mercredi 31 août 2016

Scientology widening recruitment in Ireland to people in Irish-speaking areas

Scientology widening recruitment in Ireland to people in Irish-speaking areas.

Irish Central: Church of Scientology attempting to recruit in the Irish Gaeltacht

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Church of Scientology attempting to recruit in the Irish Gaeltacht

Frances Mulraney @FrancesMulraney

August 31,2016 12:58 AM

It appears the controversial Church of Scientology may be widening its recruitment in Ireland to people in the Gaeltacht (Irish-speaking areas) and other Irish-speakers throughout the country with attempts made by a sub-company of the church to translate their educational and information supplements into Irish.

According to, the subcompany – Golden Era Productions – recently wrote to a number of Irish translators looking for people qualified and interested in reproducing their programs in Irish.

“In addition to the many languages we already provide we will also now be making our materials available in Gaelic and thus we are looking for qualified and interested translators,” the company wrote.

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Scientology widening recruitment in Ireland to people in Irish-speaking areas

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