his clogged feet.

Then he found a possible refuge! It was an elevator, and the doors were closing slowly and certainly. He leapt through the doors and, thank the gods, those doors had no motion sensors. The doors closed and stayed closed. He stood up and hit the ground floor button. The bedlam of the corridor and the roar of the main the lab coat, still audible through the elevator doors, faded to nothing as the car was lowered to the ground floor.

The boy stood in a battle stance ready for any attack, in any form, that might beset him when those doors opened up to the lobby. He was scared but he had to try! By all the gods past and present, he would not let them take him without a fight!

The drama that the little boy felt was as real as the screen you are probably reading this on. What, you might ask, was that little boy running from? Well, lean closer. This is going to seem a little controversial.

The boy was running from medical doctor who was trying to administer a vaccine injection.

You see, that kid was a six-year old who was required to receive vaccinations before he could register into the Texas public school system. That little kid a) had no affinity for needles?especially ones that were about to be rammed into his little body, b) he had no understanding as to why he needed the shots and c) he didn’t take to the bedside manner of the man in the white coat, who seemed about as charming as an African spotted hyena. You know the African spotted hyena, I am sure. It stands about 3 feet high at the shoulder, has the strongest bite of any African carnivore, and is known to laugh hysterically as it rips your flesh apart while it crushes your bones into tiny little bits before swallowing.

In all deadly seriousness, that was the positioning that the doctor administering the vaccines had with that little boy?predator! And the little boy wasn’t about to become prey. No, sir.

All the recent furor over vaccination, in California and nationwide, brought the above story to mind. As a result I did a bit of googling and found that, starting next year, all children in the state of California will need to get vaccinated in order to enroll in any school, public and private. While it is not my purpose to engage in any side of this debate (I am loathe to enter any sort of medical or scientific debate regarding the efficacy or the perils of American vaccinations) a few words on this issue from a WISE perspective are in order.

You see, I am somewhat fairly read on this subject, though far from an expert. I am familiar with every conspiracy theory, with the allegations of corruption leveled at Big Pharma, as well as the PR and marketing being pushed through the media at the behest of the pharmaceutical industry. And while my personal convictions on the subject are very strong, this isn’t a platform for me to vent these.

I’m not as expert on chemistry, biochemistry or biology as I would like to be. I couldn’t tell you which was the hypothalamus and which was the optic tectum if you cut them out and presented them to me on a platter1. But I have learned a thing or two about administration and organization, so it is on this that I will speak.

One of the things I’ve learned is this:

“So we find the and foremost thing of organization, of course, would be a definition of organization. What is an organization? But to find out what is an organization, we have to look at what composes an organization and we find that an organization, optimumly, would be composed of communication terminals2. And if we look it over and find an organization is composed of communication terminals, then we decided that a communication terminal had better have a communication line. So we find an organization consists of communication terminals and communication lines associated with a common purpose or goal. And that is the definition of an organization and that is all there is. Now, if you look for anything else, you’re going to … you’re going to go splat against the walls or something. That’s all an organization is.”—L. Ron Hubbard3

So what exactly does a vaccination controversy have to do with Hubbard administrative technology? In two words: basic purpose. That is, basic purpose for a society, and for a government.

You see, if we were living in a totalitarian regime in some dark and dingy corner of the globe, and our most sanctimonious and benighted leader decreed that all citizens must be injected with Chemical 43 or face imprisonment, well… I’d probably shrug my shoulders and say, “What else is new?” And if our despotic and tyrannical ruler threatened me with the loss of my children if I didn’t consent to feeding them Pill 79J every evening, well… I might get a little peeved. But isn’t that what totalitarian regimes are all about? Such a situation would certainly be an inequity, but it would be an expected inequity. They haven’t committed themselves to any righteous ideals in that dark and dingy corner of the globe.

But alas, I live in the United States of America! This is a Jeffersonian republic if I recall things correctly. For twenty-four decades, this country has maintained that the motivation for its founding was the self-evident truth that we are all created equal. This country exists, according to my grammar school education, because all men and women are endowed by their Creator with certain rights which are unalienable; that amongst these rights are the right to life, the right to liberty, and the right to the pursuit of happiness. The author of some of the founding documents of this nation maintained that the whole art of government consists in the art of being honest. That man also said that the greatest calamity which could befall us would be submission to a government of unlimited powers.

He also said that the principle issue he faced in his day was the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite.

If the purpose of the United States of America is to be a place wherein the citizenry would have the freedom to govern themselves rather than be governed by an elite clique, if the purpose of this nation is to be a refuge from the gales of oppression, the torrents of invasive government and the lightning strikes of brutality, then how do such laws as mandatory injections for the entire citizenry come into the picture? If the purpose of this nation is to be a place where people are secure in their right to their lives, are stable in their right to their liberty, and are certain in their right to pursue happiness, then where does a mandate to force a vaccine into one’s body, or into body of one’s child, fit in?

My point isn’t one of medicine or of biochemistry. The point here isn’t even really that I question the efficacy of the vaccines. Not really. The real point is that if someone wants to say “No, thank you!” then that should be the end of the discussion. At least as far as that individual is concerned. And if the American regime, no matter its organization or form, was capable of respecting the right of any of its citizens to say, “No, sir!” then I would predict a long and prosperous career for that regime.

“Evidently an organization is a number of terminals and communication lines with a common purpose. The purpose associates, and keeps in contact with one another, the terminals and the lines. That’s all an organization is. It isn’t a factory. It isn’t a house. It isn’t a machine. It isn’t a product. It’s not a command chart. That’s all it is. And if you look it over in the light of that simplicity, you can actually form one and get one to function. One will actually function.”—L. Ron Hubbard3

And from that we might conclude that, with a little work, even the U.S. government might start to function.

Well, to bring things a little closer to home, what about your own organization? Is it functioning? Are you sailing on the smooth waters of profit and security? Or does your bow dip below the waves from time to time? If you occasionally wonder if you’ll make it safely back to port, perhaps you should review the original purpose of your activity. Does the present organization forward the basic purpose, or has it veered off course?

If the form of your organization is geared to make that purpose a reality, and if the policies that coordinate the actions in your organization actually forward that basic purpose, you’ll make it all the way, regardless of the weather forecast.


And as for that little kid in the elevator going down, his escape plans led him as far as the hospital parking lot. But when he got to his mother’s car, he realized with a sinking heart that he didn’t have the car key. That was still, sadly, in his mother’s purse.

The medical zombies of vaccination caught up with him and dragged him back into their lair. He kicked and screamed the whole way. This harrowing experience happened a few decades ago. Fortunately, the boy did live to tell (and write) about that long-ago experience. He’s still passionate on the subject, mainly because no one paid him any mind when he said, “No, thank you!”

Maybe he’ll have better luck next time.


Sakhi Guma
Executive Director
WISE Western United States

1. Two parts of the brain. The hypothalamus is engaged in additional involuntary or partially voluntary acts such as sleep and wake cycles, eating and drinking, and the release of some hormones. The optic tectum is used to direct eye movements

2. A terminal is anything that can receive, relay or send a communication. This term comes from the field of electronics where a terminal is one of two fixed points between which a flow of energy travels. Two people communicating are called terminals because communication flows between them.

3. Lecture of 8 November, 1956, Definition of Organization, Part 1

* * * * * END QUOTATION * * * * *
World Institute of Scientology Enterprises (WISE) against vaccination requirement

Scientology Price Lists

Scientology Price Lists.

Jeffrey Augustine has a post on Tony's blog about Scientology's prices. Please see Jeffrey's post for his extended analysis. I thought it appropriate to cross-post the price lists here for the record.

Scientology Price Lists

Scientology 2015 Price Lists

Scientology 2015 Price Lists.

Jeffrey Augustine has a post on Tony's blog about Scientology's prices. Please see Jeffrey's post for his extended analysis. I thought it appropriate to cross-post the price lists here for the record.

Scientology 2015 Price Lists

Two films from Getting Clear conference free + individual pricing + new discount

To my fellow ESMB members,

Three things:

1. I am glad to announce that two great sessions from Getting Clear are now free to watch. The first one is the very first session of the conference, featuring Jon Atack's history of Hubbard and Scientology. The second is session #13 with Jon and Steve Hassan on Undue Influence in Scientology.

2. I have created a brand new discount, good from now until the end of the month. This discount is the largest ever offered...50% off...This applies to the first 500 people who rent the whole series. This means 28 films for only $60 US. The promo code is Half type Half into the relevant space when you order.

3. Last, but not least, I finally got the the time to get all of the pricing done individually for each of the 28 films from the conference. So, now you can pick out your favorites and order individual films.


PS. Along with two family members, I took a huge hit financially to back the conference filming, so I would be grateful to those who can lend support for creation and on-going promotion of the films. You can see data on the films at and for donation information go to
Two films from Getting Clear conference free + individual pricing + new discount

How to help someone

I'm not sure if a thread already exists for helping other people break out, but I'll start here. I am a non scientologist who is currently in a relationship with someone who grew up in the bubble of this cult.

I've taken one course and read half of dianetics and thought it was garbage to be honest, but I thought hey if my partner likes it then good for them. But, my partner has expressed to me many times in the last year that they are very unhappy with a lot of stuff in this cult.

I am under the impression after reading a lot that my partner may have gotten in trouble at some point at the church and possibly abused due to their level of anxiety related to it. My partner does not go to the church currently (even though their parents push it I think) but did go daily about a year ago.

I actually had no idea what people even do in the courses until last week. Due to his family's reaction when I mentioned therapy (very hostile) I had to research what their deal is.

To be honest I was horrified and really scared *for* my partner after reading a lot of this stuff.

Now here's my question, my partner seems torn between wanting to move on with their life and break away from this mental prison or to endure in order to maintain a good relationship with their family and friends who are all scientologists.

What is the best way to comfortably open someone's eyes and ease them out of holding onto this fear based faith?

I know educating my partner on the truth is a good idea.. but if someone has been buying into such an elaborate delusion their entire life and their entire social network reinforces these ideas it's easy to dismiss ideas that counter the delusions as an attack on their beliefs.

Was there anything in particular that really helped anyone wake up and become human again?

How do I let them know it's okay and ease them into having their own mind, opinions, choices, critical thinking skills and also to be able to go to the doctor or be okay with saying I feel sick today.. I want to have kids one day with this person and that will be hard if they hold onto these anxieties. Which is funny because isn't that what Scientology claims to rid people of?
How to help someone

Open letter to David Miscavige

IMHO worthy of its own thread

Thanks Chris!

(From )
Open letter to David Miscavige