dimanche 21 août 2016

NEW Scientology & NOI Front or Co-opted Group Youth Organized & United to Help YOUth

NEW: Scientology and NOI Front or Co-opted Group: Youth Organized and United to Help YOUth.

Located in Portland, Oregon.

It appears the Church of Scientology is increasingly effective in ingratiating itself with the African American community.



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Youth Organized and United to Help YOUth

August 14 at 11:51am ·

Thank you Portland! Remember you raised your hand yesterday saying you would Unite and be committed starting today. Whats your next move? Y.O.U.th has some events coming up starting in September. We got BLRP event August 20th, School of African Roots open house, Irvington Music Event...All next Saturday.

Lets build real community! We really did have the United Nations yesterday from the Nation of Islam, BLRP, All Africans Revolutionary Party, Church of Scientology, Musicians, Artist, Designers, Business folks and YOU. It was so beautiful because we all want Peace & Unity and are ready to bring this to fruition. Thank you to the creator for bringing circumstances to surface that is making us see our Unity is stronger than an atomic bomb. (Hon. Elijah Muhammad)


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School of African Roots Open House



School of African Roots



All African People's Revolutionary Party - Oregon


Interestingly, the All African's People's Revolutionary Party fights "against capitalism and colonialism worldwide."

NEW Scientology & NOI Front or Co-opted Group Youth Organized & United to Help YOUth

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