mercredi 3 août 2016

Scientology supports proposed federal laws to control and report police activities

Scientology supports proposed federal laws to control and report police activities.

Again, this is not about the substantive issue. This is about the Church of Scientology building relationships (including but certainly not limited to with the Nation of Islam), creating alliances, and establishing its bona fides as an organization concerned about civil rights.

I'll say again what I said before. Do you think any of the signatories to this (and previous) civil rights letters will refuse the Church of Scientology if the Church of Scientology asks for support concerning its religious status in Russia, Kazakhstan, etc.?

Office of Public Witness: Interfaith Coalition Urges Immediate Steps to Mend Divisions between Communities and Law Enforcement


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July 14, 2016

Interfaith Coalition Urges Immediate Steps to Mend Divisions between Communities and Law Enforcement

Dear Majority Leader McConnell, Speaker Ryan and Minority Leaders Reid and Pelosi:


According to data compiled by The Washington Post, 990 fatal police shootings occurred in 2015. Surprisingly, reports from the Federal Bureau of Investigation have never counted more than 460 police shootings in a single year. Addressing this shocking data disparity is a crucial first step to understanding the extent of excessive use of force by police, and therefore we seek your support for the Law Enforcement Trust and Integrity Act of 2015 (S. 2168/H.R. 2875).The bill would require law enforcement to report data on traffic and pedestrian stops, frisk and body searches, and use of deadly force, including demographic details such as race, ethnicity, age and gender. The legislation would also provide accreditation, training and funding to law enforcement to implement best practice pilot programs.

Our organizations also urge your support for the End Racial Profiling Act (S. 1056 /H.R. 1933) to prohibit racial profiling by law enforcement and to support data collection on its prevalence. * * * *


Alliance of Baptists
American Baptist Home Mission Societies
Bread for the World
Brooklyn Zen Center
California Council of Churches IMPACT
Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good
Church of the Brethren
Church of Scientology National Affairs Office
Clear Vision Project
Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach
Conference of Major Superiors of Men
The Dharma Foundation
Disciples Justice Action Network
East Bay Meditation Center
Faith Action Network – Washington State
Franciscan Action Network
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Higashi Honganji Buddhist Temple
Insight Community of the Desert
Insight Meditation Community of Washington
Interfaith Action for Human Rights
International Center of Chinese Buddhist Culture and Education, USA
Islamic Society of North America, Office for Interfaith & Community Alliances
Jewish Council for Public Affairs
Kentucky Council of Churches
Mennonite Central Committee U.S. Washington Office
Mindful Meditation Community of Charlotte 3
National Council of Churches
National Council of Jewish Women
National Council of Jewish Women California State Policy Advocates
National Council of Jewish Women, Essex County Section
National Council of Jewish Women Illinois State Policy Advocacy Network
National Council of Jewish Women, Los Angeles Section
National Council of Jewish Women, Minnesota Section
National Council of Jewish Women, New Orleans Section
National Council of Jewish Women, South Cook Section
NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice
New York Insight Meditation Center
Pax Christi International
Pax Christi USA
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Rhode Island State Council of Churches
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas – Institute Justice Team
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
Union for Reform Judaism
Unitarian Universalist Association
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
United Church of Christ, Justice and Witness Ministries
United Methodist Church, General Board of Church and Society
Virginia Council of Churches

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Scientology supports proposed federal laws to control and report police activities

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