jeudi 18 août 2016

GoFundMe: Narconon Louisiana Re-start Fund seeks $ 75,000

GoFundMe: Narconon Louisiana Re-start Fund seeks $ 75,000.

Photos at link.

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Narconon Louisiana Re-start Fund

This campaign is trending!

$6,225 of $75k goal

Narconon Louisiana's Re-start Fund.

The water is down and we are ready for cleanup and to get back in business. All donations will be used for restarting the facility so we are up and running to help others once again.

We have met many heroes and heroines during this time. Thank you to all those for their assistance!

Narconon Louisiana, New Life Retreat is a non-profit drug and alcohol rehabilitation and education facility. Located just outside of Baton Rouge, LA.

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GoFundMe: Narconon Louisiana Re-start Fund seeks $ 75,000

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